Chapter 354

Eventhough Cacha smiled brightly, she was actully a little scare. Their face was similar with ordinary people but their aura was different. Subsconciously, she tightened her grip on his arm.

"Babe, what's wrong ?" He asked softly

"I'm scared"

He laughed "your husband is here, nothing to be afraid of"

She snorted lowly "Hubby is so great"

"bro" Kuro and Ren were coming. They went downstairs as soon as they saw Kenichi's car stopped.

They looked at the little bundle on Kenichi hands. The little baby was sleeping soundly. When they saw the baby weeks ago, he was so small and fragile. Today, the baby was a little bigger. His chubby cheek was blush

"so cute" Kuro exclaimed inwardly.

Ren extended his hand to touch the little cutie pie. Pak.. Kenichi slapped Kuro'd hand before it touched the little star "Don't wake him up!"

"So petty"

Kuro just grinned. His eyes focus on the crowds on the street "Bro, so many people come to wish the baby luck. You should acknowledge them"

Kenichi and Cacha turned their head around. They could see small crowds gathered around them.

"Who are they ?" She asked.

"ex employee" Kenichi answered simply.


Kenichi and Cacha then turned their body and bowed slightly before they went inside.

The crowds bowed back and smiled as they watched the leader and his wife disappeared. They were mostly the ex-members of their organisation. They had retired but still lived in the teritory. They mostly ran their business or worked on the shops under their organisation as regular workers.

This morning, Third master kindly delivered different kind of food and dessert from all of them to celebrate the arrival of Baby Daichi. So, They came to take glimse of the happy little family and wished the baby luck. They did not see the baby face but they were joyful to see third master and his wife.

One by one, they left and were back to their business. A middle age man and an old man left behind.

"Third master is handsome and cool. Madam is pretty and nice lady. Very perfect match " an oldman smiled proudly

Next to him there was a teenager "But she is too young for him"

"Sir is not old, he's mature" Other said.

"It's good that we have new heir now. I hope he's inherited third master talent" other added.

"Third master, how did he become part of the clan ?"The teenager asked curiously.

"He was saved from drug addiction by supreme leader. When he's back to this country again he joined the organisation. He is a businessman, thank to him we have a good life" The oldman said

"What do you mean ?"

"Young man, why do you think our teritory is more developed then other ? why business are flourish ?"

The young man shook his head "don't know"

"That's because we don't charge big money for management and none of our member ask for unauthorised fee" The middle man explained.

"Our members have given more than enough wage for their living expense. They won't risk their lconfortable life by taking or selling drug and asking more fee. We have enough pay because third master find a way to earn money legally. Our organisation even have extra fund to support retiree like us. They kindly establish business for us to run. We are all paid and even get bonus from the profit" The oldman explained more.

"Third master is awesome" The young man could not hide his admiration. He was the family of the victims that Kenichi helped before.

"So young man, to be a member we don't only need fist and fighting skill. You need a brain as well. Understood ?"

The young man nodded "That's why I'm studing now"

"Good" both men were very joyfull. They were glad to have good candidate for the next generation.

Cacha and Kenichi entered the restaurant together. Everyone there bowed to congratulate them. Cacha maintained her bright smile until they reached the stairs "Are we going upstairs ?"

"yes. Kuro's grandfather and his father are upstairs" Kenichi booked the whole two storey restaurant. Down stairs was for the subordinates and upstairs was for the leaders.

"It's difficult for me to climb up the stairs with this dress"

Aoi smiled "Sir, Let me carry Daichi. You help madam"

Kenichi gazed at Daichi who slept undisturbed. Aoi would not suitable to look after Daichi at that moment "It's better Koji to hold him"

Koji gladly took the baby from his father.

"Don't let them distribute his sleep" Kenichi reminded him.

"Will do" Daichi was very cranky if he was distributed. Koji did not like to see his god son became cranky at all.

Without Daichi on his other arm, Kenichi then helped Cacha to walk and climbed up the stairs.

Koji held the baby proudly and asked the crowd there "Do you want to see little prince ?"


"Alright. Just see and don't touch. He doesn't like his sleep to be disturbe. His temperament is same as his father's"

Kenichi was speechless. was this .an praising him or mocking him. Cacha and Aoi snorted lowly.

The crowd obediently lined up and saw the little baby. They could help but admired how good looking the baby was.

The young baby was not part of exhibition like animals in the Zoo. So, Koji did not stay in the first floor too long. He went upstairs as soon as the most seniors members there saw the baby.

Upstairs, cheers and applauses broken as soon as Kenichi and Cacha were in.

"Congratulation Sir, Madam"

"Thank you" They both thanked politely.

"Where is little man ?" Kuro's grandfather asked excitedly.

"He's here" Koji said.

Kuro's grandfather walked toward Koji. His smile broke up as soon as he saw the baby, He touched the baby's cheek "Look how big you're now !! Let great grandfather's hold you" The oldman carried Daichi.

The oldman had not carried baby for longtime. his movement was not gentle and also clumsy. Daichi, who was already not happy because of the noise, reached his limit. He screamed to protest

"Ho.. ho.. ho.. this little man really know how to throw tantrums" the oldman laughed joyjully.

"indeed" The another elder of organisation added.

"Just like his father" Kuro added.

Daichi stopped his cry and opened his eyes. It was not daddy, not godfather not great granddad too, who is this oldman ?"

He glared and grumbled "Where is my daddy? "

"This brat can act so cute like his mother" Kuro's grandfather could not help but pinched the baby cheek gently

Kenichi frowned "Why do I always get blame ?" All credit always went to his wife and anything not good came to hime.

Kuro's father tapped his shoulder "It's husband's faith. Let me carry the boy"

Kuro's father took over Daichi from his father "So cute" He pinched the baby's cheek lightly before glared at Kuro "when are you going to give me grandson ? I want cute son like Daichi"

Kuro rolled his eyes "Father, are you ordering a baby or a doll ?"