Chapter 287

By the time Kenichi woke up, their room was already dark. The sun already retired for the day. He turned on the bedside lamp and watched his little wife slept peacefully.

She loooked pale, her cheek was no longer as chubby as she used too. Sence of guilty and shame on him self rose. He caressed her cheek gently. afraid to wake her up. He told him self to do more self exercise in the future and not redo similar mistake.

He then remembered then she had stomach problem. He took his phone and called Yu.


"Get some one to deliver dinner for us. something that easy to be digested and not to oily"

"Yes Sir"

It was easy task but also hard. He did not know what his boss and lady boss wanted to eat. He was wonder Why boss did not order it by himself. He had a tought "Boss is coaxing lady boss. so the food must be something that she liked'

He knew few restaurant that boss and lady boss visited frequently. He narrowed the choice and at the end he called the one closer to the boss resident. He told the owner to deliver food that boss and lady boss normally ordered plus soup. He also tipped the information that lady boss had indigestion problem at this time being.

Less than half an hour, peeping hot dinner was ready. Kenichi unpacked and placed them on the table. He nodded with satisfaction, the food was Cacha favourite and they made them specially light flavour and not oily.

After the food was ready on the table, he went back to their bedroom. Cacha was still fast a sleep. He did not want to wake her beautiful slumber but she had to eat something otherwise her stomach would be much worse.

"Cha, Babe, wake up" He kissed her cheek. His stumbled was rather long so they pricked a little.

The tingling sensation from his stumbled effectively woke her up "I'm so sleepy. let me sleep more"

"Babe, lets wake up and eat our dinner first. You did not eat much this morning, it's not good to let your stomach empty"

"But I'm still sleepy. Give me five more minutes"

He kissed her cheek "Wake up, honey"

She pushed him away and pulled the blanket up to her neck. He chuckled and lifted her in princess carry. Cacha felt her body was floating, she was scared so she shirked and wrapper her hands to his neck to secure her live

He kissed her forehead. He brought her to the bathroom. He placed her on the vanity desk then washed her face with warm water. He carefully dried her face with dry towel after that "Are you awake yet ?"

She pouted and looked at him briefly "mm"

He smiled and pinched her cheek "you can continue your sleep after dinner. I'll carry you down stairs"

During the whole dinner, Kenichi served Cacha very well. He coaxed her to eat more. Kenichi was never been talking so much before. However, Cacha was still less talkactive. She only replied as needed.

It was not the chase that she threw a tantrum. Cacha knew that her husband was still in love with her. She forgave him but her mood was still not good.

"I can't eat anymore. You finish them all. You look very thin" She put her chopstick down.

"I'm full too" He also put his chopstick but his eyes were still on the food.

Cacha rolled her eyes. She picked one of the side dish with her chopstick and deliverd it to his lips "A.."

He smiled and opened his mouth obediently. He ate everything as long as she feed him.

Kenichi admitted that the elder advice worked for him effectively. He knew she was not angry anymore but she was still a little upsad. She had not call him darling yet and her had not give him her sweet smile either. He determined to put more effort to ensure that she was back to his old sweet little wife when the sun was up tomorrow.

After dinner, Kenichi washed all the dirty plates and bowl. He asked Cacha to sit nicely on the couch.

"You keep staring at me whole time, Do I look good when doing the house chores ?" He teased her.

"I did not" She denied it. She turned on the TV and stared at the screen.

Kenichi smirked. He put the last plates on the rack, cleaned the sink and dried his hand.

He poured a warm water on a glass before be walked to her side.

"Drink warm water"

Cacha took the glass. She drank two mouthful and placed in on the table.

He held her waist and whispered on her ear "Do you miss me ?"

She shrudded as His stuble rubbed her neck "It's painful. You haven't shaved yet"

"Sorry, I was in hurry when I took batch earlier. I was worry you would go and leave me. Babe, can you shave it for me ?" He rubbed his chin on her neck again.

It was prickle so She pushed his head away. "You can do it by your self"

"I can't. I forget how to"

She was speechless. Indeed it was her who helped him with shaving ever since they stayed together.

"Babe, lets wash up together"

He eagerly carried her to the bathroom. He let her clean his stumble first before he helped her to clean her and ate her in the bathroom.

This time, Kenichi really put a lot effort to make her forgive him. He moved from bathroom to their bed. He coaxed her and loved her dearly, did not matter how much she begged him. He determined to stop until she said the magic words, Darling.

"Darling, I'm so tired. " Cacha said weakly She was very exhausted. She did not have energy to lift her finger not to mention her legs.

He let a fain smile. She said the magic word, it meant that she had forgiven him completely. He still had to confirm that she forgave her "Huh ? what did you you say ?"

She was to exhausted. She did not want to continue the activitiy. "Darling, I love you but let me rest now. Okay ?"

He smiled brightly "Alright. we wash up first"

She was too tired but her body especialy her bottom half was sticky. She did not want to sleep like that "Darling, carry me"

He laughed "My pleasure"