Chapter 321

The second day, Koji was woken up by Middle. "What ?"

"Big brother, Boss is waiting"

"It's weekend. He's not going to work"

"Well, it's not Sir but Madam. She is waiting for you to come to have breakfast. hurry up !! Don't let madam hungry. Boss won't be happy"

Koji rolled his eyes. He found Madam was annoying.He forcefully got off and went to the dinning room. He was surprised to see the whole team was on the table.

"Good morning, brother Koji" Cacha greated him with her smile.

Koji was dumpstruck "Morning Madam. Why do you call me brother ?"

"You're like brother to my husband, just Like Kuro and Ren. Since you're his brother thrn you're also by brother" Last night Kenichi told her about his past with Koji.

Koji laughed "Should you call be brother in law then ?"

She shook her head "No. I prefer brother"

Koji grinned. He changed mind, Madam was not annoying. She was interesting girl.

Kenichi took the fork and knife "breakfast time !!" He sliced the sandwich and feed his wife first.

Just after Madam of the house ate, the rest then began to eat too. Koji looked at all the happy face on the table. His heart felt very warm. It reminded him their old days. They often ate together like to day. The only difference was an additional member, lady boss.

He took a peek on Cacha for few times. He was still in contact with their members. They told him how much bost adored the girl. He also heard many times that lady boss was a nice lady. He was still in doubt until now.

"Boss, what are the plan today ?" Uncle Ryu asked.

"lets shopping. We haven't buy anything for baby" Cacha caressed her belly.

Kenichi drank his coffee "no rush to buy baby stuffs. we're going to receive a lot of baby stuffs soon. Kuro and Ren will be here sortly"

He checked the clock "Kuro probably arrived in two hours. They are going to stay here tonight"

"Should we pick him up ?" Koji asked.

"No need. Today weather is nice and warm, lets have BBQ outside"

"Lets go to market then" Cacha was in good mood for shopping today.

"Madam, you just stay home. We're going to look after this" Sakura ruined Cacha's mood. Kenichi indeed did not let her go.

Kuro and Ann arrived by midday.

"Who's the blondie with first master ?" Koji asked Sakura.

"his girlfriend, Boss's cousin"


"Second master has blondie too. But his one is like us, a mob"

"Mob princess" Left added.

"Speak with the devil. he's here" Middle exclaimed lowly. He pointed at the couple who just arrived.

Koji observed the three couples "Man, why do I feel our boss and Madam are the most prefect couple ?"

"Not only you, we feel the same" Uncle Ryu.

"F*ck you Claw !!" Ren threw a punch. He thought he was dreaming when he saw him just now. It was not until Koji spoke that Ren understood that it was not a dream

Claw was fast enough to dodge. He stood on the side and laughed "Too slow.."

"You guys are to bias !!! I'm also your boss! " Ren was about to make another strike when Kuro held his fist.

"Cut if off Ren ! Don't scare our woman, They are weak and gentle one not like yours" Kuro grinned slyly. Hi gaze fixed at Koji.

Ren was about to rebuke Kuro when Kenichi shouted "Lunch time !!"

"okay !" Kuro shouted back before he twitched at Ren "If you dare to let the lioness hungry, the lion will eat you alive"

Koji and others laughed.

"It doesn't apply to our Madam. She's always soft like a cute bunny. Am I right ?" Left said proudly.

"Wrong.. Madam will never be a lioness because sir will never allow it from the start" Uncle Ryu slapped Left and Middle head "Go, cook the food. I'm hungry"

They rubbed their sour head and walked away while grunting.

That day, Kuro and Ren came to celebrate Kenichi's victory over Takahashi. They suggested to have meal out side but aunty Mei did not allow them " Madam and Sir had lunch outside the day before. To much Food from outside is not good for Madam and the baby"

If it was related to his wife well being, Kenichi definitely agreed not to dinne outside.

Ren suggested to have drink in the pub. Everyone, of course, did not support him. Madam was pregant, no way they would go to such a place.

At the end, they just bought all the liquor and drank on Kenichi's house. Cacha did not drink any alcohol, She just had a glass of fruit juice and water. Ann only drank few glass. Kenichi, Kuro, Ren and Elena drank liquor liked water.

Kenichi was very good at alcohol, he never drunk but the other three were different. When Ren, Kuro and Elena were half drank, Kenichi sent them away. Kuro and Ren were blabbermouth when they drank. He did not want them said something unnecessary.

Kenichi's life was going from good to better. He enjoyed his peaceful and carefree live with his wife very much.

Since he had Koji who drove him, Kenichi never went to the lobby of his office building.He always used the elevator from parking lot in basement to his office. Therefore, He did not aware that Yuri had been waiting downstairs for days. Jun knew but he did not bother to tell his boss.

It was until the third day. He supposed to go to their headquarters for weekly briefing but he had no time. He had to go solve few minor issue and went home on time. So, He asked Koji to lead briefing and picked him up in the afternoon.

sSnce it was first time Koji showed his face after his brief retirement, their people held him for while for small chat. When He left their quarter, It was nearly afternoon rush hour ."Sory Boss. I just left" He called Kenichi.

"No rush. Just call me when you're nearby. I'll wait for you on the entrance"

When Kenichi got Koji second call, he went downstairs. It had passed office hour, the building was quite.

Yuri eyes was glued to the elevators for days. Her eyes glimmered when finally she saw the most wanted man in her life walked out from the elevator.

She run after him and hugged him from behind "Finally I've found you"

Kenichi turned his body around. Yuri smiled sweetly at him but her smile froze the next second. Her body was flunk to the ground, she felt with a loud tud as Kenichi pushed her ruthlessly.

"I hate to be touch by woman other than my wife, especially you. You disgust me" He looked at her with cold eyes while his lips made a mocking smile.

Yuri laughed bitterly "Why ? what's wrong with me ? why her ? why did you choose her ? she's just no body, what make her better than me ?"