Chapter 299

The next day, Kenichi brought Cacha and his grandfather out. The elder wished to see Mr Sato to thank him for his help. They had lunch together whe Kenichi told Sato couple that he would like visit this particular temple. Mr and Mrs Sato were more than happy to accompany there.

The Andersons were not Buddhist but they were happy to come and have alook. They admired the architecture design of that place. They did not hestitate to offer pray there. They prayed for Cacha to have smooth delivery and healty baby.

A caretaker of the old was busy sweeping the fallen leaves. His eyebrows raised when he heard people talking in foreign language. This temple was beautiful, but it was not a destination of international tourist. Most of people came there were local who wished to pray or found peace in thei heart.

He tilted his head and saw a group of visitor familiar figure. With his sharp eyes, he scanned the group. His heart dropped when he saw a man who looked very familiar to him "impossible!"

He did not believe his brain, but his heart recognised the man straightaway.Even the man did plastic surgery to change his appearance, his aura could not decive him

He squinted his eyes to have clearer view "it's really him"

The caretaker focused was on Kenichi

Kenichi was walking next to Cacha. He hugged her my her shoulder while his other hand was on his pocket. When cold wind blow, he secure her under his big body. He chuckled but his eyes smiling. Then he started to observe Cacha.

Kenichi sensed someone watching him, so titled his head toward the caretaker. He let a fain smile and nod. The caretaker smiled back then continued what he was doing.

Kenichi was waiting on a wood bench while the rest were strolling around. The caretaker came and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry that I didn't come to your wedding. Is she lady boss ?"

Kenichi smiled "Senior Katana is still as sharp as before. Today, I come here with my missu and paternal grandparents. The others two are my wife's new friends"

Senior Katana chuckled "I saw your wedding picture. She is much more better in real than picture. She's nice and pretty lady" He was retired but still in contact with few senior members. he heard all boss's love stories from them

Kenichi smiled proudly "Thank you. My wife is indeed awesome lady"

Senior Katana snorted "why do you sound like second in command now ? very cheese. Not like your self"

Kenichi chuckled "Father bought me a house in xxx prefecture. We're going to move there soon" Kenichi style was always straight forward.

Senior Tanaka pursed his lips "It's a white area"

White area was term they used to indicate a neutral area where no clan claim.

"Now, we lives in our territory, my wife is well protected. Going forward, I only can strengthen the inside security"

"For the last ten years, We don't have any enemy, life is very peaceful. That's why we retired"

Kenichi laughed "We don't know what happen in the future. Currently, I have someone who dare to threaten me with my wife. He's not related to any clan"

The senior frowned. He was wonder who the brazen guy was.

Kenichi smiled "I'm going to be a father. So, I need to protect both mother and son. Since we're not in our territory, I only can strengthen from inside. I remember years ago you told me that My weekness will bring disaster upon me. You pointed out my weekness which is too soft. My wife is even worse than me, she always see this world as colourful world. At this moment, I rely on sister knife and senior scare to guard my wife"

Senior Tanaka was surprised to hear that the other two had agree to end their retirement. However, he was thrilled to know that they were going to have an heir soon. He then stared at Kenichi "You mean.."

Kenichi smiled ans bowed his heas "Please return to my side. Please help me to look after my wife"

The senior twitched "What can I do for you ? I'm just an uneducated man who knows nothing but fighting"

"My wife safety is the top priority. Senior scar and sister knife are very kind to help me. With sister knife around, No one can poisoning my wife. My mind is ease because no one will be able to kidnap my wife on the street under senior scar protection. It will be perfect when you're on board. With your sharp eyes, you can help me to arrange a lot of thing. I need reliable person to be gardener, cleaner, security officers, nanny and many thing. I am afraid I trust wrong person. Please I beg you. Only with three of you around me, I feel safe and sound"

Senior Tanaka furrowed his eyebrows. He was not sure if he was as capable as what the boss said but he could not reject boss plea. They had gone through thick and thin together. Boss never left him alone. There were many time, boss shouldered the consequences of his mistake. He signed "I'll do my best"

Kenichi laughed "I'm going to move there next weekend. Sister knife is coming on Thursday"

He took a set of keys from his pocket and threw it. Senior Tanaka reflect was very good, he caught it easily.

"There are keys of my new house. I just got it last night and have never been there. My father has arranged all the furniture, but he may over look small thing like plates, cup and linen. Since my wife is pregant, I don't intend to bring much stuffs other than our clothes and pictures. One linen is good, my wife will buy the rest. Anything relate yo kitchen please discuss with Sister Knife. Also, it needs to be clean before my wife come"

Senior Tanaka twitched "Alright.. I'll coming on monday"

"Yu will arrange everything"

Senior tanaka laughed "So the senior eunuch is still around"

Kenichi guffawed. Back then, Kenichi was considered as the king who and senior Tanaka was the prime minister. Senior scar and sister Knife held the general who led the battle on the ground. Yu was senior eunuch who personally served the king. The difference between Yu and real eunuch was Yu still had his ball and freely slept with many girls.

"I need to find my wife first. See you soon"

"Boss" Senior Tanaka shouted.

Kenichi haltes his steps and turned his body " hmm ?"

"I know you're not superstitious at all. Since you're here, pray for your wife and kid well being"

Kenichi smiled "Done"

Senior Tanaka hid behind the big tree while watching boss and his wife. He never saw gentle and effection boss before. He understood that boss's was deeply in love with lady boss. He then gazed on the lady boss belly.

His cold eyes turned very soft. The organisation was his only family since he was fifteen. In about ten years relationship with boss, he treated him like best friend and also a second son.

The baby in Cacha belly was as same as his grandchild. He swore that he was going to protect the baby, the heir and future leader.