Chapter 325

During this business trip, While Kenichi was busy with his work, Cacha had free days. She strolled around, enjpying her free times. Koji or Uncle Ryu would always round her to protect her.

Friday morning after breakfast, they sat off to the Yamaguchi old resident. Cacha was a little tired, she dozed off half the way. Kenichi took a blanket and wrapped it around her. He let her head rest on his chest.

Koji who wx¹aas on driver seat smirked "She's very exhausted. you shouldn't having s*x with her to often"

Uncle Ryu snorted "He has tasted the pleasure. Of course, he can't hold him self back"

"Shut up !!" Kenichi's voice was cold but his eyes were smiling. They both were right. He should refrain him self but he could not.

The two in the front laughed then they changed the conversation to the organisation. Koji and Uncle Ryu met Kuro's father and Grandfather few days ago. Both of the elder were surprised when Uncle Ryu told them that they were back because Cacha was pregnant.

"So, Kuro concealed the fact that my wife is pregnant" Kenichi was not surprised at all.

"Yes. I bet he did not want the head to nag him" Uncle Ryu grinned.

"I told the head that it's a boy" Koji laughed.

Kenichi snorted then he gave Koji the direction "turn right then go ahead and turn left"

Less than half an hour later, their car entered the resident. It was very big, slightly smaller than Kuro's family resident. Koji and Uncle Ryu knew who Kenichi's maternal family was so they did not surprise at all.

"So many cars !" Uncle Ryu looked at the car registration one by one then he pointed at a particular car "It's that woman's father's car"

"ho.. ho.. ho.. family reunion" Koji mocked.


Kenichi smiled. He fixed blanket on Cacha's body and had no intention to get off from the car at all.

Meanwhile inside the resident. Grandma and grandpa Yamaguchi sat next to each other. They were not alone. Their son and their daughter were sitting on their right and three Takahashi were on their left.

The Takahashi couple brought their daughter with her. Yuri was reluctant to come but her desire to meet Kenichi again made her there. In addition, she also did not aware that the video about her last meeting with him circulated on internet. If she knew, she would not dare to come.

"Why are you all here today ?" Grandpa Yamaguchi asked coldly.

Hitoshi cleared his throat "Father, when Kenichi is here, can you talk to him to help brother Takeshi ? Ask the boy to lend a little money, it won't harm him"

"Uncle, please help us" Mr Takahashi bowed politely.

"Why will Kenichi here today ?" Grandma asked. Her face was very sour.

Hitoshi made an awkward laughed "I told him that father miss him and wish to see him. He agreed to come today"

"How dare you trick my son !!! anyway, why should my son help them ?" Mrs Matsunaga yelled angry at her brother.

"Aiko, Show your respect to me. You brother !" Hitoshi yelled back.

"You two shut up !! And you Hitoshi, How dare you sold my name to lure my grandson here !!!" Grandma struck his walking stick angryly. Then he called his assitant.

"Yes sir" The assistant came in hurry.

"You know Kenichi's phone right ? call him and ask him not to come here today !"

"Yes sir"

the assistant walked out from the house and dialed Kenichi numbers but no answered. Kenichi turned his phone on silence mode as soon as Cacha fell a sleep.

"Young master, please answer the phone" the assistant amde two more call before be walked to the gate. He was thinking to stop him on the gate.

Kenichi saw the assistant came out. So, he gently moved Cacha's head from his chest and rested it on the car seat before he got off from the car.

As soon as Kenichi shut the door, Cacha opened her eyes lazilly "have we arrived ?"

Uncle Ryu smiled "Yes Madam"

The assistant saw Kenichi and rushed his side "Young Master. I called you so many times but no answer. I meant to tell you not to come. It was not old master who asked you to come. It's master Hitoshi. He came with the Takahashi and their daughter"

Kenichi nodded "I can tell. Well, lets talk about you first. what is your answer ?"

"Young master. I.."

"No one can handle my grandparents better than you. You've been assiting them everything. From simple matter such as paying bill and organise clearner to company matter, are all yours. If you're not here My grandparents don't know anything and I don't have time to help them. I'll increase your salary"

The assistant was still hestitate "Young master.."

"Uncle, please help us to look after the elders and take the offer" Cacha said. She alreasy got off from th car and slowly walked towardsthem.

Kenichi went to her side. He held her in one hand and support her back with his other.

The assistant gasped and pointed at Cacha'e belly. Her baby bump was very obvious "Young mistress, you.. you.. you're pregant" he shouted happyly.

"Yes. Nearly six months" Kenichi laughed.

"Young master, you're really too much. You did not tell me when we met few fays ago. I should tell old master and Old madam. They surely will be very thrilled" The assistant run and bumped to yhe buttler and his wife.

"Hei Kairi, what's happen ?" the buttler asked.

"Young mistress is here"

The buttler wife looked at the couple who were still standing on the yard with grin.

She gasped and run "Young mistress.. Oh.. God"

The buttler saw Cacha too, his mouth opened due to shock. It took few miniutes for them pull their self before both of them laughed happily.

Kenichi shook his head as he watched their reaction. He could not imagine what his grandparents would do.

The Assistant run inside. He opened the door with a bang and did not close it back "Old master, old madam. Young master is here with young mistress. She.."

He glanced at the unwanted family before he walked between Grandpa and grandma Yamaguchi.

"Young madam is pregnant" He muttered lowly. Only the elder heard what he said.

"Really ?" Grandma said in surprise.

"How do you know ?" Grandpa still maintained his composure.

"She's six months pregnant. Her belly is very obvious. The butler and his wife are with them now"

"Six months" Grandma laughed happily. She could not wait to see it with her eyes. She stood up and run as fast as she could ignoring the rest.

Grandpa had same urge but he suppressed it. He just smiled then laughed merily. The assistant was also laughed.

"Father, what's wrong ?" Mrs Matsunaga asked confusedly.

"I bet she doesn't know either" Grandpa sneered. Then his face turned sour, he now remembered to see cacha lost weight and signed "No wonder she lost Weight. Kenichi said she become a picky eater. How could I think she's on diet"

"Cacha" Grandma shouted happily as soon she saw her granddaughter

"Grandmother don't run" Kenichi was helpless. He did not understand why everyone were overreacting with his wife pregancy.