Chapter 219

She rolled her eyes "I know, I just want to see your back. Did I hurt you badly ?"

Kenichi smiled weakly, he took his shirt off and laid on his stomach with his back facing her. Cacha was dumpstruck when she saw many scratch mark on his back. There was also a deep bite mark on his shoulder. Cacha stared at her finger. Her finger nail was not long, how come she injured him that bad.

"I'm sorry"

He smiled "Don't be" He cupped her face and kissed it "I'll be very gentle next time

She loweree her head to hide her red face "Have you put antiseptic ?"

"Not yet"

"Don't put your clothe back, wait for me" She jumped of the bed and ran to get the anticeptic.

Kenichi sat obediently, waiting for her tk come back. Cacha came back very soon. she pushed Kenichi back on his stomach and smeared the anticeptic using a cotton bud gently "Is it painful ?"


"Don't put your shirt on. Wait for few minutes"

She put the medicine back to where it was and went back to their room. She sat next to Kenichi who still laid motionless. She held her hands up and stared at her finger nail "I should cut my nail"

Kenichi stood up and held her hands "No, don't. You need to paint your nail beautifully everyday"

"But I'll hurt you"

He hugged her from the back and kissed her cheek "It's ok. I love when you dugged your nail on me. You were on the seventh heaven at that time"

Cacha face was very hot "Stop it"

He smiled then turned her face around and kissed her lips.

They only stopped when there was funny sound. "It's my tummy. I'm hungry" Cacha said shyly.

Kenichi grinned. He fixed Cacha shirt which was already pulled up to her h

chest them he helped her to sit down before he put his shirt on. He held his hand out to help her stand up "Lets go out to buy some lunch"

Kenichi and Cacha had their lunch outside. They also bought some takeaway food for her parent and Josh. When they arrived back home, Josh, Mr and Mrs Feng already woke up.

"food here" Cacha showed them the plastic bag on her hand with grinning face.

"That's exactly what I need" Josh took the food from Cacha. He woke up because he was hungry.

"Mum, dad. Lets have lunch" Kenichi put two plactic bags on the dinning table then he took all the container out.

"Have you had your lunch ?"Mr Feng asked.

"We did"

"The food is too much. We can't finish them" Mrs Feng frowned as she saw soo many food contaniner on the table.

"Don't worry mum, Josh will finish it" Cacha nugged Josh.

"I will. Kenichi, don't go anywhere. I'll fix your dress after this"

"How about mine ?" Cacha asked.

"After him. Cha, where is your sewing machine ? I need it"

"I'll get it" Kenichi did not want Cacha did any heavy lifting.

"Cha, Do you have sewing machine ?" Mrs Feng did not see any during her visit last time.

"Just bought it on saturday"

"Also, tell your bridesmaids to come on thursday to fit the dress" Josh added. The bridemaids could not get the dress they want so Cacha suggested them to order from Alice boutique and they agreed

after lunch, Josh asked Kenichi to wear his wedding dresses. First he out the red chinese wedding dress first then he tried his tuxedo.

"Did you and eldest sister design these ?" Kenichi was very impressed. He liked the design.

"I just helped, Eldest sister did the most. Do you like it ?"

"I do"

"See... Eldest sister is as good as those famous designer" Cacha said proudly. She stood next to Kenichi "You're very handsome"

Josh rolled his eyes and shook his head but he could not deny what Cacha said. Kenichi was indeed very handsome.

"Your size doesn't change. I don't need to make alot of adjustment, just finishing touch. Now, It's your turn young missy".

Cacha took her red dress exitedly. She went to bathroom downstair to change and back in not time "What do you think ?"

Kenichi put his thumb up "pretty"

Josh put some pin on the dress. He walked around Cacha and frowned. He pulled few pin from Cacha dressed and restated them "That will do. Change to the other one !"

Cacha went back in her white wedding dress. "Darling, what do you think" She looked at Kenichi shyly.

"Stunning" Kenichi walked towards her. He put his hand on her waist and kissed her.

Mr and Mrs Feng who were sitting on the sofa enjoying their tea could help but giggled. They were not sure if they had to praise Alice talent or to praise how good looking their youngest daughter and son in law were.

"Hey.. Stop it !!! I need to make adjustment !!" Josh pretended to angry. His face looked to real, so Kenichi reluctantly stepped away to let Josh did his job.

Josh put his last pin on the dress and nodded with satisfaction "I should be able to finish it by wednesday. Little missy, you need to watch your diet, I don't want to make any alteration few hours before your wedding, understood ? Kenichi is fine, He can put more weight"

Cacha pouted "I did not gain any weight for few months".

"Mama Feng is here. you'll gain few kilo easily if you did not watch your diet. Do you want to be a plump ugly bride ?" Josh teased her.

plump ? Cacha touched her face and her belly. She did not believe that she would get that fat in just few days. Anyway, she did want to look pretty on her wedding day "Alright !!!"

Josh snorted "Change your dress now "

Cacha turned around and went to the bathroom.

"Don't make it wet or dirty !!" Josh yelled.

"I know !! so annoying" She yelled back.

Kenichi laughed. Probably, it was what they called as sibling love. Their house became lifely now. He had no complain about it.

Since Kenichi dresses did not major adjustment, Josh was able to finalise the couple wedding dress sooner then expected. therefore, when The bridemaid came to fit their dress, he was very relax and in good mood.

"I'm happy with my dress. Your sister in law is awesome" Speaking about fashion, Elena was very picky. She rarely gave any complement to designer but this time, she had to admit Alice talent.

"I like this dress. I look very pretty" Tei who knew nothing about fashion looked at her reflection of the mirror. The rest of the lady were giggling.

Josh who was pinning needle on Elena frowned "Can you not keep moving ?" They made his job harder.

"Opps sorry" Elena grinned

Ann grinned happily at her gown "I don't need to waste my time looking for dress anymore. I just need to call your sister"

"She has to give us big discount" Elena added.

Cacha twitched These two ladies bought countless dress in a month. They used them for two or three times before threw them to the bin. If Alice had to give them big discount, She went broke.

"Big Discount ? My sister only run small business, you should help her by paying more"