Chapter 166

Cacha grunted as her sleep was distrube. The culprit who was next to her laughed cheerfully when he saw how cute she was. Kenichi woke up very early and very energized. After He freshened him self, his little darling still slept soudly so he teased her by kissing her lips.

"Darling, stop it" she pushed him away.

"Babe, I'm waiting for my birthday present"

"Ah.. Can you wait few more hours. I'm still sleepy"

"I can, but there will be late fee charged"

Cacha opened her eyes in shock. Fee ? what fee ? since when he became loan shark ?

He grinned and kissed her forehead "Babe, mum and dad are waiting for us. we need to go to uncle Sato place"

She signed helplessly and got up "Alright, I'm going to wash up first"

He grabbed her hand and pushed her back on the bed "Where is my present ?"

She twitched and kissed his lips "That's my present"

"Babe, it's not enough"

"wait for me to wash up" she ran to the bathroom bringing her clothes with her.

He laughed and licked his lips. Not bad..

When Cacha was back to her room, Kenichi was changing his clothes. He already put his pants on but not his shirt, his body was exposed. She walked closer to him and caressed the tatto on his collarbone.

He sized her waist "I want my birthday present" and took what he was entitled for

Their activity was distrubed by the ring from her phone. She pushed him away and answered the call.

Kenichi pursed his lips and put his clothes "Who was that ?"

"Nana. She said that she and Grands will be in hawaii same day as us"

"how did they know ?"

"I told her"

"Why did you tell her ? I don't want them to spoil our day" Keinichi was upsad.

"Darling, they won't. Anyway, they are your grandparents. they.."

"You know nothing about us. They just my grandparents by status, they.."

"They love you"

"don't assume you understand us !" He was very cross.

Cacha was never been yelled before. Moreover, she did not think she was wrong. She really wanted to speak up but her voice were gone only her tears flew

Mrs Feng was coincidental by the door to get the kids down for breakfast. More or less, she accident listened what the couple argued about. She hestitated first but knocked the door "Cha, Keinichi, breakfast is ready"

Cacah took a deep breath and did her best to control her voice "I'll be there soon mum"

"ok" Mrs Feng went downstair and sat next to her husband "They are arguing".

"It's normal" Mr Feng said while reading newspaper on his phone.

Cacha wiped her tears and she left him alone in ther room. She did not go downstair straightaway but went to the bathroom to wash her face. She did not want her parents knew that she was crying.

In side their room, Kenichi pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. What had gone wrong ? they were just hugging and kissing passionatekyfew minutes ago and they were on war.

He took a deep breath and took their luggages downstair. They would fly to hawaii from osaka, so they packed more clothes.

"Good morning Mum, dad" His eyes searched for Cacha. He was surprised that she was not there.

"Morning. have your breakfast first"

"Ok. Some one will take our suitcases later on. We don't need to carry them along"

"ok" Mr and Mrs Feng just followed what ever his arrangment was.

Cacha came few minutes later. She sat in front of him and both of them had their breakfast quietly.

They went out after breakfats and caught the bullet train to Kyoto. During the whole journey, Cacha distanced her self from him. She sticked with her mother all the time while Keinichi was with her father.

When they arrived at the Sato family house, It was lunch time. Mrs Sato had prepared lunch for them. After lunch, Mr and Mrs Sato took them around. During that time, Cacha was with her mum and Mrs Sato while Kenichi was with the male.

It looked just normal because basicly they werethe translators. However, based of their own experinces when they were young, The seniors could tell what had happened.

They bid goodbye in the afternoon. Because Sato couple insisted to take Mr and Mrs Feng to visit few places, Cacha and Kenichi promised to come again the next day.

Kenichi had arranged two bedroom apartament for them. His initial planned was one room for Cacha and one of her parents while he would sleep on the sofa bed on the living room. However, since she and him had shared bedroom with her parents approval, of course he was not gonna sleep in the living room.

He had been waiting for her for while but she did not come to their room yet. So he went out to check on her.

Cacha was in in her parents room. She did not want to see him.

"Cha, it's late. dad is very sleepy" Mr Feng made an excuse as he noticed his little girl had no intention to leave.

"Mum, can I sleep here with you ?"

Mrs Feng signed "How about your dad ?"

"Dad can sleep outside"

Mr Feng frowned "Your mum hands are always cold. she needs me to warm her self"

Cacha twitched "There is hotwater bottle. Mum can use it"

"Cha, were you two arguing? " Mrs Feng caresses Cacha head.

Cacha never hid anything from her mother "Kind of. Mum, I just want to help him to get closer to his family."

Mrs Feng patted Cacha cheek"Cha, there is something that you can meddled about. Family issue is one of them. As an outsider, it's better to stay away from it"

"Mum, Nana asked me what we would do during christmas. She said she wanted to spend the festive season with her grandson. I can't reject her"

"Then Talk about it with him. Run away from each other is not the solution. Now, go back to your room" Mr Feng opened the door and pushed his youngest born outside and locked the room

Kenichi who were eavesdropping managed to get away in time. He ran to the kitchen and pretended to get water.

"Dad" Cacha knocked the door and pleaded for few second. Since her father ignored her, She stomped her feet and pouted.

Kenichi signed. He walked toward her and stopped next to her "Don't you want to sleep ?"

"I'll sleep out side"

Before she could walk away from him, he carried her to their room.

"Lets talk nicely" he said after he closed the door.

They both facing each other. He stared at her while she ducked her head.

After few second of silence , Cacha was the one who broke it "I'm sorry I didn't mean to"

"It's ok" He cut her words. He pinched her jaw and held it up so she could look at him "I'm sorry if I said something that made you sad. Babe, I really look forward to spend time with your parents. On top.of that, I really have no idea how to interact with my family"

"But Nana.." Her tears started to build up again. She did not know why. normally, she was not a cry baby.

He wiped her tears "I know. Next time, just tell her to speak with me, ok ?"

she bodded

"also next time please, don't ignore me when we have disagreement, understood ?"

She nodded again

"one more think, please don't cry" His heart was ached to see her like this

"You are very scary earlier"

"I'm sorry" He kissed her forehead "Don't ignore me anymore, alright ?"


"Lets sleep. We need to wake up early"