Chapter 319

Grandpa signed. He patted his wife shoulder "I was wrong too" He stroke his stick and cursed him self "What kind of grandfather I am. Your blood relationship scattered only for this stupid lier !!"

"Sir, Madam don't blame your self. They're too shameless, to evil. They plotted it very well, we're not their match" Grandpa hated the Takahashi.

"That's true. She looks very gentle and noble.. who knows.." the butler signed.

"Lucky, young master is smart man, he insisted not to marry her. If he married her, it would be disaster" The butler wife added.

Mrs Aiko Matsunaga who was also watching at home with her husband and daughter was shocked.

"How come ? how come ? I treat her very well, even better than my own flesh and blood. How come she did it to us" She cried.

Her husband embraced her "it's okay. We have to make it up for Kenichi. We're wrong him"

There daughter, Ayaka, agreed "Poor brother"

Their son, Kenji, came home from his university. He ran as fast as he could. He was still catching his breath "Mother, father, have you heard that elder brother has become hot topic. He"

"we're watching" Ayaka pointed at the computer.

"Oh.. I see" Kenji sneered as he saw Yuri "I've decided that I won't talk to Sister Yuri anymore"

"Don't meet her at all. She's not good at all. I think sister in law is much better" Ayaka said.

"Of course, your sister in law is much better. who is Yuri compare to my daughter in law. Does she think my son is blind ? my son has great taste of woman. Don't mention that woman again in my house " Mrs Matsunaga warned her child

Ayaka and Kenji stared at their mother before looked at each other. They twitched. Their mother loved Yuri Takahashi very much before and never mentioned anything about their sister in law. Now, she had changed 180 degrees.

Different from his mother and grandparents, Kenichi did not bother about the court at all. He had few meeting in the morning.

During lunch time, Uncle Ryu drove Cacha to his office. They both had lunch together before went to the hospital. Coinsidently, that day was the day they did ultrasound to check their baby.

After waiting for twenty minutes, they went to the ultrasound room. Cacha lay on the bed as the doctor moved the scanner around.

"How is our baby ?" She asked.

The doctor smiled "let me show you the baby" He turned the monitor a little so Cacha and Kenichi could see.

"These are his two hands, these are his legs"

Cacha smiled as she saw the baby legs kicking here and there.

"The heart beat is normal, he is a very healthy one. The baby size is bigger then normal baby, but it's perfectly fine, nothing to worry about. He must has his daddy gen. Your amniotic fluid is normal, this is very good. Any question ?"

"Is the baby a girl ?" Cacha asked excitedly.

Doctor smiled "Are you prefer a girl or a boy ?"

"My parents already have ten grandsons, but my grandma told me to have a boy first"

The doctor laughed "this is baby genital, it clearly show that he's a boy. So. your grandma get her wish. You have tried harder next time for a girl"

Kenichi laughed "The next one surely is a girl"

Then his phone rang, Kenichi saw the caller ID, it was his father. The doctor wiped the excess gel with tissue paper.


"how's the court going ?" Andrew asked as he read the report in his office.

"Don't know"

Andrew slammed his pen "what do you mean ? where are you now ? what's more important than the trial ?"

"my wife and my son. Today, we have a peek of him"

"is it The baby twenty week scan ? how is it ? girl or boy ?" Andrew forgot about the court now. His granson was more important.

"Why do you want to know ?" Kenichi teased.

"You said if it's boy that I'll look after him. I need to prepare his room now !"

"Make the best baby's room one. It has to be grand, luxury with the best material ever."

"Bullshit !!"

Kenichi chuckled "You don't believe me. You're better speak with the doctor by your self"

Kenichi then asked the doctor "My father doesn't believe that I have a boy. Can you please explain to him"

The doctor agreed. He told Andrew that he had a grandson, a healthy one before gave the phone back.

"Are you satisfy now ?" Kenichi teased.

"You make sure you win today court. He's my eldest grandson who is born from my daughter in law. The world should know that his father never has any other kids before him from other woman. Understand ?"

Kenichi chuckled "Definitely"

Back in the court room,

Kenichi's lawyer smiled "Thank you for Miss Takahashi confession. Your honour. Our client has suffered for seven years from false accusation. He doesn't after money, because money can not heal his psychological damage from this case. He only after formal appology and clear his name. We also demand two years imprisonments for slandering, abusing our cliend and threatening our client's wife. He requested for the the accused to pay all legal cost relate to this case"

The judged smiled "We'll have a short break and come back with the decision"

After short break, judge was back and reasy to annouce their decision "Based on the solid evidents, Miss Yuri Takahashi was not impregnat nor forced to abort the baby by Mr Kenichi Anderson. Therefore, Mr Ena Takahashi has found guilty for slandering and accusing Mr Kenichi Anderson. He's also guilty for threatening doing horrific action again the victim's wife. The court agree for the victim's request. Mr Ena Takahashi has to give formal apology on the media. He will be sentence 2 years imprisonment and has to pay for all legal cost occured"

The judge knocked the hammer and the court dismissed

Kenichi lawyer walked toward Takahashi family "This is my legal bill. pay within a week"

Ena snapped the paper and bewildered "what ? your fee is fourtime than the most famous lawyer in this country. you're scheming us !!"

" Scheming ? Me ? Mr Anderson was very distress. His reputation was tarnish inform of public and his business relation. Hiw wife knew about this. He's agree with my fee. for him, as long as his wife willing to serve him again and his reputation's back. any price will do. Plus, He called me for countless time even in the middle at night. I told him I charged double after hour. He's richman, money is nothing. Play in a week !!" The lawyer sneered and left the court room. He was a mob lawyer, he had no problem doing shameless act.

Ena was really wanted to curse and punch the lawyer. Before He could do anything, he was taken by the police and sent to prison right away. Yuri and his parents just bitterly watched him taken without able to do any thing.

She looked at Mr Yamamoto to ask for help. However, she only met his cold eyes. Mr Yamamoto effection towards her already disappeared, nothing left. What left was only hatred and disappointment.

At this moment, only one thing came up in her mind. She rushed to stop Kenichi!s lawyer.