Chapter 333

Lynn and Jun also came inside. Lynn was curious what Cacha was looking at, so She went to Cacha's back and peeped on the album. She saw a picture of little boy "Is it you bro ?"

"Yes. Have you seen these ?" Cacha asked enthusiastically.

Lynn shook her head "No. I just saw his pictures when He was seven or something"

"Is it the one during taken durinf Christmas" Cacha had seen it as well. Grandma Anderson showed it to her.

"That's it"

Mrs Matsunaga observed Lynn "You're Andrew's daughter, aren't you ?"

"Hi, yes I'm"

"are your parents here too ?"

"No. Dad can't leave company because uncle is not there. He doesn't let my mother travel with me too"

"I see" Mrs Matsunaga was relief. She was not ready to meet her ex-husband yet because of the company matter.

"Cha, is it okay if I send the furniture here next week ?" Grandpa pushed his luck. He knew Cacha could not refuse him.

"Grandfather, keep them there in the old resident. It usefull When We bring the boy to visit you" Kenichi came up with excellent excuse. Cacha had to admit that her husband was very smart.

"bring him to our place ?" Grandpa reconfirmed.

"Can't we ?" Kenichi asked him back.

"Of course you can. I'll prepare a baby room for him. How about next to us ?" Grandma said joyfully.

"You the one who promise to bring him. Don't lie" Grandpa was very happy. Both ot them had their own imagination of what they would do when the baby came to visit them.

Mrs Matsunaga was amazed with his parents excitement. She suddentlu had an urge to tease her father "Dad, are you sure you want them to bring the boy home ?"

"Of course I do" Grandpa threw a nasty look at his daughter.

"Dad, what if the boy is same like his dad, a trouble maker who turned the whole house up side down. Don't you remember Kenichi used to kill your precious Koi fishes ?"

"That.." Grandpa was speechless. He indeed used to annoy by Kenichi back then

Kenichi frowned. He wondered why they had to say such an old story that he did not remember in front of his wife.

"When did I ? You just slander me ! I never did that. I was a good boy" He defended him self shamelessly.

"You did, not only once or twice but few times" Grandma said.

"You went to the pool and took all the Koi fishes out. You said you saved them from drowning. There was a time that you bathed your dog with soap there. You don't believe me ? Kaira is here, he can be the eye witness" Grandpa still remembered everything clearly.

"One time, you took the fishes out because you're worry they might get sick because of the rain" Mrs Matsunaga added

Uncle Kaira laughed "But his facial expression was too cute back then"

Cacha and the rest could not help but laughed as well. Lynn was the only one who did not understood, she asked Jun "What happen ? why everyone are laughing"

Jun explained to herwithout hestitation. It was something worthy to know that the smart and sly Boss was very innocent once.

Lynn could not help but aughed "Bro, I never knew you're so silly'

Kenichi was speechless "Hey... Hey.. how old was I back there ? I was just a toddler"

He looked at grandpa Anderson "Now I understood why Grandfather hated my dog so much. You even took it away from me"

"Darling, Did you have dog when you're kid ? what breed ?" Cacha asked.

"I don't remember. I was too young"

"It's a french bulldog. He loved the puppy very much, he cuddled it even when he slept" Mrs Matsunaga remembered clearly how heart broken Kenichi was when Grandpa took the bog away. Unlike normal kids, Kenichi did not cry. He just silently kept his sorrow alone.

Grandpa ducked his head and signed. He was so angry back then. He took the dog from little Kenichi by force and gave it to random people. Kenichi was begging for forgiveness but he did not give him chance.

After that day, Kenichi refused to see his grandfather. He did not come to the resident very often. Even if he came, he just stayed in his room.

When Grandpa anger subsided two months later, he regretted his actions. He did his best to allocate the dog with hope to cheer the boy when he came back. He failed. He did not remember who he gave the dog to, how could he found it. The worst was Andrew took Kenichi away to UK not long after.

Cacha leaned on Kenichi chest "Should we have one too ? I really wish to have a dog when I was young too"

He caressed her head "We already have two German Sheppards"

"They are too big I can't cuddle them"

"Just cuddle me" he winked at her.

The rest were nearly chocked at his shamelessness.

Ann and Kuro were arrived. They came together with Mr and Mrs Sato.

"Morning all. Happy birthday Cha" Ann kissed Cacha cheek.

"Thank you"

Ann's gaze fell on the album. She stared at Kenichi "Is it you bro ?"


"Ann. Did you believe when he's young, he jumped to Koi fish pool and took all the fishes out from there ?" Lynn asked. She made a fun of her mighty elder brother.

Ann nodded "I believe 100%. Did Grand or your dad ever tell you that Grand use to have exotic birds collection?"


"Did anyone tell you that he opened the cages and let the bird flew ?"

"Really ?" Lynn and Cacha asked at the same time.

"Yes. Grand made everyone in the mansion worked hard to catch them. At the end they lost three of them"

Everyone were laughing very heard.

Cacha pinched his cheek playfully "Why were you so naughty ?"

Kenichi was speechless. He really did not remember any of that event. "Where is Ren And Elena ? it's lunch time already" He tried to change the topic.

"Here ... we're here" Ren was already there sometime. Infact, He and Elena arrived few seconds after Kuro.

"Can you retell the story aboit Koi fish and birds ? I don't listen clearly" Elena asked playfully.

"Lets have lunch now" Kenichi stood up and took Cacha with him.

Jun chuckled " I guess he's too embarrass"

Lynn laughed "definitely"

The rest of the day, No one mentioned Kenichi's childhood anymore. They just enjoyed the day by eating and gossiping random topics.

In the afternoon, Grandpa and Grandma went home. Cacha asked them to stay overnight but they refused. They were uncomfortable to stay there. Mr and Mrs Sato left with them, Uncle Kaira drove them to station.

Mrs Matsunaga, her husband and her kids also left not long after.