Chapter 186

As soon as the left the Yamaguchi's resident. Kenichi took Cacha to the nearby village "Do you remember this place ?"

She smiled "It doesn't change much"

"Look ! that's the mochi shop that I like" she run toward the shop while dragging him.They were reminiscing what happened back there.

He grinned "Do you want some ?"

She nodded "Of course I do"

"Buy more. You can share with Ann later".

"Ann ?"

"She and Kuro are on the way here. We are going to visit an elder together"

Cacha ordered three large boxes mix flavour of mochi.

Kenichi frowned "Three ? are you sure that you can finish two by your self"

"Only one for me"

"how about the other one ? two for Ann ?"

"My darling, we're going to visit an elder. of course it's for him"

"No need to bring anything for him"

Cacha rolled her eyes "how come ? it's impolite"

Kenichi chuckled. He forgot that she was her mother's daughter, for sure she inherited Mrs Feng habits of giving something. He just needed to get use to "Alright"

She took the bag from the shop owner while Kenichi paid for it.

"where are they now ?" She asked.

"still half an hour to here. Let's have lunch first. what do you want for lunch ?"


"How about we have udon soup like last time" He had no idea what was nice there. He only thought soup was perfect for this cold weather.

"Good idea"

Kenichi directed her to a noddle bar.Cacha was not sure if it was the same place as when they ate years ago, but it did not matter for her as long as the food was good.

While they were waiting for the orfer to come, She glanced at the box of mochi that wrapt in beautiful packaging. She signed sadly and shifted her attention to the cup in front of her.

Kenichi smiled. From her eyes, he knew how much she wanted to taste the cake. He pinched her nose lightly "You can have them after the meal"

"Don't want. I'm afraid of gaining more weight"

He laughed. His woman had become more mature now. She had more concern about her appearance " If you take the whole box, you will. But, One or two pieceswon't harm you. Anyway, a little more fat is ok" He did not like skinny and bony girl.

"Really ? most men, they like skinny girl"

"I'm not part of them. The food is here. Lets enjoy it"

Thanks to Kenichi, her appetite was up. She happily ate her meal.

Kuro and Ann arrived shortly after they finished their lunch and they went to the next destination without walking around.

Inside the car, Kenichi and Cacha were sitting on the back seat like the big boss and the madam while Kuro was the driver and Ann who was sitting on the rear passanger seat as the assistant.

"Ann, This is for you" Cacha handed one pack of mochi.

"what is it ?" Ann took the beautiful box.

"Mochi. they are very yummy" cacha opened a pack and ate one of them. "Darling, try this one. This is macha flavour, it shouldn't be too sweet" She put one green mochi on kenichi lips.

He obediently opened his mouth and chewed it.

Cacha grinned "Is it nice ?"

"Not bad. Don't finish them in one go" he wiped the stain on the corner of her lips.

"I won't. do you want another one ?"

"No, I'm fine"

Cacha took one more before closed the box and put it back inside the paper bag.

She leaned on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Her energy was drained when she met his mother and the elders earlier

Kenichi sneaked one his hand on her waist and the other was caressing her hair. He kissed her forehead "it take another hour to get there. Just have a nap if you're tired"

"do you thing aunty like me ? grandma and grandpa, can they accept us ?"

"I told you many times already, Don't mind them"


Ann chuckled "Hey girl, don't worry about them. You have the whole Andersons with you"

"Hear that" Kenichi kissed her passionately to confort her.

Kuro saw Kenichi action through the rear mirror. He shook his head and signed. No wonder Yu warned him earlier not to peep on the back and if he could and it was better to get Kenichi sat next to him instead. He wished he listened to the advice.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a big house located in small village. Kenichi and Kuro got off from the car then they helped the ladies.

Ann looked at her hand who was clunched by Kuro and stared at Kuro slyly smirk. The memory of him kissing her on the car on th way picking up Kenichi and Cacha flashed across her mind. She had to avoid this man so she walked towars Cacha,butKenichi movwd faster than her.

He already pulled her to his side and hugged her on her shoulder, silently declared she was his. Ann could only rolled her eyes before she walked beside Kuro who rubbed his nose. He secrectly thanked Kenichi for the golden opportunity.

"Young master" a middle age man bowed to Kuro. He used a walking stick to support him self. On his face had two very visible scar. He was about to greet Kenichi when He saw Kenichi shook his head lightly. He smiled as he got the signal "Third young master".

Kuro and Kenichi bowed back.

"Please come in side" The man led the way. They sat inside a small cozy room with traditional Japanese room style.

"I was so surprise when they told me you two would come to see me" He glanced at Ann then to Cacha. He had seen Kuro with countless women so he did not really pay attention to Ann. But, he never seen Kenichi with any girl, so He was very curious "Third young master, this lady is"

Kenichi let a big smile "She is my girlfriend. She's a foreigner but she can speak Japanese very well"

"Babe, he is uncle Tetsu. He worked with Kuro's father before retiring two years ago"

"Hello uncle, how are you ? My name is Charlene" Cacha greeted while Ann just nodded.

The oldman was bewildered then he laughed "Girl friend ? really ? oh my ... I'm so bless that I can see your girl friend when I'm still breathing" He took a closer look at Cacha and grinned with satisfaction.

Kenichi just smiled while Kuro laughed "At this rate, you'll be able to see him become a groom"

Kenichi shot Kuro a fierce glare which made kuro zipped his mouth.

The oldman laughed "I have prepared rooms for you. Have a rest first, We can have more chat after dinner"

Kenichi smiled "My girl friend and me share room. But these two, they have to be in seperate room" He pointed at Kuro and Ann.

"She is his cousin" Kuro told the oldman in low voice.

Uncle Tetsu laughed merrily "That's even better. the bound between you two will be stonger them ever"