Chapter 377

Nick and his brothers knew that Kenichi was there from their wifes. So, They all gathered in their parent's place after dinner. The children were playing happily with their mother while their father had a little chat.

"Any plan to go somewhere while you're here ?" Alan asked Kenichi.

"No. I'll come back home on monday but will be back again in about two weeks. That time, I'll stay longer"

"Since you're here, why don't you visit the winery" Alan suggested. Kenichi had invested a lot of money on that winery. In his opinion, Kenichi should put effort eventhough he left it in his grandfather's care.

"Sure"Kenichi was agree with Alan suggestion. He should visit his grandparents away.

"Let go there tomorow. How about after lunch ? my kids have swimming lesson in the morning" Nick looked forward to have family trip.

"I'm free and Michelle is free too, it's good to have a family trip" Alan was into it.

"I'm in" Sean said.

It had been nearly two years since their last family trip, Kenichi was longing that moment "Why don't we organise another family outing ? Our family is not complete yet without the other branch"

The brothers understood that he referred to Hans and Sasha.

"it's hard to organise one for this month, especially that branch. How about end of the year ?" Nick suggested

" No problem. Michelled and me already apply leave for end of the year. so.. we're in"

Sean was very flexible, especially end of the year there would not be any court section "I'm good but how about them ? you know, he is very busy man"

Nick twitched "If he can't come, Sasha will come. And him, we just disown him"


"Of course"

Sean and Alan laughed devilish.

Kenichi smiled with victory, another point more for him but less point for Hans.

"Fancy to have drink outside ?" Sean asked. He had not had drink for while.

"I pass tonight. I'll compensate you all tomorrow night" Kenichi still missed his wife. One round was far from enough to wash his drought. He wished to cuddle her the whole night.

"Da..da.."Daichi was crawling to his father. He missed his father alot. This morning, he wanted to play with daddy but daddy was hiding somewhere with mummy.

Sakura clapped her hands to get Daichi attention "Daichi come, lets play" She showed a colourful ball to the baby.

Daichi halted but he just looked at Sakura for few second before he crawled back toward his father. He grabbed his father trousers and tried to stand up but fail.

Cacha smiled as she watched her son.

"Baby.. show daddy that you can stand up properly" she encouraged her son.

Daichi stared at Cacha

"Come on sweetheart, let daddy see how awesome you are"

Hearing his mum, Daichi smile with his twinkled eye 'okay mummy'

He put alot of effort to stand up and he did it. He looked at his father and smiled proudly 'daddy look !! am I awesome ?'

Kenichi grinned. He reached the boy with his hand. He picked him up from his seat and put the baby on his lap "Good boy. is any of your cousins bully you ?"

Daichi grinned before he mumbled 'No daddy. Jason tried to steal my toys but I smacked him. I told him to ask me first. Now he doesn't dare'

Sean "No one bullies him. He bullies my son"

Kenichi patted Daichi head "That's my boy"

Daichi giggled. He was very joyful to get a compliment from daddy.

Sean groaned. He really wished that he could beat this man up. Nick and Alan snorted.

While ago, Kenichi and his brothers in law used to exercise togethe when they gathered. Since they were all busy with their children, the brothers was unable to do so.

Kenichi just spent his Saturday morning to play with little Daichi as well as helped Mr Feng doing the gardening.

Daichi was very happy. He kept laughing when he was on his father arm.

Kenichi could not help but pecked the baby cheek. He was not being partial but he admitted that his son was not only good looking but also very adorable. He could not imagine how their future daughter would be. She must be very cute and adorable.

After lunch, five cars performed a small convoy. Other than those four borthers, Fred and Josh did not want to miss the fun, they also joined on the trip.

Mr Feng did not drive, He and Mrs Feng were in Josh's car while Kenichi drove their car. Sakura and Aoi , who were sitting on the back passanger seat with Daichi,was beaming happily. Never came in their mind that their mightly leader would drive them.

Grandma and Grandpa Anderson were very thrilled when Alan told them that they were going to visit. They were longing to see their little sunshine.

They were startled when they saw Kenichi was with them.

"How come you're here ?"Grandma asked.

"why can't I be with my wife and son ?" Kenichi was a little disappointed with his grandfather.

"When did you arrive ? why Lynn did not tell us anything" Grandpa asked.

"Yesterday. She probably didn't know I'm here"

"Well, since you're here, check this winery finance report also inspect this estate" Grandpa wished to be with Daichi while Kenichi was there.

"I'll be back home on Monday. I'm coming back in about two weeks. So, while I'm here, I'll spend time with my little family" Kenichi picked Daichi and took Cacha with him to stroll around.

Grandpa shook his head "This boy is really to much"

"Let him be. He hadn't seen his wife for while, they need time and space alone. You just manage it for him" Grandma prioritised Kenichi's private life more than business.

Grandpa was speechless. He just signed and walked away from his wife.

That evening, all the men went to pub for drink while the lady were at home to look after the kids.

Mr Feng and Grandma Anderson went back first, they were home just after 8. Kenichi and the rest only came back after 10.

Josh and Fred were very drank. Nick, Alan and Sean were tipsy but they were still sober. They did not dare to drink excessively because of their wife. Only Kenichi who was as sober as ever, not effected by the alcohol.

He went to their room but Cacha was not there. He then went to Daichi's room to check. Yes he was right, Cacha was there.

"Babe, lets sleep" He hugged her from behind and kissed her neck.

She smelt strong alcohol "Are you drunk ?"


She sniffed him and twitched unhappily before she went out from Daichi room.

He followed her. Before she reached the door, he pinned her on the wall.