Chapter 323

"you smell stink. have shower first"

He Kenichi was startled. The only time she complained about his body odour was when he did not shower for days.

He often kissed and embraced her after exercising in the morning but she never complained. After they had s*x, he always cuddled her with his sweating body. She also never said anything about his body odour. In fact, she always nestled in his embrace and enjoyed his masculine scent.

He sniffed his own body but it did not smell anything. 'May be because of pregancy hormone, she's more sensitive with smell' He thought silently. Nonetheless, He went upstairs to have shower.

When he dried his body up, Cacha came inside their bathroom.

"where is your dirty clothes ?"

"There" The clothes piled on the floor next to the shower door.

Cacha picked up the shirts, suit and the pants one by one. She sniffed and wrinkled her nose "Smell so bad"

She ensured the pocket was empty before left the bathroom. She went downstairs and handed the clothes to Sakura "Burn them all"

"yes Madam" Sakura gladly took the clothes.

Kenichi who was following his wife was dumpstruck "Babe, Why did you want to burn my clothes?"

"To get rid of other woman smell" She looked straight at Kenichi's eye " Can't I ? you must enjoy her smell. Do you miss her ?" She was very crossed.

Kenichi was stunned. "whose smell ?" He did not understand what She meant.

Cacha twitched and walked back to their room. He waited until she was disappeared and called Sakura "Where did you bring my clothes ?"

"Outside. Middle is burning them"

"Why ?"

"Madam doesn't like you to wear it again !" Aunty Mei answered.

"but Why ? can you tell tell tell what the f*ck happen here ?" Kenichi was frustrated.

Uncle Ryu chuckled "She coinsidently saw the woman hugged you few hours ago"

Kenichi now understood "How come. Did she come to my office ?"

"Some one coinsidently upload it on internet's" Middle smiled.

Kenichi lifted his eyebrows "Coinsidently ?!"

His gaze moved from uncle Hiro to uncle Ryu and stopped at Koji.

Uncle Hiro cleared his throat. He prouly lifted his head as his involvement exposed "can't do half way, it's always our way"

Kenichi chuckled as he rubbed his temple "I absolutely agree but must you show it to my wife ? I'm in big trouble now. Last time, she almost left me"

Every one was speechless. They did not know about it. They should interogate Yu later one.

"Madam accidentally watched it with us" Middle felt guilty.

"How ?"

"We were watching when She came to find us" Sakura ducked her head.

"It's better for Madam to witness it by her self rather than knowing from somebody else" Uncle Ryu said.

Koji nodded "the consequence is surely much worst If someone added more salt and pepper"

Aunty Mei smiled " Sir, Madsm is not angry at you. She's just still a little jealous"

Kenichi glared at them "If I'm in trouble. I'm going to chop you all ! understood ? "

Uncle Hiro snorted "Go and coax your wife now. Otherwise, you'll be in real trouble"

Koji gestured Kenichi to go "Not good to let pregnant lady angry"

Kenichi gave them another glare before went to their room. Cacha was sitting on the sofa with parenting book on her hands.

She glanced at him for seconds and flipped the pages. She pretended to be upsad and ignored him.

He sat on her side. He hugged her and rested his chin and her shoulder "Babe, I didn't know that woman came to the office and was waiting for me. Next time, I won't ask Koji to wait for me in the lobby"

"You'll ask him to go home so you and her can have dinner or go to hotel ?" she said unhappily.

"Babe, why would I go with her ? I don't like her in the past, now nor in the future. How is she compare to you. My wife is so young, cheerful, pretty without make up"

"But fat" She cut his off as she caressed her belly.

He chuckled "You're pregnant, not fat. Where is the fat ? let me see"

He moved to sit in front of her and examined her body " Definitely can't see any fat at all. You only gain 4 kilos that's not much at all. Anyway, a little fatter is good. Look you boobs are more firm" He touched her breast cheekily

She slapped his hand and pouted "pervert"

Kenichi smiled as he saw her eyes were smilling "Babe, I only love you. Trust me, please ?"

Cacha put a serious face "Don't meet her any more !!"

"yes Mam"

"If you see her somewhere, you should avoid her !!"

"Of course"

"Don't let her touch you. not even your clothes !!"

"Surely. Only you can touch me" He grabbed her hand and put it on his chest and moved it around his torso. He brought it further south, and stopped on his rod "especially here"

"Pervert!" She pulled her hand and pouted but her eyes were now laughing.

Kenichi laughed. He carrried her to their bed. He let her sit on his lap "I love you" He kissed her lips few times.

She pushed him away "Darling, I'm hungry"

"Lets have dinner" Thankfully, Cacha was not really angry. So it's easy to coax her.

Babe, becarefull" Kenichi helped her to step down the stairs. One of his hand was on Cacha's back and one protected her


Everyone were still waiting downstairs to check boss's faith. They rolled their eyes but their face was full of joy as they saw this harmonious and lovely scene.

"They're good now" Aunty Mei and Sakura then went to the kitchen to serve dinner.

"Madam is too soft, too easy to coax" Uncle Ryu signed.

"I wish she threw tantrum longer" Uncle Hiro added.

Koji frowned, he rubbed his chin "Since I saw her few days ago, Why do I feel madam is very familiar ? I think I saw her somewhere before"

Right laughed "Senior claw, you and me saw her before. We stalked them"

"Really ? when ?"Koji asked curiously as he recalled his memory.

"She's the girl who made boss went to Disney Land"

"Disney land ? .. the snow girl ?" Uncle Ryu asked. He, uncle Hiro and aunty Mei had retired that time but they knew about about the story of Kenichi went out with a girl.

"Yes.. yes. The very same girl who made boss went berserk and drove motorcycle two time off the limit and made me lost my licence for cover him up" There was no trace of angry on Right voice nor his face. In fact, he was proud of it

"Ahh... so it's her. No wonder look familiar. it's faith.. faith from Gods " Koji grinned happily.

However, his face turned sour the next second. He punched Right "Damn !! if only put more effort at that time, We should've start training our little prince"

"What effort you had in your mind?" Uncle Ryu asked.

"Make them had s*x of course" Koji rolled his eyes.

"We should do it when they were on Disney resort at that time. Second master had arranged them stay on same room" Middle blammed him self.

Koji nodded. But uncle Hiro shook his head "No. I think it should be on the snow. You know, it was cold so they shouldhad used body heat to warm their self"

Middle's twinkled eyes "I should told them not to prepare any spare clothes then made their clothes wet"

"Then.. then to warm their self. They should took off their clothes then two body entangled under one blanket" right grinned like a silly. Uncle Hiro and the rest laughed.

"Stt... Don't let madam hear you. She will die from shyness" Aunty Mei joined them again

Left came in hurry with his phone on his grip. His face was very joyful "Guys. So many watched the video. They all cursed that b*tch"

Uncle Hiro and uncle Ryu exchanged gazed and smiled proudly.

The video of course went viral by mean. They organised people to view and shared it as many as they could to attract public attention. Their plan worked sucessfully.

Kenichi's half siblings watched this and showed it to their parents. The elder's assistant also knew about this from his daughter. He was so angry and could not resist his self to tell the Yamaguchi elders.