Chapter 271

Most womem loved to dress up with new clothes for every occation, bit Cacha was different. She did not buy new clothes for every the function, the normally recycled the clothes inside her wardrobe. Since this party was rather important, she discussed her outfit with Alice.

Alice was fashion designer who loved to recycled her clothes too. The night before, Cacha and her made video call. Cacha showed her what she currentltt had. Alice gave her view choices of clothes and accessories.

Cacha followed the advice and of course, the result was stunning.

"Is it new one ?" Kenichi glanced at her through the mirror while he fixed his necktie.

"No. I wore it when we had dinner in Denmark"

"Why don't you buy new one ?"

"Just waste of money, I don't attend dinner function so often anyway" She put the lips gloss as the finishing touch and turned her face to Kenichi.

"Darling, do I look fine ?"

He walked to her side and wrapt his hand on her waist. He looked at her with his smiling eyes "You look stunning"

He leaned over to her until their nose touched each other. Cacha closed her eyes, she was ready to accept his warm lips. Kenichi smiled and closed his eyes as well, he tilted his head slightly to kiss her. His lips just touched hers when her phone rang.

Kenichi swore under his breath and cursed silently "Damn !"

Cacha opened her eyes in surprise. She rushed to take her phone on the tae "It's Ann" then she answered her phone

"Hi.. Ann"

"Hey, can you two come down now ? Uncle is very grumpy. He doesn't like us to come late" Ann went to the point.

Ann voice was not loud but Kenichu was able to listen clearly. He grabbed the phone from Cacha "We'll be there soon" then he gave it back to her.

On the other side, Ann stared blankly at her phone "What have I done ? why did he sound to angry to me ?"

Bruce shrugged "How do I know ? I'm here with you"

Kenichi put his suit and buttoned it while Cacha put her phone to her purse. Then both of them went out.

When they arrived, the dinner was not started yet. If fact, they still had half an hour free time. Bruce used this opportunity to introduce Kenichi and Cacha to delegation from his country.

Most of the delegatio members knew Bruce and Andrew. However, only few recogniced Kenichi. Kenichi exchanged few words with them while Cacha was only standing next to him, smiling. Her face was nearly cramp from smiling to much.

During Dinner, Kenichi, Cacha and Ann were sitting together in one table. Bruce was on the other table with the minister, ambassador and few other VIP.

"I need to go to the ladies" Cacha said.

"I'll take you there" Kenichi stood up.

"No need. I can find the was"

"It's okay. I need too"

"I'm going too" Ann said.

Kenichi finished his business first. He was waiting for Cacha outside the ladies for few minutes before those two ladies appeared.

"Lets go back" Cacha sneaked her hand on his arm. Ann twitched, she also sneaked her hand on his other arm.

"What are you doing ?" Kenichi frowned. He did not like any woman other than his wife did it to him.

"Why can you land your arm to your own cousin ? You should be happy to have two pretty ladies on your side" Ann winked at Cacha then both of them giggled

Kenichi signed. With The ladies clinging in his left and right, they were walking back to the dinning hall.

On the way back, a group of man blocked their way.

"excuse me !" Ann said.

The men did not move at all, they stared at Kenichi with mocking grin.

One of the men sneered "Ah.. honourable Kenichi. How are you doing ? do you still remember me ?"

Kenichi did not answer, he just stared coldly at the young man. Of course he remembered him and his whole family.

The man eyes moved to Cacha "Is it your wife ? very pretty"

then his gazed moved to Ann "And this lady.. is she your mistresses ? You are so lucky, wife and a mistress live harmoniously" together

The man laughed first before his friends followed him to laughing. Kenichi smiled coldly "What do you want ?"

He pushed Cacha and Ann to his back.

"What do I want ? You have two women, How about lend one to me, I like Asian so I prefer your wife. Let her please me on the bed, I'll play with her until I bored. Lets say for few weeks, How about until she has my baby ? "

Cacha was Kenichi's bottomline. He could not control his coolest since someone had touched his bottomline. Without any hestitation, he threw his punch on the man. Kenichi self defence was not as good as Kuro and Ren, but he waa not weak. lHis punch was powerfull,

enough to make the man fell down.

One punch was far beyond enough to release his anger. He pulled the man up with his collar and punched him again and again. The man's friends tried to meddle in, but they also had their share.

The fight was noticed by a security officer. He then reported to the organisers. Bruce followed the organiser gaze and coinsidently saw Kenichi was punching few man. He had few body guards who follwed him in secret. So, He signed two of them to protect the ladies.

He was very angry when he saw few men came together to his nephew. He never allowed his family to harm even if he was in wrong side "Stop them"

The body guards rushed to Kenichi side. They held back the group of men. Howeve, Kenichi had turned in to a wild beast. He did not stop. He kept punching ony one man. His aim was the men who threatened Cacha

Cacha was terrified. She never saw her husband acted so violent before. She was scared that he would kill someone tonight.

"Darling, stop !! please.. darling "

Cacha soft voice flew through Kenichi ear. It was soft but very effective to bring his sanity back.

Kenichi landed his last punch at the man whose face was beyond recognition. He was still angry but he listened to his wife. He spatted "What did you say ? do you want to rape my woman ? You and your sister are the same, you are all shameless, immoral"

The man was weak but he flared up as soon as he heard the last two sentences "Don't you dare to mention My sister with your dirty mouth. You impregnated her and killed the baby to runaway from your responsibility"

Kenichi sneered "Me ? impregnant you sister ? ha.. I don't even touch her, she was not worthy. I'll prove it, You, your sister and your family, just wait !! I'll make you pay everything back !"

Cacha coinsidently saw Kenichi's right hand, it was full of blood She held his hand "Darling, your hand is bleeding"

Kenichi looked at his hand "I'm okay. It's his blood"

At that time, the securities had come. Few guests were also there so see what happened.

"Is there any first aid ?" Cacha asked.

"Madam, please come with me" One of the organiser crew said.

"Lets go, Darling. let me clean your hand"

The wild and violence Kenichi was disappeared and turned to be gentle one. He smiled at her "okay".