Chapter 244

Cacha went to her room first. She opened the packages and put all the clothes in the wardrobe before she went for shower. After she finished, she called Kenichi to have shower. She had prepared his clothes on the bathroom.

Kenichi went to her room while still drying his hair with towel.

"The bed is new" He remembered her room only had single bed before. Now, it was a queen bed.

"oh.. mum changed it few days ago. Lets go down stair after you finished"

She took the towel and hang it on the balcony before they went down stair.

The kids ran as soon as they saw Kenichi.

"Happy birthday uncle K" Hugh and Austin the ring leaders said loudly. Then, the younger boy were echoing "Happy birthday Uncle K"

Kenichi laughed, he rubbed the kids hair one by one "Thank you boys"

Austen clenched Kenichi "uncle lets go".

Kenichi let the kids drag him to the living room with Cacha followed them from behind. She was happy but also sad at the same time, the boys were favour their uncle and ignoring her.

"Happy birthday dead" Mrs Feng hugged Kenichi and Mr Feng followed after "thank you Mum, Dad"

"Happy birthday bro" One by one all the Feng family members came forward.The female gave a light hugged while the male just gave a pat.

"Thank you"

The boys were circle the table on the living room. Calvin, Sasha eldest son waived his hand impatiently "Uncle K, come here hurry up"

"Coming" Kenichi came to the boys and he was forced to sit.

As soon as he sat, the boys were either sat next to him or stood around him. Cacha frowned "Boys, you hijack my husband"

"They only want him because of the cake" Hans eyes were on the boys.

"I know but he's my husband" Cacha was a little disappointed. She wanted to sit next to her husband.

"Why do you have to jealous with kids ? very childlish" Sasha was amazed with her little sister. She had already married but still acted spoil.

Nick snorted. Sean shook his head and Alan stretched his head. They agreed that Their little sister still had not grew up yet.

"Uncle K, hurry up blow the candle and cut the cake" Austen urged.

Kenichi laughed "Okay. But let little aunty come here first"

The boys really wanted to taste the cake, they made a room for Cacha to come.

"Little aunty, hurry up" Austen said impatiently.

Cacha giggled lowly, she was happy that he did not leave her behind. she went to kenichi side and yelped as she was pulled.

"Shh.. you scare the boys" Kenichi winked

" At are you doing ?" She glared at the culprit.

Kenichi smiled and kissed her lips.

Cacha was shocked and shy at the same time. How come he acted like that in front of her family. She punched his chest lightly before burried her face on his chest. "Annoying" She complained.

Every one shocked but they giggled and chuckled the next second. what a bold move..not bad.

Thank godness, the boys too focused on the cake, they did not noticed what happened to their little aunty

"Hey.. hey.. what are you doing ? can't you see elders here ?" Sean pretended to mad.

"You are elder not me.. I'm still young" Nick laughed.

"Yes... only you who is old" Hans added.

"I mean mum and dad" Sean glared at his brother.

"Happy birthday Uncle K "Adults were talking too much so the boys started singing.

"Uncle.. blow the candle"

"No.. make a wish first"

The boys were arguing with each others

"Alright. Uncle will make a wish first and blow the candle"Kenichi closed his eyes for few second and blew the candle.

"Hooray.."The boys cheered and clapped happily.

"Now.. cut the cake uncle"

"Uncle hurry up" The boys stared at the cake with waterly mouth

The adults giggled.

"Have you askes your mum if you all can eat the cake now ?" Cacha teased the boys.

The boys peeped at their mother and looked at each other. Mum already told them that they only could have cake after dinner.

"Please.. uncle" Austen gave Kenichi a puppy eyes. It always worked on their grandparent, so he tried it to uncle K. Then the rest followed.

Kenichi laughed. The boy's trapped was nearly working on him, the boys were too cute to be disappointed "Well, if your parents say yes then you can"

"Please uncle.. " The boys struck again

"No. you only can have it after dinner" Nick said firmly.

"Please. double please" the boys plead with pitiful eyes.

Their parents were already immune with their plead. But Kenichi and Cacha were not. Michelle knew so she made one step ahead "No"

"ohh" the boys pouted. They looked very pitiful.

"Lets have dinner now" Hugh led the way to kitchen. The earlier they finished dinner, the faster they could eat the cake.

The adults sat in the dinning table while the boys were huddle on small table. Since the adults chatted and teased each other happily on the table, the boys were neglected. No one really payed attention to them, only their grandparents who occationally asked if they wanted some food more. No Complain here, first time ever, the boys could play happily while eating meal.

The dinner started pretty early, but it finished after eight. The ladies did the clean-up while the men moved to living room and continued their chat.

"Anyone want cake ?" Cacha asked the boys.

"I'm full" Hugh stared at the cake.

"Me too" The others added. They had two slice of pannacotta for theor dessert, of course they were all full.

"Little aunty, can you keep it for tommorrow ? For our breakfast"


The boys smiled widely as they watched

Cacha packed up the untouched cake and put it back on the fridge.

"It's nearly nine o'clock, I need to go now"

"Third brother, where are you going ?" Cacha asked.

"Work. Miss.. I took two weeks of my annual leave for your enggament and two weeks for your wedding. I have no annual leave left, different from others who have unlimited leave"

Cacha hang her head. She felt guilty "Sorry"

Alan laughed, he rubbed her head "I was just kidding you. The hospital ask at least one surgeon to come incase of emergency, my colleague asked me to swap day"

"oh.. Okay.. see you tommorrow then" Cacha waived to her brother.

"Bye Daddy" Hugh kissed his Daddy cheek. Alan kissed his wife and their little boy before he left.

"Boys.. it 's bed time" Michelle clapped her hands.

The boys groaned "Can we play more ?"

"No. Back to your room" Sean said.

The boys did not dare to complain, they just pouted their lips. Cacha and Kenichi could not help but laughed.

Mrs Feng patted Cacha's back "It's better for you to sleep now. you are still jetlag too. Take Kenichi with you too"

"lets go back then" Nick stood up. He carried his boys in his arms and the rest followed

"I'll sleep in eldest brother place" Sasha winked at Cacha before she left.

"good night mum, dad"

"Good night"

In their room, Cacha jumped on top of Kenichi who was lying on the bed "Happy birthday hubby "

"I thought you forgot"

"No way, I always remember your birthday. I just forgot to wish you happy birthday this morning"

Kenichi smiled, alright his wife did not forget "Where is my birthday gift ? "

Cacha smiled. She took a blue box from drawer and gave it to him.

He examined the boxed and shook it "What is it ? c*nd*m ? d*ldo ?"

Cacha was dumpstruck, her husband was getting shameless when it came to s*x. She punched his chest "annoying"

Kenichi laughed. He unwrapped and opened it, a watch.

"do you like it ?"

"Yes. Thank you. But, I prefer other present" He flipped her over and kissed her passionately. He stopped before the activity was escalated to the next level "I'll take my present in the morning. Lets sleep"

They both were exhausted. If they forced their self to perform now, the result would not be maximal, better to take a rest first.