Chapter 224

Kenichi sat next to Cacha. He held her hands gently and rubbed them with his thumbs.

"Hey !! No touching" Bell put her hands on her hips.

Kenichi smirked "Why can't I ?!"

"Ck.. ck... ck.. how possessive" Ann teased.

Kenichi eyes moved from Ann to Bell and smiled coldly "Very well.. You all gang up on me to day"

"Yes, we do" Ann grinned with victory. This was the only chance she had.

"Good. In the future, if you have trouble, I don't have obligation to help you. Especially you, Ann"

Ann opened her mouth and closed it again. She clearly knew that she needed his help near in the future. Fine, For the shake of her love interest, she gave up. She would not tease him anymore.

Bell grinned "I don't think me Lynn and meneed your help in the future"

Kenichi chuckled "Future is full of uncertainty. But... I'm sure If I tell Nana that you ruined my day, what do you think will happen ?" He grinned slyly

"You." Bell pointed at Kenichi angrily

"Me what ?"

"You're not fun at all"

Cacha poked Kenichi "Don't get man. They just fool you around"

Kenichi took her hand and kissed it gently. He smiled at her sweetly "alright. I'll do What ever my wife says"

Ann and Bell twitched. Lynn smiled weakly "Better to go out wow. I'm afraid that Nana will chop me" Bell was the first to made move

"True. Miss Lana, please to the honour to watch these pair of doves" Ann winked at Lana

"leave them with me"

Kenichi smiled at Lana "Miss, don't you suppose to organise our tea ceremony now"

"I am but"

"Miss, It's only 15 minutes left. I don't think I'll be able to anything in 15 minutes"

Lana signed "Alright. Don't you dare to touch our sister !"

Kenichi put his hands up "Won't do anything, I promise"

However as soon as Lana was not in the room he held cacha waist and kissed her passionately "Babe, I miss you so much. I really wanted to kiss you ages ago"

She smiled "I miss you too"

He embraced her "My wife is so charming to day"

"Who is your wife ?"


"Not yet"

"say who ? We have signed the marriage certificate and completed the ceremony an hour ago.. also"

"Also what ?"

He grinned before muttered lowly "We're husband and wife after the night we did that deed" Inside, he could not believe he could said it smoothly. May be Ren was right, men mindset was different after experience s*xsual pleasure.

She lowered her head and smiled shyly.

"Babe, have your periode ended ?"

"Of course yes. Why ?"

He cleared his throat "I wish we have our wedding banquet today so.. We can"

he winked at her.

Cacha face was very really hot. she covered her ears "Don't say it anymore"

Meanwhile outside

"What do they do on tea ceremony?" Kuro asked after Kenichi left.

Jun smiled "groom will serve tea to the bride family then bride will be the other way. When they served the tea,the family member who received the tea will give the couple present like jewellery or money"

"the most important thing is He will be in red dress" Yu added.

Ren rubbed his chin "It will be interesting to see him in red. I'll stay"

Kuro grinned "I stay too. He's in Red !? very worth to see also I want to see how the overprotective bride's brother bully him"

"Me too"

Grandma and Grandpa Yamaguchi who overheard the men conversation stared at each other. They had prepared present for the couple. They were thinking to give it to them on sunday. For some reason they changed mind. They were going ro give it today. What a lucky day.

If They did not have it now, they were on difficult situation. They could not withdraw because it disrespect the couple. On the other hand, without gift they just humaliated their own self.

"why did not they told us about it ? they want to show public that I'm bad mother" Kenichi's mother complained.0

"You don't have anything with you !? It's your son wedding and you have nothing for them !?" Grandma shocked and disappointed

"Why don't you ask him instead ? if you care about him just a little, you'll have something for them. If I don't force you to come. Will you be here today ? " Grandpa Yamaguchi could not hide his dissapoinment anymore.

"Stop !! Don't argue anymore. Alot of people here, do you want to show them how bad we are ?" Grandma Yamaguchi only could glare at her daughter. Then she frowned at her two other grandchildren "You two, Why don't you wear your Kimono. It's traditional ceremony, even Foreigners wear Kimono but you two.."

The two kids just ducked their head "Mother did not tell us"

"Mother, stop throwing tantrum at my children"

Mr Matsunaga patted his wife back and shook his head to tell her to stop argued furthermore.

"Just put some money on red envelop. They won't open it anyway. I'll ask Nick for the red envelope" Dispite his disappointment toward his daughter, Grandpa Yamaguchi did not want her to be humaliated.

Not long after, One by one, the groom and the bride's family and relatives merged. This time, they had changed their Kimono and wore bright chinese style dress.

Andrew spotted his ex-wife and came over "hello, This is my wife and My son"

"Hello, these are my kids"

Mr Matsunaga was The Yamaguchi personal doctor, heand Andrew knew each other. They both shook hand "Do you only have one boy ?"

"No. I have a girl too. She is inside with the bride" Andrew smiled with victory. he showed off how closed they were with the Kenichi and Cacha.

"You haven't met our in-law, aren't you ? come with me ! I'll introduce them to you" Andrew walked to Where Mr and Mrs Feng were. He told them that the boy's mum was there. He looked around and cursed his ex-wife silently. She did not follow him. He could only asked Mr and Mrs Feng to come with him. Mr and Mrs Feng were happily agree, they also called all their kids over.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Charlene father, this is my wife and our kids" Mr Feng shook hand first with Mrs Matsunaga and his husband.

"Hello, I'm Nick. The eldest"

"I'm number two, Sean"

"I'm number three, Alan"

"I'm Hans. my wife is number four"

They saw their wife came out. They came to their wife hand and brought them there. The siblings did not say long, they impression of Kenichi's mum was not good.

They gathered together on the other corner

"who's looking after Cacha inside? " Alan could not help but asked.

The ladies grinned. "Don't worry, Lana, Ann, Bell and Lynn are inside" Jasmine struck her big belly.

While they were having a good chat. Ann, Bell and Lynn were out.

"Why are you here. Don't you suppose to guard the bride ?" Josh was crossed.

Ann giggled and waived her hand frantically "No. We don't want to get trouble from the groom. He hold his grude to us very well but not to your side. So... We entrust this honour duty to Lana. She is more powerful then us"

Everyone could not help but laughed.