Chapter 253

"Obviously, it's in good way. Look, He has more meat in his body and his face is shining like star" Ren drank his beer.

Due to hit care Kenichi had gained more than four kilos. He managed to cut nearly two kilos when they were at her parents home, thanks to regular sport exercise with her brothers. Unfortunately, In total, he still had two kilo more.

Cacha was agree. For her, the current him was better than before. He looked much stronger.

Ren looked at Cacha and grinned slyly " Not only him, you too are more shining and dashing. It's clearly as result of having s*x blissfully and regularly"

She sprayed her tea in shock. She was couging for while. Kenichi calmly took a tissue paper and wiped her mouth then patted her back gently " Are you okay ?"

Cacha cleared her throat and nodded. She took another piece of tissue and cleaned the mess on the table. She was too naive to think that Ren would say something normal. Ren was not a normal man after all.

Ren's foxy grin was getting widder. From her reaction, he was sure that he hypothesis was right. "See, how usefull having s*x is. You two should did it long time ago"

Cacha face was hot and red but Kenichi was still as cool as ever. He was immune to Ren's boldness when It came to that topic. He drank his wine "You think to much"

Ren chuckled "Come on bro, don't be shy. You can't fool me. Look, Her boob are much bigger than before. Why ? because you work deligently. Perhaps, do you guys do it every night? How many round can you do in one night ?"

Cacha subsconciously looked at her boobs then crossed her hand infront of her chest.

Kenichi slapped the table loudly "You !! How dare you insult my wife" He did not like other men to stare at his wife, not even his brother.

"it's not insult at all. Bro, I think your wife looks much better with bigger boobs"

Kenichi stood up. He lost his cool, he had urge to land a big punch on Ren's face.

Cacha did not want the close friens to have fight. She stood up and held his hand gently "Darling, don't mind him"

Ren was just fully aware that he had offended Kenichi. He cursed himself, he forgot that Kenichi's bottomline was his wife and he had crossed that line. At this point, he did not want to admit his false in front of his subordinate. He only could carry on, Kenichi would not kill him in front of his wife anyway.

"what I said it's the fact" He said stubbornly.

"I haven't practice on human for long time" Kenichi clenched his fist.

"What's going on here ?" Kuro voice travelled to their ears.

Cacha covered his hand "Darling, forget it. Don't get angry'"

Her smooth skin and soft voice worked on Kenichi very well. Under her lead, He sat down moodly while Ren smiled weakly.

Ren was joyfull to see Kuro came hand in hand with Ann. He saved for the time being. " I just told them that looking from how shining his face is and how big her "

Ren put his like claws and placed them in front of this own chest and continue "I told him that they must have great s*x. Am I wrong ?"

Kuro and Ann understoon what Ren refering to. Thet looked Cacha bossom for while then moved Kenichi face before they both laughed awkwardly. No.. Ren was not wrong at all.

"well, looks like so" Ann grinned.

Cacha's face turned very crimson. She was to shy to face people there, what she wanted was to dig a big whole to bury her face. Since Digging hole was took a long time, it not practicable at this time. So, She only could hide her face of his chest.

Kenichi was on daze. He could not believe all his friends noticed the changed on her body. Thinking back, he actually felt the different when he applied the therapy on her. Well, he would confirm about it when they were back.

He looked at his wife who burried her head deeply on his chest. He patted her back and kissed the crown of her head "Just ignore them"

Ann sat down coughed "I'm hungry"

When he came, Kuro saw the waiter stood still with food on the tray. So ,Kuro clicked his finger "Bring the food here".

The waiters had been there for while. They did not dare to come closer as two dragons were in conflict before. One by one, they came closer and put all the dishes on the table.

"I'm going to bathroom first" Cacha stood up

"Me too" Ann followed her

After Ann and Cacha went away. Ren peeped at Kenichi "I didn't mean to make a fun of you two. I just stated the fact"

That was how Ren said sorry. Very lame but Kenichi excepted it "Don't say that kind of thing in front of her. My wife is very shy, she is different from yours"

"He's right. Mine and him are not same as yours. They don't express they lust opn ly like yours" Kuro held the beer up "It's been a long time for us, brothers to have such a quality time. Lets drink"

Ren held his beer up too "Cheers"

Kenichi held his wine glass "Cheers"

Cacha and Ann did their business in toilet and came back shortly. The ladies just had a light chat and did not touch the topic before.

Kenichi was glad that Cacha mood was back to normal when She came back. They had their meal in joyfull environment dispite the earlier sparks.

"Kenichi put his chopstick down and poured more wine to his glass. Cacha stopped him "You have enough wine. Drink water"

She was not particulary please when her husband drink to much alcohol. Alcohol was not good for his health. She poured the water on emply glass and handed to him. Kenichi obediently took the glass and drank all the water in one go.

Ren and Kuro chuckled.

"Water ? come on bro, you're not baby anymore" They teased

Cacha lifted her head and stared at the duo "what's wring with water ? Water is important for our body. It's much better than winr. As his wife, It's my duty to look after his well being. I want my husband to stay healty until we're old"

Kenichi put his hand on her waist. He was very pleased with her statement while Kuro and Ren laughed.

"Sure thing. Don't forget to feed him with nutritious food so he's always strong" Ren winked.

Kenichi coughed. He did not want the conversation continue further, in case his friend said something not appropriate again "You two, do you have something to do after this ?"

Ren shook his head "I'm free man"

"Ann and me have nothing in plan"

"Good. Come to my place, I have something to discuss"

"Sure" The duo was wandering what was happening. Judging from Kenichi's mood, it should be good thing.