Chapter 262

The weather was freezing, in normal circumstance people got hungry easy but not him. To be precisely, he had no appetite, thanks to the trouble some tourists. Nonetheless, He still went to the staff dinning room and took Cacha with her.

The employees were startled to see big boss and his wife came to staff's dinning rooms. They all stood up and bowed.

"continue with your meal, don't mind us" Kenichi frowned when he saw food on the table, then he asked randomly "Don't you suppose to have same menu like the guests have ?"

"Sir, we have same one but we just have one or two dishes from the menu. We can't finish them all"

"Alright than" He saw the chef when to the kitchen and prepaded two tray "Just give me one set. My wife and me will share".

The chef was hestitate first but Yu who was in the kitchen for the second served told him to do it "Madam cooked some food for boss earlier. He is probably still full"

Kenichi spotted an empty one at the far corner. He naturly took her to sit there. He was not someone who would sit with the rest. After Kenichi and Cacha sat, the chef delivered the food.

Seeing Kenichi did not touch any food, Cacha frowned "Why don't you eat some ?"

"I'm still full"

"If you still refuse to eat, I'm going to feed you"

"Alright" At the end He ate most of the meal.

After they finished their dinner, they went out straightaway to check if the group of tourists had arrived or not.

It was nine o'clock, but they were still not where to be seen. Kenichi was getting anxious as snow flake started falling and became heavier as the clock ticking.

He went out to check, it did not help but he could not just sit down anymore. Cacha followed him too.

"The wind too cold and strong, stay in side"

"It's okay. Darling, look ! why is some one still out there? " Cacha pointed at good stall which was still operated not far from the hotel entrance gate

Kenichi had no idea, so he asked the security. It was a local old man selling roast sweet potato. Cacha did not want the oldman to be out in the extreme weather. She decided to buy all sweet potato the old man had. She only took two of the them and gave the rest to the security to share with his colleagues.

Just after the oldman left, a head light from vehicle was seen. Kenichi narrowed his eyes to get clearer vision. It was luxury coach.

He was wondered if it was the one that he had been waiting for. He did not ask if the missing guests were VIP or not. because for him, all customers had to be treated equally.

The bus entered the hotel parking area. The door was opened and The tour guide came out first "Sir, I'm sorry. The the road was slippery so it took more time to travel"

"I know, it's good you are all here. By the way, it's not safe for you to go now. If you don't mind share room and squeeze in with our staff, you and your driver are welcome to stay until the storm ease"

"Thank you, sir" However, the tour guide did not believe he got free accommodation. He asked the manager on duty to confirm. The manager told him, Kenichi was not only the big boss, he was owner. He had the final words there. If He said they could stay then they really could.

The tour guide and the bus driver were very delighted. They could not help but came back and bowed their head to show their gratitude.

One of man on the group asked the tour guide why he was bowing. The tour guide cheerfullt told him what was going on. The guest smiled as he stared at Kenichi before he went inside .

"close the gate now. And you don't need to stay in your post. Get inside" kenichi ordered the securities.

"Sir, we are on duty"

"No one will come at this weather. You two can do your duty from the lounge. It's warmer there"

"Thank you sir"

Kenichi then asked the receptionist to close the hotel door.

"Sir, they are VIP guest. Should we open the restaurant and serve them dinner ?" The restaurant team leader asked.

"No. When they made the booking, they should've been inform that dinner close by 9. Everyone has to follow the rule, doesn't matter if they are VIP or just regular guests"

"Yes sir"

The man asked the tour guide what Kenichi and the team leader were talking about. After the tour guide told him what he heard, the man chuckled.

"As expected from Anderson descendant. I should admit that they have a good heir"

He was important one of important man in banking industry and was close to Bruce. He did not know this hotel was belong to the Anderson eldest grandson until Bruce told him few weeks ago. He was invited to Kenichi's enggament party before. He noticed Kenichi but Kenichi did not.

Kenichi and Cacha were back to their room. He moved the table and chair to the corner and setup the futon. Cacha sat on the chair and peeled the sweet potato.

"Darling, try this. it's very tasty"

With all burden had been taken off, Kenichi was a little hungry. He opened his mouth and let her geed him. At the end, he ate nearly one full sweet potato.

Through the window, Cacha saw more snow flakes on the ground like rain "The snow is getting heavier. The wind is also getting stronger"

"Yes. The storm coming earlier, I hope it will not as bad as predicted" He closed the window then got inside the blanket "Babe, come here"

Cacha washed her hand first and joined him. As soon he was in his embrace, his hand roamed freely, teasing her.

"Don't you feel tired ?" Cacha pushed him away. Cacha could not understand why he was still into it. He had dealed with work the whole day, he must be exhausted.

"A little. Babe, how about you are on the top tonight ?"

It was unusual request. He was a domineering man. He loved to put her under him and showed off his skill to her.


"Alright then. You just enjoy it"

Cacha nearly cried. she meant to say that she did not want him to do it but had a rest instead. At the end, she still followed his lead. He even made her ride him.

After they were both satisfied each other, Cacha lay on the futon but her eyes were widely opened. She had energy left but she could not sleep.

"Why don't you sleep ?" Kenichi kissed her swollen lips.

"The wind is very scary"

woo sound was heard clearly from their room. The storm had arrived. The damaging wind blew hardly, outside the snow had piled ticker and ticker.

he fulled her to his bossom, kissed and carressed her head "No need to worry. I'm here, nothing will happen to us. Lets sleep"

"Good night" She snuggled to his embrace and closed her eyes.

Kenichi was very tired. He closed his eyes and fell into deep slumber rightaway.

Cacha opened her eyes again. She looked at his peaceful sleeping face and she told her self that he must be very tired. He must had a lot of load in his mind, his eyebrows were still in crease.

She raised her hand to sooth his eyebrow "My poor hubby"

Eventhough he was asleep, He could sense her touch. It was gentle and warm, made him felt secure. He subconsciously drew her to his embrace and hugged her tightly, not willing to let her slip away.

She smiled. She patted his back gently and closed her eyes.