Chapter 303

Upon the departure of their grandparents, Cacha was very idle. She had nothing to do other than sleep, eat and sleep again and eat again. Howeve4, she lost her appetite evenmore because No one accompanied her during lunch.

Third day after the elder went back,she walked pass the kitchen when She heard Sister Sakura and Aunty Mei chatted. She was eavesdropping for few minutes before She went in to the kitchen to joint them.

Sister sakura who was helping aunty Mei was surprised "Madam !?"

Aunty Mei turned her body around "Madam, do you need something ?"

Cacha shook her head. She sat on the stool and propped her head with both her hands "I'm boring. Nothing to do"

Sister Sakura felt that Madam act was very cute. She reminded her about her little sister who passed away long time ago. "Well you can do what you normally do" She said softly

"I can't. I used to work but My husband asked me to stop working. Then I became a house wife doing but again my job have been taken... by you"

"Me ?!" Sister Sakura and Aunty Mei said at the same time.

Cacha nodded "mm. I can't cook anymore. I use to clean the house, washing clothes"

Sister Sakura and Aunty Mei stared at each other. They opened their mouth but closed it again. They did not know what to say.

"Madam, how about doing something in the garden ?" Uncle Hiro who was listening the conversation gave an idea. He came together with Uncle Ryu.

"Good idea. But it'll only take few minutes. You guys won't allow me to do any physical activity"

Uncle Ryu tried hard to think about activite that women loves the most. which women did not fancy shopping. "How about shopping ?" Uncle Ryu who did not know their lady boss well enough yet suggested

Cacha pouted "Aunty Mei just did groceries shopping this morning"

Aunty Mei heart turned very soft "Madam. I'll take you when I go to shopping next time"

"Shopping clothes" Sister Sakura said.

Cacha hung her head "It's just waste of money. Once my baby bump shows, I can't use it again. it's to early to buy maternity clothes and baby stuffs"

Four of them were speechless. They had a deep tought how to cheer their lady boss up.

"Ah.. I have an idea" Cacha face suddently turned bright.

"what is it ?"

"How about you guys tell me about your young age experiences. My mum and dad loved to tell us about it" Cacha then looked at uncle Ryu excitedly "Uncle Ryu, can you tell me how did you get the scar ?"

Uncle Ryu had no option but tell them about it. However, he skillfully modified some parts so lady boss did not had any idea about their previous identity.

It did not stop there. Their conversation about the past continued on the next time. This time, not only five of them, the other three were also joining.

The master of the house did not know about the fun at all. Until he came home earlier on friday.

He had more free time after promoting Jun to be his special assistant who did half of his job. He was not cruel boss, he hired two more secretaries to help Jun. Of course all his secretaris were male.

Yu also had been promoted. He was Kenichi special assistant and had few men to help him.

Kenichi was very angry when he found no body was on the security post. The house was very quite either. He was not aware if his wife had plan to go out

"Where are very one ?"

He was about to go upstairs when He heard laugter from the living room. He went there and found all of them there.

Initially, he planned to scold them. however, His face was soften as he saw his wife was laughing happily. As long as they made his wife laughed, he was fine.

Kenichi was wonder what they were talking about. It must be very amusing since senior Scar who always had serious face and stern loom was smilling brightly.

Cacha was coincidently saw her husband.

"Darling, you are home" She rushed to his side joyfully.

Kenichi pulled her to his embrace "Becareful" and touched her belly.

"Darling, Sister Sakura just told us about her first crush"

"Did she have one ?" Kenichi blurted

The rest were snorted while sister sakura rolled her eyes "Of course I had "

Cacha nugged his waist "Don't say that ! Darling Now, uncle Ryu turn"

Senior Scar that he knew always kept his privacy. Kenichi was a little curious about his past too. So he just let his wife to pull him to sit.

The conversation then continued. athe laughter was nonstop until Cacha groaned

"Babe, are you okay ?" Kenichi was very concerned

"I'm hungry"

Aunty Mei peeped on the clock. It was nearly 6 o'clock. She stood up and cursed "F*ck I forget. I haven't chop the pork yet"

she just reliased that the room turned silence. She frowned and looked at Sakura eyes, asking her what was going on.

Sakura pulled her down to sit and whispered "you're using bad words"

Aunty Mei grinned awkwardly "Sory madam"

"Aunty Mei is feeling guilty since she neglect her duty. It's nearly dinner but the food is far from ready " Kenichi explained.

"Aunty don't worry. We can order take away food. right Darling"

Kenichi glanced at his people who ducked their head "Eating outside is not healthy foe our baby. But once a while is okay"

"then lets order the food" Cacha said cheerfully.

For the next two days, none of them came near boss and lady boss. First was because they were afraid that boss got angry. Second reason was they still did not use to with sweet and loving boss. it was too strange for them.

They were waiting for boss to punish them for neglecting their duty. surprisingly, boss never did that.

On Sunday night, the weather was very cold. seven people gathered on the side yeard. They circled the fire while chatting happily.

From the second floor, Cacha looked at them "They are having fun down there"

"You can have fun with me your hubby"

She threw him an annoying look "Can we join them too ?"

He pulled her to his embrace "It's greezing tonight. Better stay here" Then he carried her to the bed.

He just started kissing her her phone buzzing. He ignored it but it kept buzzing nonstop.

She pushed him away and grabbed her phone "It's my second brother"

Kenichi signed before rolled to the other side. He let her answer the phone while his hands roaming on her body, checking if she gained any meat or not.