Chapter 330

Cacha woken up by the chirping from the bird. She opened her eyes slowly. Since she slept on her side facing the window, she could see the birds on the tree branch.

"You're awake" Kenichi lied on his side. One hand support his head while his other hand play with her hair. He had been watchind her sleeping for about quarter an hour.

"mm.. it's so good to hear the bird chirping in the morning"

He smiled "It's still early. have a little more sleep. I'm going to check for breakfast. I'll close the window"

"No, don't close the window" She still wanted to admire this beauty of nature.

Kenichi was wondered how she was going to sleep again. Nonetheless, he let the window opened and went out.

When he arrived on the living room, Grandma and Grandpa were already there. It was the elder's habit to woke up early, plus they were to exited.

"Good morning Grandfather, Grandmother"

Grandma and Grandpa smiled "Good morning"

"Is Cacha still sleeping ?" Grandma asked.

"She just woke up but I told her to sleep more"

"You did a right thing. As her belly getting bigger, she will have problem to sleep. You should buy pregancy support pillow to help her" Grandma said.

"We already have one at home. We just forgot to bring it now"

Grandpa sipped his tea "Your father, Does he know about the baby ?"

"Of course. otherwise He won't force us to move house"

Grandpa signed "Kenichi, do you want to help our company again ?"

Kenichi smiled "Eldest brother asked the same question before. No, I don't have intention to go back"

"Eldest brother? Nick ?" Grandma was surprised. She wondered why Nick got involve.

"Yes. The investor who kindly bought the share is eldest sister's father"

" I see" Grandma nodded.

"Did you ask their help ?" Grandpa asked.

"No. Cacha did tell eldest brother. While the brothers helped me and elders sister asked her father to help you. They said it was their gratitude towards you since you walked eldest sister on the isle on her wedding"

Grandpa laughed"I really did nothing on that day. They're just being too kind. So.. You have no intention to come back !?" Grandpa reconfirmed Kenichi decision.


"Is it because you hold grudge againts me ?" Mrs Matsunaga who had been eavesdropping came in side with her husband's and her two others children.

"Don't say that" Her husband warned her.

Kenichi twitched "I'm already busy with my current work. If I add extra workload, I won't have time for my wife and baby. Also, my current income is more than enough for us. My wife is not a big money spender at all. So I prefer to use my free time for them. Grandfather, Cacha come here for me, she has no one other than me. Mum and dad entrust her to me. I can't let them down"

Grandma and Grandpa were more than agree.

"You're right. You have to spend more time with your family" Grandma said joyfully. She did not care about company. She was more concerned about the kids relationship.

Kenichi smiled "Grandfather, Mamoru is actually very talented. He is a better leader than me. He just need to be him self and get away from his parents influence, especially his mother. Beside, Ayaka and Kenji are grow up now. They will be able to help in few years time"

"They can't help at all" Grandpa said.

"Good morning Young mistress" The butler's wife greeted Cacha who was just coming.

"Good morning aunty"

"Young master is inside with the rest. Come inside. I'm going to prepare breakfast"

"Do you need help ?" Cacha asked.

"No. I'm fine. We have few house maid to help" She opened the door and let Cacha in.

Kenichi turned his head and smiled. He stood up and helped Cacha to sit " Why don't you sleep more ?"

Cacha pouted. Did her husband try to make her sound like pig in front of her in law "I can't sleep anymore. My back is hurting if I sleep to long"

Cacha asked "Ayaka is same age with Lynn. You should finish uni soon, aren't you ?"

Ayaka was very happy that her sister in law paid attention to her "No. I still have two years to go"

"How come ?"

Ayaka laughed "Because I study medicine, so it take longer. Plus I consider to become paediatric, it take even longer"

"Wow.. Ayaka is so smart"

Cacha praised made Ayaka blushed.

"How about you, Kenji ?" Kenichi asked. He did not know what his half sibling did at all.

Kenji, who was a little sad before, was glad that his elder brother paid attention to him "I'm doing medicine as well. I plan to become neurosurgeon"

Now, Kenichi understood why grandpa said none if them could help. His sibling followed their father foot step to persue career on medicine.

Mr Matsunaga laughed "It's not easy. I'm not sure if they did not give up half way"

"As long as they put more effort and do their best, they should be able to do it" Kenichi said.

"True. You just need to study harder. But don't be a nerd like by third brother. My third brother hardly went out from his room. My two other brothers often played tricks to make him go out" Cacha blurted

"Third brother will be upsad if he know you're bad mouthing him" Kenichi giggled

"I didn't, it's for real. You can ask mum and Dad too"

"Breakfast is ready" The butler wife and two house maid came with small tables of food. They put the table and went out before came back with more tables.

"Darling, The weather is nice. Let's stroll around after breakfast" Cacha said in the middle of their breakfast.

"Okay. Grandfather, you should come with us. You have to train your legs"

" I exercise often" Grandpa did not want his granddaughter in law think that he was lazy.

Kenichi stared at his grandfather and chuckled "Really? according to reliable sources, you're very lazy to exercise and hardly take your medication on time"

Grandpa glared at his assitant who just came. The assistant smiled back innocently.

Kenichi shook his head. Grandpa was more amd more like small kid now. "Grandfather, no use to threaten him. He is one of my man now. I put him and the rest here to watch you, spy on you. If you're lazy.."

"Look Cha, how bad your husband treat me !! Anyway, You can do nothing to me " Grandpa said arrogantly.

Cacha did not say anything to her husband. She knew he did it for Grandfather own good.

Kenichi smirked "Then won't allow you to see my son. You're such a bad example to him"

"You !!!" Grandpa was speechless. He slammed the table and glared at Kenichi.

Grandma and the rest did their best to hold their giggle.

"Grandfather, Now it's your call now. If you want to see our nephew, you have to exercise and take your medicine regularly" Ayaka said playfully.

"Grandfather, Doctor said that my baby is bigger than normal baby. If you don't exercise more, you won't be able to hold him" Cacha also spoke up.

"you are gank up to use my greatgrandchild to threatenme !!"Grandpa made an annoyed face but his eyes were smiling.