Chapter 360

Andrew had to leave the next day. Two days after the banquet, Sasha and her husband were back home. Alan and his little family were back on the weekend. Without those people around, the house was very quiet.

After Cacha just gave Daichi breast feeding in the afternoon, the baby did not sleep. He felt something missing. No one disturbed his sleep and no body attracted his attention. He titled his head around to looking for his cousin brothers.

"Mum, Daichi behave unusual today" Cacha was worry.

"What happen ?"

"He doesn't want to sleep"

Mrs Feng came and observed the baby "Daichi is looking for your brothers, aren't you ?"

The baby smiled "yes.. where are they ?" He knew that his Nainai was the l one who understood him the most

Mrs Feng careessed the baby cheek "They're back to their home. You will see them again later. Okay ?"

Daichi blinked "okay Nainai"

He missed his cousins brothers so much. He just used to with the present of his noisy and lively brother. The good thing was he did not need to fight for their Nainai's attention.

Christmas was coming soon. Cacha and Kenichi who never bothered about Christmas were now busy. The Anderson decided to celebrate Chrismast this year there.

The main reason was because of Daichi. Second was because they were going to finalised Ann and Kuro wedding plan.

Two weeks before Christmas, Cacha went out to do shopping. She and Kenichi had prepared presents for everyone. However, she had not bought anything for him. Since it was also his birthday, she wanted to give him a surprise gift.

Since it was weekday and close to end of the year, Kenichi was busy. He could not come with them. He let her go out with Grandpa and Grandma Anderson as well as Mr and Mrs Feng.

It was the first time that Cacha went out with out him. Kenichi was unease. He asked uncle Ryu to pay extra attention. He also asked Uncle Hiro to put more people to guard them

Cacha was also nervous. She used to have her husband around her. He was very helpful to assist her with Daichi. Thinking her mother and Aoi were around, she was relax a little.

Uncle Ryu drove the car to the front entrance of a high profile shopping centre. He saw the team that uncle Hiro and Yu arranged had arrived. They distinguished them self as a regular shoppers.

He got off and opened the door for Cacha. "Madam, have a nice shopping time "

"Thank you"

Uncle Ryu glanced at a skinny guy nodded at him before left to park the car. That guy was the team leader.

Cacha and the rest went from one shop to anothers. She had bought present for him but she still wanted to buy clothes for him.

After parked the car. Uncle Ryu came inside the shopping centre.

"Where is madam ?" Uncle Ryu asked their men.

"Inside the shop"

"is everything under control ?"

"Senior, those three men act very suspicious. They are following madam"

"pay more attention !!"

Cacha had chosen few shirts and a winter coat for Kenichi when the baby was unsettled "Did you dirty your nappy?"

Daichi moved his head "Mummy, can we go home now ?"

But his mummy missunderstood him. "Lets go to the baby's room" Cacha looked for her mother and pushed the baby's stroller once she spooted her.

"Mum, I'm going to change Daichi's nappy"

"Let me go with you" Mrs Feng said.

"No need mum. Can you just pay these for me ? The password is my wedding day" she handed her credit card to her mother.

"Madam, Let me go with you" Aoi said

"It's okay, I can do by my self. The baby's room is just next door. You need to give brother Koji chrismast present this qyear" Cacha winked and went out the shop alone. She did not notice that few people were following her.

Grandpa Anderson was an observant man. He naturally noticed that they were followed. He realised that two groups were following him. He knew Kenichi had arranged people to guard Cacha and Daichi but he wondered what the other group intention was.

He was very concerned about Cacha and Daichi safety so he followed them.

"Mum go home" Daichi cried. He sensed something was not right.

"Alright sweetheart, we'll be there soon" Cacha pushed the baby stroller faster.

"hik.. mum.. go home" Daichi sobbed. He wished he could say words.

Cacha just about to open the door when a stranger grabbed her wirst. " what are you doing ?" She struggled.

She saw another man approaching, he grabbed the handle of the baby prams.


"Shut up and come with us !" The man voice was very cold and fierced

"Who are you ? what do you want ?" She asked while kept struggled to free her wirst.

She knew she and her baby eas in danger,

her motherly instinct to protect her son kicked off spontaneously. She kicked the man's private part and pulled the baby's pram as hard as she could.

While the man growled, the others men got annoyed. One of them took a cloth and about to suffocated Cacha but a young man came.

"How dare you hurt our madam" He punched the man.

Since one of their friends was punched, the rest of the kidnapper targetted the young man.

The youngman fight back "Madam, run !! Hurry up ! I hold them for you"

Cacha was still in shock, she could not move her muscle at all. One the kidnappers approached her.

Fortunately, Uncle Ryu and the team came. He rushed to Cacha side and kicked the bad guy while the other took care yhe rest.

"Madam, are you aright ?" Uncle Ryu asked Cacha while he kept one of them under his feet.

"I'm okay" Cacha was shaking.

"Get Aoi here !!" Uncle Ryu ordered his team. They needed Aoi to calm their Madam before their boss arrived. He then called Kenichi but the call was unanswered

He called Koji. Koji was always very composed but when he heard that madam was nearly kidnapped, he lost his rational.

He rushed to Kenichi office and found out that the boss was on the meeting. He dashed to the meeting room with a loud bang.

Kenichi was about to flare up but as soon as he saw Koji face. he sensed something amidst "What's up ?"

Koji whispered "Madam is nearly kidnapped"

"F*ck !!!" Kenichi stood up and rushed out of the meeting room.

The rest was dumbfounded. They never heard boss swearing and never saw him panick like this before.

"Get your VP to take over the meeting" Koji told the assistant before he followed the boss.

The shopping centre and Kenichi office was not too far away. Yu who had been informed had arranged someone with motorbike to pick Kenichi up. Kenichi jumped behind the driver then the driver flew the motorbike.

Aoi took Cacha to the baby's room. The baby's room had been sterilised, only btoh of them there inside while their team was guarding outside.

Cacha tried to calm Daichi down eventhough she was still shaking.

"Mam, drink some water " Aoi was also shocked when they informed her what was happened few moment ago.

She shook her head " I'm okay"

The door was opened. Cacha was frightened, she was scared that the bad guys came again. She secured Daichi in her embrace and stood up. Daichi was startled, he cried even louder 'Daddy.. where are you ?'

Aoi was alert too. She came closer to Cacha and held her.