Chapter 233

When The wedding banquet started, they sky had turned dark. The lights around venue were turned on. The newlywedding couple sat onthe table on the stage together with the bridesmaid and the bestmen. Then the waitresses came out to serve entree food.

"Bride and groom, This is a small present from us for you. Please enjoy" Ju. pointed at the right side of the stage

Kenichi and Cacha just noticed there was a very big monitor there. Kenichi's name appeared there. After that, his pictures when he was a baby and toddler were displayed, followed by his picture in high school

"That's my hard work" Richie yelled loudly.

Kenichi shook his head. Of course, His brother went to the same high school as him.

The picture slide changed again. This time, Kenichi's picture with long hair shocked everyone.

"It was ages go. I think it was back in my first year in uni" He explained to his wife but his eyes were on Pierro and Armando.

Cacha stared at Kenichi and pouted "You looked bad in long hair. I don't like it" He pinched her cheek "I won't grow my hair again. I promise "

Cacha smiled and nodded. She stared at Kenichi lastest pictures. I was taken few years ago.

The Next part was Cacha turned. Her picture from baby until her university graduation showed one by one. In contrass with Kenichi who only had few pictures, She had so many. In addition of that, Kenichi's pictures only had himself but Cacha's were different. Most of the pictures had Cacha and either her siblings or parents or all them.

The groom's parents and grandparents signed. They only realised how much time they had wasted. They let him grow up alone, no differen than an orphan.

"You were so chubby when you're baby" Kenichi kissed Cacha cheek.

She giggled "I was"

"Our kids have to be like you"

"Like me why ?"

"Grow up with abundant love and care"

Cacha said the answer by give him a peck on his lips. He loved it, he pleaded to make her do that way all the time.

They looked at the screen again. It now stated 'The beginning'. Pictures of when they weny back to the Yamaguchi resident were on display. Kenichi was walking at the back where Cacha waa on the front. after that one by one their pictures from years ago in hokaido appeared, when they were skying, buying food on the street, walking on the thick snow and prayed on ther temple.

Cacha eyes were wider in shock "How come ?"

Kenichi chuckled. He did not have to say anything because the culprits roared proudly at their master piece.

Then The slide changed. It now showed their time in Disneyland

"no way" Cacha exclaimed lowly with disbelieve.

Kenichi smiled "They well prepare. There will be more interesting picture aftef this" he cut his food and feed Cacha half of it before he ate his part.

Kenichi was right. They saw their pictures when they ate on the street in Kyoto. The picture of them riding motorbike together was also included

"Unbelievable. How did they do that ?" Cacha jaw dropped.

Kenichi just smiled. He clapped his hand "awesome"

Kuro and Ren froze. They were confused if the groom really praised them or just being sarcasm. Forget it, it was joyful night. They would not have trouble.

On the monitor, the words of "dating".

The first to show was their picture on cruise ship. Kenichi and Cacha subsconciously looked at their Anderson Father who exclaimed loudly "The credit goes to my wife"

Kenichi and Cacha just stared at each other then they were back to the screen.

The pictures when they were on holiday in France rolled, nothing was missed. His paternal grandmother must be very busy lately. No wonder, she hardly contacted the bride.

Cacha was dumpstruck when their picture kissing under firework was display "How come ? where and when was it ?"

"New year eve in Paris" Pierro grinned. He indirectly disclaimed his involvement.

Kenichi liked the picture but it was taken without his concern. "can we consider it as breach our privacy ?"

"Can we concentrate on the screen first" Ann threw annoying look at her cousin.

The screen now showing the couple with both side of the family. "We was not around on his birthday last year" Grandma Anderson was sad when She saw Kenichi surrounded by Cacha and her parents blew the candle on his birthday cake .

"We won't miss it this year"

"For sure".

It was the only time the Anderson elder showed a long face. However, The Yamaguchi elders were different. They were very down eversince the pictures of the happy couple with their familiee shown. They jad no pictures with them. Their face was a little better when the picture of them with the Feng family during their visit few years back was displayed.

The next session showed pictures of the two occations when Kenichi kneeled in front of Cacha's parents.

"Very gentleman" everyone could not help but praise the groom.

All of suddent the screen changed. It was not picture slide anymore but Video of Kenichi kneeled down to propose. The audiences were cheers and clapped when Cacha said yes.

The last section of the picture displayed named "you are mine". During this section, The pictures from the traditional ceremony were showned. The last but not least, in fact it was the epic was when They recited the wedding oat and kissed.

"Wow" The guests clapped and cheered joyfully for the happy couple once again. Not less of them made wolf whistle.

"Imposible. He.. he is not that kind on man" the lady on the small room, Yuri covered her face while sobbing. They dated for half a year, not to mention doing such a romantic thing, he never had initiative to hold her hand. Kenichi that she knew, was a cold and indifferent man. He loved his work more than anything.

"No, it's not him. He will never do that. He did it to provoke me, to make me mad. I have to see him" Yuri stood up, she wanted to go and find him. However, before she could take any step, she was forced to sit again harshly by man next to her "You can go nowhere until boss said so"

"I want to see him. please"

She kept on begging but no one listen to her plea. Kuro righthand laughed "our boss had no feeling for you. For him, You just a wh*r*. Madam is different, she is good lady. Boss loves her and spoils her to the bone"

He turned to the men there "Make sure this woman well behave. Don't let her step out from this room until big boss says so"

"Yes sir"

After Kuro's right-hand man was gone, one of the men there locked the door to ensure no one could come and go easily.

"Ungreatful woman. Boss was very nice to give you food and saw his wedding but she tries to ruin this party"

Kenichi was very generous. Did not matter who they were, guests, waitress, his subordinates who worked hard for him, they had same consumptiouse food there. He even booked few restaurants in different city for their members who were not invited to their banquet. The restaurant were not normal one, their food were the best and were pricey.

His once in a life time was very grand.