Chapter 293

Since he had to be in police station at 10 O'clock, Kenichi did not go to work in the morning. He woke up earlier than usual and prepared breakfast for his wife.

Cacha smiled as she watched her husband who was busy on the kitchen. When she blinked her eyes, tears dropped. She wipped her tears and blowed her nose quietly.

"Do you have cold ?" Kenichi placed her breakfast in front of her.

"my nose is a little watery, polen allergy" She did not want him to know that she was crying. She stared at her plate "pancake ?!"

Kenichi chuckled "I asked eldest sister the recipe. Come one, eat some"

She sniffed it and shook her head "Can I have just toast with butter ?"

"It's your favourite pancake, try it" he cut small piece and delivered it to her lips

Cacha shook her head " "Baby doesn't like it"

"Try a little, please"

She signed and ate it. She shallowed it and drank a sip of water.

"How is it ? good ?"

She shook her head and run to the bathroom as fast as she could before she threw everything on her stomach up.

Kenichi was after her. He patted her back gently and wipped her mouth with tissue paper "How do you feel ?"

"I told you baby doesn't like it. I always vomited when I have sweet food" She glared at him.

"I'm sorry"

He helped her to stand up and carried her back to sit on dinning table. He was thinking what to cook for her when Ding dong, the bell rang.

Kenichi put a cup of warm water on her hand "Drink it. I'll have a look who's coming"

Kenichi checked the security monitor bafore he opened the door.

"Aunty, uncle. Please come in " He greeted Mr and Mrs Sato.

Mrs Sato came first "Do we come late ?"

"No. We just have breakfast. Do you already have breakfast"

"We do" Mr Sato answered.

"Where is Cacha ?" Mrs Sato asked.

"She was just vomitted"

Cacha came out as soon as she heard familiar voice. "Aunty, uncle" She walked to Mrs Sato side in large steps.

"Don't walk that fast. It's not good for the baby" Mrs sato pulled Cacha to sit next to her.

"Do you know that I'm pregnant ?"

"We do. Kenichi boy told me yesterday"

Kenichi called the couple on the weekend to ask them to come to accompany Cacha. He knew she was worry about him so he was reluctant to leave her alone.

He was afraid her mind going funny and thinking about unnecessary thing of she was alone. Elena was availabe but in his opinion, she was not suitable on this situation. He prefered a senior who was mature. The Sato couple were the one who came up in his mind.

Mr Sato smiled "You boy, why does it take so long for you to have a baby ? Are you incapable ?"

Kenichi "I'm very good"

"Then, you must be slacking on your duty "

"I didn't. I fulfill my duty very well nearly every night"

"Then. why did it take so long ?"

Mrs Sato pinched her husband thigh "You are a senior. How come you talked like that to them"

Mr Sato was an upright man. He only said that casually to easy Cacha mind.

"Do you throw up a lot ?" Mrs Sato asked Cacha.

"No. I vomitted because he forced me to eat food that baby doesn't like. Baby is after his dad, he doesn't like sweet"

Mrs Sato nodded. She took the paper bag and pulled a large food container. there were hand made pastries inside "I made savoury snack. Try if the baby likes it"

Cacha took one and ate it. She smiled cheerfully "Baby likes it".

Mr Sato and Kenichi watched the ladies with wide grin.

Kenichi tooka deep breath "It's time for me to leave"

Mr Sato nodded "Remember, you have a right not to say anything and request for a lawyer"

"I understood"

"be mindful"

Cacha took Kenichi suit and helped him to wear it. He held her hand and kissed her forhead "I'll call you as soon as it finish. I should be home around lunch time"

"mm.. take care"

Mr Sato stood up and patted Kenichi's shoulder "Don't worry about her, We'll be here until you're back"

"Thank you"

After Kenichi left, Cacha sat on the couch and swept.

Mrs Sato patted her head gently "He will be alright. Your husband is nice young man, he will be bless by the gods"

"Aunty, my husband is very poor. He lost his job because he was againts the project. Now, The project went wrong and they blame him for their mistake"

Mr Sato smirked "We can measure how deep the ocean is but not human heart. Actually, human heart is the scariest thing in the world. Kenichi intention is right so he will be fine. "

"Do you know this matter ?" Cacha asked

Mrs Sato sandwiched Cacha hands with hers "We do. We read it in news paper. We trust Kenichi. He will fine"

Mr Sato worked for government agency before he retired. He came across similar case like this in the past. He more or less figured out what was happening.

With Mrs and Mr Sato were around, Cacha was cheerful a little bit. She spent her morning time with less worry. However, it did not last too long.

She grew restless as lunch time approaching. Kenichi had not called her yet, so she tried to call him.

"Did you call Kenichi ?" Mrs Sato asked while preparing lunch on dinning table.

"Come and sit here" Mr sato pointed at the dinning chair.

Cacha sat down and signed "His phone is switched off. I called his assitant, he's not in the office yet. So, I assume he's still at the police station"

Mr Sato placed a bowl of rice in front of Cacha "It just takes a little more time. He will be here soon. Lets have lunch first"

"I'm not hungry yet"

Mrs Sato sat next to Cacha "Girl, Your baby in your womb is depend on you. He needs food from you. If you don't eat, he doesn't have anything to eat. You'll be a mum soon. As mum, we have to be strong for your kid. furthermore, If you are not well bacause you refuse to eat, your husband will be angry at him self. If you love him and your baby, you have to eat. Okay ?"

Cacha did not want her husband to blame him self. She did not want her baby to siffee either. she obediently ate what ever Mrs Sato put on her bowl. She did not each much but Mrs Saro was very glad.