Chapter 250

After Sasha left, Cacha basicly had no one to accompany her all day. Everyobne now resumed their daily activity. Her brother were back to work and her sister in laws were busy with their children. Mr Feng was back to work on their shop and Mrs Feng helped her daughters-in-law with the boys.

To Kill time, Kenichi took Cacha to go out and did shopping. They bought some stuff for their personal used. Cacha was also more moderate on spending money, she bought few dress from Alice for her friends, Elena, Ann and Kimiko. They also prepared health supplements for his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Sato, Jun's parents and Kuro's Parents.

For her family, they also bought some toys for the boys and the soon to be born babies. Mr and Mrs Feng needed nothing but Kenichi instisted to buy them something. At the end, Cacha chose a pair of couple diamond bracelet for her parents as late Christmas present.

They had to farw and square, since they bought something for her family, she also got presents for his parents and grandparents. The present had no monetary value for the Anderson but it was priceless becauae it showed how much the couple care about them.

As the new owner, Kenichi thought that he should visit the winery omce more and had a talk with the manager there. On Monday, he took Cacha with him there.

Due to the fact that Kenichi was not local and Cacha had been away from the country for sometime, Mr Feng did not want the couple to travel alone. He and Mrs Feng insisted to tag along. Kenichi did not mind, he actually was more than happh to take his parents in law with him.

When they arrived at the winery, the old owner of the winery was waiting for them. Michelle called him yesterday to tell him about the visit. He introduced Kenichi as the new owner and left after.

The winenery production manager was middle age man, he was few years younger than Mr Feng. "Hello, I'm Angus. I'm sorry that the last time you came here, I was on holidays"

"Hi I'm Kenichi. This is My wife and these are my parents-in-law"

Cacha and her parents shook hand with Angus. After exchanging few words, He walked every one around "Well, I don't know if Garry had walked you around. This house used to his resident. The building over there is where we do production. We have another building on the eastside. It's our store and at the back of the store is the storage for the wine that had been bottled and ready to sell"

Kenichi nodded. He had been to the production building before but not to the shop "The employees, are they local ?"

"Yes. We all live close by"

Cacha did not understand business. So, he and Her parents left Kenichi and Angus alone. They had a nice walk around the property.

"I saw them years ago during Michelle wedding but I did not remember If I saw you" Angus said

Kenichi smiled "I wasn't there. At that time, we hadn't date yet. Well, I entrust you to look after the production. I'll give you same salary as you currently recieved. At the end of the year, I'll evaluate your performance and calculate your bonus based on the profit. My expectation is you can maintain same qualite and quantity. Much more desire of you can increase the production"

"I have no problem with the increase production. At this moment, We only utilise half of the farm. About the quality, If you want excellent wine, we require longer time to harvest the grape and production, it also will increase the cost. There are few other factors that out of my control such as draught and flood also bush fire"

"No drama. price Wine with excellent quality is very high. By the way How bad is the draught ?"

"few years ago was very bad" Angus looked at Kenichi and chuckled "Sp3aking about buyer, the competition out there is bery toug, very hard to find the buyer"

Kenichi smiled "I do understand. I plan to export the wine to europe, US and few Asian countries liked Japan and China. I have few connection there"

Angus nodded "Looks like you already have a plan. To be honest, I was so surprise when I saw you"

"Why ?" Kenichi asked.

"Your name seems like Japanese but your appearance.."

Kenichi smiled "I'm half blood. My father is scothish and my mother is Japanese. we'll stay for two nights here. Please show me the production process in full tomorrow"

"Sure. I'm going to show you the whole area of our farm as well"

After close inspection, Kenichi concluded that he needed to built more rain water tank.

Mr Feng put his hand up to organise it. Looking how easy Kenichi decided to buy this place, he was afraid his son in law would make a reckless decision and got rip off.

Later at night, Grandma Anderson called Cacha. Cacha accidently told her about the winery. Since Grandma knew automatically Grandma Anderson knew as well.

Grandpa Anderson loved winery. Ages ago he had one in France. At that time, He was still very busy with his hotel chain and did not have time to manage it. At the end, He sold it out.

When Cacha told them, Kenichi had bought winery there, Grandpa Anderson was excited. He called Kenichi rightaway and nominated him self to help managing the winery. After all, He had retired from business and had nothing to do.

Kenichi did not reject the offer. He understood that the oldman needes something to do to kill his time. He used to be a busyman in his young age, stay idle mad his depresse. Look after winery would make him busy and cheered him up.

"My grandfather will be here next month. He is retired now but he used to run winery decades ago. He is very keen to look after this winery" Kenichi told Angus befor he went back.


"My grandparents are a little bit overbearing sometimes. Please don't take them seriously."

Angus nodded. One of Michelle relative told him before hand that his new boss was very rich especially his paternal family. To verify the news, he asked his son who was currently lived in UK. His son told him that Anderson familywas one of the richest there. Rich people were sometime had different attitude. " I understood"

"I'll try to come every few months. If anything happen, please call me right away. I'm just a phone call away" Kenichi had given him his contact detail the day before.

"Will do. If I can't reach you, I'll call Michelle. I know her since she was a toddler"

Kenichi smiled and extended his hand "Thank you. Oh.. send me 3 dozen of wine next week and in three weeks, organise one container. My brother in law will help with the shipping matter. We start from Japan. When is the next batch ready ?"

Angus was stunned. This Young man knew what he was doing indeed "The next batch of excellent quality is in two to three months. We have to wait for minumum a year to double up the quantity"

"No rush. Let them fall in love with it first. People act irrational when they were in love" Kenichi planned to distribute bit by bit to increase customer interest on their wine.

Angus laughed. He forseen better future of this winery. Agresif but calculative a perfect quality in business