Chapter 327

Kenichi subsconciously looked at his mother. He was stunned that she spoke up for him. Warm sensation arose on his heart. He twitched "I don't have money"

"Do you think I don't know how much you got from the bank for selling the warrant letter ?" Mr Takahashi snapped agrily.

Kenichi chuckled "That's my money, you have no right to interfere my financial" Then he turned to his grandfather "Grandfather, I sold share and obligation letter because I was in financial difficulty. I even had to borrow money from my brothers in law"

"Your brother in law ? Nick ? have you return his money back ?" Grandpa asked with concern.

"Not only from him, the other three helped as well. I'll return it one day. Grandfather, I'm a businessman. It's normal for us to sell our investment after gain benefit. Moreover, this people has no intention to return what they borrowed"

"I understand" Grandpa naturally knew.

Since his father did not say anyfurther, Hitoshi stepped in "Kenichi, you can ask your father. He's rich. That sum of money is just a piece fo cake for him."

"Why should he ? These people are not relate to him in anyway" Mrs Matsunaga was very cross. She stared at Yuri with disgust.

"Aiko !!! He's our relative. we should helo them" Hitoshi yelled back at him.

"relative? hah.. she framed by son and made me feel sorry for her for many years. I even treated her better than my own daughter in law. Was it not enough ?"

Grandpa slammed the table hardly "You two shut up !!!"

"Kenichi, We know that you still have mind on Yuri. Otherwise you would not help us for so long" Mrs Takahashi forced her self to speak up.

Kenichi laughed "You think about your daughter to highly. Your daughter is not relate to me in anyway. Also I have wife. You should known thatI was waiting for the right time to sell and gain profit and take my revange. I really wanted to finish you all long time ago but the last three years, I was to busy chasing my wife and dated her . I admit that I was thinking to let go my grudge to your daughter. After all, because of her betrayal, I was able to break up with her and met my wife. Fall in love with her, dating her and finally married her."

"Kenichi. you !" Yuri was speechless

Grandpa signed. He cocked and smiled "Kenichi, Let this old man say few things. First, as human we need to be greatful"

"Listen to your grandpa" Mrs Takahashi smiled proudly.

Grandpa Yamaguchi ignored her and continued "You have to be very greatful to your brother in laws and your parents in law who help you a lot. They are not like me who useless, can't do anything for you. You also have to dedicate your self to your wife, love her with all your heart and be faithful to her"

Mrs Takahashi face was turned green

"Second, you have to be very wise. Help the one who was suitable to help. Some people take a yard when you gave them an inch. This kind of person, it's better for you not to associate with them. Third Once in a lifetime, you may need to lower your head and ask for help"

Mr Takahashi and Hitoshi smiled, full of victory.

Grandpa smiled "As a man, the only time you can bow your head and plea for help is if it's a matter of live or death of someone you love the most such as your wife and children, don't worry about insignificant persons. Fourth"

Grandpa glanced at Mr Takahashi and Hitoshi "I'm not ask you to be cruel but if someone try to harm you, you have to fight back as soon as you can. Better to destroy your enemy rathern than being distroyed. Also in the future, as businessman you have to be wise to invest your money. Buying property in your wife home country is much more worth that investing in some companies"

Hitoshi and Mr Takahashi face turned very black. But Grandpa not finsihed yet

"About our blood relationship with Takahashi, there was no such a think. Me and his father was only from same village. We was not even childhood friend"

The Takahashi face was pale.Mrs Takahashi could not keep her mouth shut anymore "uncle, you love Ena and Yuri, you said they are your grandchildren too Ena future is in danger because of your grandson. My daughter is also"

"I liked them in the past but not now. Anyway, I have own grandchildren who inherited my blood. I love them more than other's grandchildren. Also, it's Ena who seeked for trouble. He intended to harm my granddaughter in law and took advantage from my grandson. Same goes you your very good daughter. Thankfully Kenichi is smart man with great vision of woman. He chose a right woman to be his wife"

Grandpa smiled "Yuri, Kenichi is marry man. If you still have self respect to your self, you shouldn't see him anymore. And, please don't come to see us anymore. My wife and me, we hate ourselves when we saw you"




Yuri, Mr Takahashi and Hitoshi said on the sametime..

Grandpa Yamaguchi raised his hand "lets end this matter here. Don't come to see me again. And you Hitoshi, rather than meddle in somebody else business, just focus on yours. Your court case is still on going, you and Mamoru future are still uncertain"

He took his walking stick "Kenichi, take me to where your grandmother and wife are. the last time I saw Cacha was on the court. she was very thin. Has she got her weight back ?"

Kenichi stood 2up and helped his grandfather to stand up "A little. She's only gain 2 kilos. Grandfather, you and grandma have to speak up with me if she's mad at me"

Grandpa gazed at Kenichi "Why would she mad at you? She is gently lady"

Kenichi signed "Her temper is not good, the baby is really after me. She gets jealous easily. Few days ago,a woman touched my suit, she burned it"

Grandpa naturally knew who the woman was. He saw the video. He chuckled "No woman touch you today"

Before Kenichi said anything, Yuri came and grabbed his hand "Kenichi !! please let me speak"

He shook his hand violently "I don't thing we have anything to speak about"

then He showed his hand grandpa Yamaguchi "Grandfather, what should I do if my wife chop and burn my hand ?"

Grandpa nearly chocked at Kenichi behaviour "wash your hand now"

Yuri was panick when Kenichi went away. She tried to grab his hand but Kenichi ducked it "I do. Please listen, I'm sorry but I do really like you"

Then he stared at Yuri with old eyes after Kenichi's went away "Yuri, Kenichi was never yours and never be yours. He know is happily married. What you did ih the past was really disappointed us. We don't want to hate you so, please go"

Yuri was paled and stumbled. Lucky her mother caughed her "Uncle"

"Who I hate the most is someonw who wish to harm my family" then he looked at Hitoshi who ducked his head.

Kenichi came back after he washesdhis hand "Grandfather, they are in the middle room"

"lets go there. You three can go now" Grandpa walked away without looking back.

Hitoshi signed "brother, please go now. My father will not change his mind" Then he followed his father.


Grandpa Yamaguchi ignored him.

"Father" Histoshi called again.

Grandpa stopped and turned his body. He struck Histoshi with his walking stick few time "You, ungrateful b*st*rd. You harmed your newphew and now you're helping outsider who harmed your nephew !! You !!"