Chapter 264

The storm was getting worse. By lunch time, the snow pile was as tall as adult chest. The guests stayed in small cottages was unable to go to dinning as snow blocked all small paths

Kenichi was very concerned that those people would starve. So He took initiative to clear a small path. He got the spade and started to scooped the snow. Since the big boss did hard work in the middle of snow storm, the male staffs also jumped to help

Cacha did not like to stay idle, She took a spade and helped. Before she could do anything, Kenichi yelled at her to go back.

"I want to help" Cacha insisted.

Kenichi looked at her helplessly "Just help that old man to sprinkle the salt"


After an hour of good team work, they managed to created small path to help the guests to come to dinning room.

"Thank you for your hard work" Kenichi bowed his staffs before took Cacha back inside.

For those who did not know Kenichi status, had no impression at all. For them,m It was normal for hotel staffs to do such a job. However, for those who knew who he was, they could not help but admire him. He did not just sit and bossed around, he even thanked his staffs politely. Without realising, Kenichi's image of cold and unapproachable boss started to crumble.

Not only him, Cacha also had the credit. They concluded that the boss attitude was much better because of her.

To warm her freezing body, Kenichi took her to the onsen room. Fifteen minutes was enough to warm their body up. After that, Kenichi did not allow Cacha to go out from their room. He was worry she would catch cold.

Cacha was working on her computer while Kenichi read documents in their room when someone knocked their door. Kenichi opened the door to find Yu stand nervously "Sir, can you please come down ?"

"What's wrong ?"

"a man came. He brought a lot of roast sweet potato"

Kenichi chuckled as he gazed at the mostlikely suspect. Who else ? it must be his wife "I'll be there soon"

He closed the door and took his jacket.

"Where are you going ?" Cacha asked as she saw her husband put his jacket on.

He took her jacket "Wear yours and come with me"

Cacha just followed what he said with out asking anything. When they arrived at the front desk, A man bowed at her "Madam"

"You are the uncle who sell roast sweet potato right ?" Cacha still remembered him.


"Why are you here ?"

"To deliver your sweet potato"

Cacha slapped her forhead "Uncle, you don't need to give me more, especially in this kind of weather"

"But, you gave me the money already. Today, I only have this much. I'll come back again tomorrow and the day after"

Cacha stared at the man helplessly. She did not know what to do. "Darling !?" she only can asked her husband help.

Kenichi chuckled. He did not know what exactly his wife did last night but it was not important. He just understood that this man would not take money for free.

"Sir, You don't have to come here until the storm is over. If you send all in one go we can't finish them. So, It will be better if you just deliver the left over by the end of your day here"

The man nodded "But, If I do that way, it may take a week or more. How long are two going to stay here"

"That's totally fine. Just give them to receptionist or to the security. They know us very well"

"Alright then" The man bowed and left happily.

Before, The security told Jun and Yu that lady boss bought the roast sweet potato last night. So After the man was gone, Jun could not help but askes Cacha "Madam, how much did you give him ?"

"Well, I just don't want him to go out to earn money in the middle of storm, so.. I just gave him a little bit more"

The receptionist and the security looked at each other while Jun and Yu shook their head. They were speechless. These peope were not stupid, from the amount of sweet potato that the man delivered today plus more to come, it wast definitely not just a little bit more of money. It must be a lot too much.

Cacha ignored all of them and focused on the roast sweet potato "How do we finished them ? I just can have maximum of two"

Kenichi picked three of them and looked at his staffs there "You can have as much as you want and give them to your guest as well. Also, remember to share them with your colleagues for the next few days"

He peeled the skin and feed Cacha "is it delicious? "

She nodded before took one from his hand. She also peeled the skin and feed him back "Yummy, right ?"


After Boss and lady boss was gone. Jun patted the security shoulder "I think you all won't touch any sweet potato for years after this"

The receptionists laughed "We can share"

"Lady boss, she is a little above normal. Is she ?"The security could find the right words to describe his amazement toward their lady boss.

Jun laughed "Of course she is extraordinary. How come an ordinary lady can handle our upnormal boss ?"

Yu nodded "exactly"

Well, every nodded. They could not help but agree too.

Due to the wild weather, they lost the electricity power not long after. The Generators were on but the power was not enough to cover everything. Hence, they turned off the unessential usage.

Cacha decided to turn off the light in her room as well as the air cont. She went to the extend of not using any electronic devices.

She opened the curtain a little bit and used the light from outside to brighten up their room.

Without the air-conditioner, the temperature in side their room dropped significantly. The thick sweater was not enough.

Kenichi did not know if he should laugh or cry. He was the owner of the hot but they had to stay in the dark and dealed with the freezing temperatures.

"Babe, just turn the the air-conditioner on"

"Darling, we only can ask our guest to save energy but can't force them. So we have to do it, no choice"

He did not mind with the darkness and about the cold temperature, he had a way to deal with it. He grabbed her waist and pulled her to the futton.

"What are you doing ?" She pushed him away and tried to sit, but he pulled her back.

"I'm cold. I need heater, bio heater"

Cacha rolled her eyes and complained "what an excuse".

"It's not. I really need heater urgently"

An hour later, the coldness was gone. They both were sweating under the blankets due to intense exercise that just finished. No matter how warm the temperature was now, he still refused to let his bio heater away.

"Darling, can you loosen your grip a little bit ?"

He smiled slyly "I'm cold. Babe, You're right. We can save energy, don't need electric or gas heater at all. What we need is just the two of us"

Cacha was too tired to argue. She just closed her eyes and had her nap under his warm body.

He giggled and closed his eyes as well. With her next to him, there was no cold day anymore in his life. His days would always hot and blissful.