Chapter 290

Mrs Feng was puzzled. she did not understand why Alice was so excited and her eyes beamingwith happiness when Cacha was in hospital.

"Mum, you'll have more grandkid soon. Kenichi said Cacha is pregnant"

"Really ?" Mr Feng who was calmly sitting on the sofa reading his newspaper could not help but asked. He was excited too eventhough it was not his first grandkids. Infact, it would be their eleventh.

"Yes, Dad. Kenichi said she's about eight weeks. Well, she is in hospital because her blood sugar is too low. I guess she did not eat well lately, probably due to morning sickness. She probably did not realise thay she's pregant"

Smile appeared on Mrs Feng face "I should call Kenichi now"

"No need mum. I told him to inform me once Cacha is awake. Mum, should you tell grandma Anderson now ?"

"I'm not sure. Should we wait until the first trimester first ?" Mrs Feng said

"The elders are the baby's great grandparents. It think it should be fine if we tell them now. It's unfair if we know but they did not know" Mr Feng said.

"Okay. I'll tell them now"

Then the news travelled very fast to the other continent. The whole Feng and Anderson famy members knew about her pregancy before the pregnant lady knew that she was pregnant.

Cacha slowly opened her eyes. She found her self in a unfamiliar room.

"Babe, how do you feel ?" Kenichi was rejoice when he saw her regain her conscious.

"I'm alright" She tried move her hand but it was hurt. She looked at her handa needle was place there complete with the small long plastic pipe connected to infusion. She knew she must be in hospital.

"Are you dizzy ?" Kenichi asked.

"Am I in hospital, What's wrong with me ?" She asked weakly.

Kenichi put a serious and concern face before he could say anything, nurse came.

She smiled at Cacha "Hello, How are you feeling mam ? Are you stil dizzy ?"

Cacha shook her head.

"Let me measure your temperature and blood pressure" The nurse skillfully did her job.

"Madam's blood pressure is better but still below normal. I'll check with doctor first if she need another bag of infusion" The nurse then left the room.

Cacha stared at Kenichi "Darling, what did the doctor say ?"

He signed "Well, doctor said there is something in your abdoment. They don't know how big it is but it will keep growing bigger and bigger"

"Is it danger ?" Cacha heart shrank as kenichi did not answer but lowered his head. "Do I have Cancer ? which stage" Cacha asked silent in her mind.

Kenichi pursed his lips to hold his laugher.

"Hello Sir and Madam. I'm the obstetrician on duty today" A middle age female doctors came. A nurse followed her behind bring a ultrasound device.

Kenichi requested for a female doctor earlier. He did not like the idea of male doctor touching his wife.


"Is it okay if I check madam now ?" The obstetrician asked politely

"Of course"

The doctor touch and pressed Cacha lower abdoment "Is it hurt ?"

Cacha shook her head "No"

"When was your first day of your last periode"

"30 of November" Kenichi answered it first.

Doctor and nurse tried to hide their smile.

"Is it right ?" the doctor asked Cacha.

Cacha nodded "yes

"Good Now, I'll perform ultrasound". She pulled the blanket down and opened Cacha shirts. Kenichi helped to cover Cacha lower part.

The doctor put cold gel on Cacha's abdoment before she moved the device around her belly. She stopped at certain spot and pressed a little harder. She clicked and dragged the image on the monitor and took a screen shot before she moved the camera around. She did the same actions few times.

Cacah had an urge to ask the doctor how worse her cancer was. However, seeing how serious the doctor was she did not dare to ask. She just squeezed Kenichi hand which held her hand.

Kenichi smiled. He tapped her hand gently to calm her dow..

After few minutes checking, the obstetrician smiled at Cacha and Kenichi before the moved to certain spot.

"This is the fetus. The part that moved up and down is his heart. the thumping sound is his heart beat"

"Fetus ? Am I pregnant ?" Cacha asked confusedly.

The doctor smiled "The baby size is equal to 9 weeks and two days. However, according to madam last periode. The fetus is 7 weeks and 6 days. It's similar to the hormon count on madam blood. It's save to assume madam's pregnancy is 7 weeks and 6 days"

Cacha glared at Kenichi. Kenichi just raised his eyebrows innocent.

"Is the baby okay ?" Cacha asked

The obstetrician wiped the excess gell from Cacha belly. Then she put her clothes back "His heart beat is normal, his development is also normal. About his size, he is slightly bigger but not to worry"

The obstetrician gazed at Kenichi. He was tall man, he was considered tall by western size too. With routine exercise, his body was also firm.

"Mostlikely, because he is after his daddy. Madam, you need yo watch your diet. In the next few weeks, your morning sickness will be getting worse. Don't worry, it will gradually better after week 14. However, some woman suffere from severe morning sickness. If madam can not eat anything and vomit very badly, she need to be taken to hospital"

Cacha and Kenichi nodded.

"Madam pregancy is still unstable yet. She need a lot of rest. We suggest you two have to refain for doing sexual activity until madam pass her first trimester. Madam need to take pregancy supplement and folid acid everyday to help the fetus grow healty" The doctor handed a bag to Kenichi "This is pregancy guide which is very heplfull for first time parents"

"Thank you" Cacha said.

"Madam only need to finish half of the second infusion.Then, she can go home"

"Thank you" Cacha and Kenichi said at the same time.

After the doctor was not there, Cacha slapped Kenichi hand hardly to fent her anger "Why did you lie to me ?"

"Me ?"He asked confusedly.

"You said there is something in my belly. I tought it have cancer" She nearly cried. Lately, she was very sensitive and a little melancholy.

"Sorry, I don't mean it. But, what I said is true, the baby is now still small and it will grow bigger and bigger. Right ?"

Cacha was speechless. She could not argue so she just pouted her lips.

"Sir, Madam" Yu arrived. He brough Kenichi's winter coat and Cacha's as well. He was very toughfull than usually by bringing some food for Kenichi.

Kenichi was hungry. He had not had anything since the morning as well. He ate the food that Yu brough and feed Cacha as well.

"I'm full" Cacha said after the third spoon"

"Have a little more. Baby need food. If you don't eat, he doesn't have food too"

For the sake of their baby, Cacha reluctantly ate more.

At the corner, Yu was dumpstruck. "Boss, you said Baby. right ?"


"So, madam.. Is she pregant ?"


"congratulations Boss, Madam" Yu could not hide his joy. They would welcome the heir soon.