Chapter 295

Kenichi brought Cacha to sit them he feed her patiently.

"You eat too. You haven't had any lunch yet, right ?" She feed him back.

Kenichi opened his mouth, he ate whatever she put in his mouth without any complaints.

Witnessing how sweet the couple was others just enjoyed their snack with smile.

After two mouthful, Cacha refused to eat "Darling, they push the blame on your shoulder, right ?"

Kenichi and the rest did not raise the issue because they did not wish Cacha to worry. Since She had brought up the topic, they did not hold back anymore.

"They are. Kenichi will be invited to the court hearing soon. Probably in 4 weeks time" Jun's father said.

"Kenichi, whose the lawyer that represent you ?" Mr Sato asked.

"He is just an ordinary but good one"

"Ordinary lawyer is not enough. We don't know what kind of tricks those heartless and shameless people have planned. We need the best lawyer to anticipate their move. I know one the prominent one, Lawyer Noda. He is my good friend, I will ask him to defend you"

"Lawyer Noda ? Is he the legendary lawyer Noda ?" Jun's father was excited.


"That's great than. With him as your Legal team, Nothing will go wrong" Jun's father was very happy.

"Let me discuss with my brother first" Bruce had no knowledge about top lawyer in the country but Andrew probably did. Furthermore, this was related to Kenichi's future so he had to be very careful. He stood up and went to other room to make call.

As they now were talking about lawyer, Cacha remembered about Sean "Darling, second brother asked you to call him. I called him earlier and told him about you"

"I'll call him later" He was very hungry so he asked for another serve of food. Mrs Sato happily gave him another serve.

Bruce came back with wide smile "My brother is also thinking to get lawyer Noda. However, this lawyer is very busy and not easy to be reach. If Mr Sato is able to get in touch with him, Our family is very grateful. With him and Sean work together, we're confident that nothing will go wrong"

Mrs Sato smiled "He will be very happy to be able to work with Sean. He said he admires this young man"

"How can that lawyer know my brother ?" Cacha was confused

"He came to our place while ago and saw your wedding picture. He asked if it's Sean Feng. I said yes. He said that he has heard about your brother reputation for long time. Unfortunately, he hasn't got chance to meet your brother in person"

"Is second brother that famous ?"

Bruce laughed at Cacha "You're so clueless. Your brothers is famous, countless companies approach him to be their lawyer"


Kenichi flicked Cacha forehead lightly "Don't you know all our brothers are famous ?

"All Include third brother?"

"Yes all"

"No way. I know, my eldest brother is, but not my third brother. My third brother is kind of weirdo, bookworm"

everyone laughed at Cacha. Alan must be very depressed if he knew his sister think that he was a weirdo.

"I'll give him a call soon. I should be able to give you good news in two days" Mr Sato said with full of confident.

Bruce smiled "Thank you, Sir. Finlay, you call Sean now"


"I said Now !!"

Kenichi reluctantly called Sean.

"Bro, It's me K"

"How are you ? all good ?"

"I just came home. I'll talk to you tomorrow"

Sean understood that Kenichi matter was rather serious "Sure. I'll do my best for you. Meantime, Make sure my sister eat and sleep well"

"Of course"

"Since you already home, My wife and me will go back now" Mr Sato said.

"Uncle, why don't you stay here tonight" Cacha said.

Mrs Sato smiled "I don't want to distrube you. Have a good rest, I'll come again soon"

Bruce also had no reason to stay "I go back too. I'm going to send them to station"

Since Bruce, Mr and Mrs Sato left, Tei and her father also left. Kenichi walked then to the door

"Prepare all evidence that you have" Jun's father said.

"Yes. Those evident are very useful for Lawyer Noda will clear you in no time and make counter strike at the same time" Mr Sato added.

"We can't go easy and let them away. They have lost their moral value" Bruce was afraid Kenichi went soft at his uncle and cousin. They were related by blood anyway.

"I have to protect my family so I won't let them away" Kenichi was not saint.


After only two of them left in the house, Kenichi took shower then he accompanied Cacha the whole night. He kept her by his side all the time. He was worried about her the whole day.

Only the next day he called Sean. He asked Sean if he was willing to be his legal consultant and worked together with lawyer Noda.

Sean laughed "You're my brother, of course I'll be there for you. Give me that lawyer phone number, I'll in touch with him as soon as I can. And You, you just concentrate on your work and look after my sister and my newphew"

"Thanks Bro"

"No Drama. Remember to text me the number soon"

On the same day, Mr Sato called Kenichi to inform him a good news. Lawyer Noda was agree to take the case. He also asked for Sean number. Kenichi gave Mr Sato Sean's phone number and asked for Lawyer Noda's number.

He texted the number to Sean before he personally call lawyer Noda to say a words or two. Lawyer Noda only asked him to send all the evident to him. He said he was going to set up meeting with Kenichi closer to the court hearing day.

"Leave everything to me" Sean's reply message was very sort.

He then told Cacha that Sean and Lawyer Noda were working together to look after his case. Cacha was very relief. She had nothing to worry since her brother was on it. Her brothers were always trustworthy. They never let her down.