Chapter 389

Cacha smiled weakly "Yes"

"How far ?"

"8 weeks"

"8 weeks ? why didn't you tell me earlier ? Did your good husband forbid you to tell me ?"

"Sorry mum. We are thinking to announce it after I pass my trimester"

Mrs Matsunaga signed helplessly "It's for outsider but I'm your mother. You should tell me rightaway so I can help to look after you"

"Sory mum" Cacha could not say anything other than apologise.

"Forget it. Does your parents know ?"

Cacha shook her head "You the first one"

Mrs Matsunaga felt much better that Infact she was the first one who knew the good news "How about Kenichi's dad ? His sister didn't report it ?"

"Lynn doesn't know, she has moved out and stays together with Jun"

"Alright" she went to the kitchen to put the soup away. She asked Aunty Mei, Sakura and Aoi about Cacha's condition.

She did not stay long because she had to attend a meeting. Before she went, she gave Aunty mei few information about food for pregnant lady.

Mrs Matsunaga told her parents about Cacha's second pregnancy. The elders were very joyful. Without further ado, Grandma Yamaguchi packed up and went to Cacha's house.

Since then nearly everyday, they sent nutritious food to nourishing the pregnant lady.

Unfortunately, Cacha could not enjoy the food because her morning sickness. She barely ate anything. At the end, Kenichi was the one who was nourished. Once he had enough, he made the rest enjoy the treat.

When Cacha reached ten weeks. The house was in chaos. Everyone were restless because Cacha vomitted very frequent. She basicly puked everything come to her mouth.

Kenichi was very worry about him. He did not go to work and passed all his work to Yu and Jun. That was the time when Lynn knew Cacha's pregnant. She reported the new to her mother who was effectively relying it to Andrew. Hence, the news travelled around the world in just a matter of hour.

The good news improved Grandp Anderson mood and health. However, they were very concerned when Kenichi told them about Cacha morning sickness.

Since His family knew about Cacha's pregnancy and her morning sickness was getting worse, He abandoned the plan to telling the Feng family about Cacha's pregnancy after 12 weeks.

Without second thought, After Grandma Andersonf hung up the call, he called his mother in law asking for guidance. He also begged his mother in law to come and helped him to look after her.

Mrs Feng was very concern about Cacha's condition so she agreed to fly there. On that very day, Alice booked for the tickets. She looking for next day flight but unfortunately, the earliest available seats were two days later.

Whem Mrs Feng arrived, Cacha just vomitted her breakfast. Her face was pale and she was very weak because she could not eat anything since the day before.

Kenichi helped her to wipe her mouth and laid her on the bed.

Mrs Feng sat next to Cacha. She gently patted her head "How are you feeling ?"

Cacha smiled weakly "hi mum" she could not bring her self to say she was okay.

"Mum, Should we go to hospital ?" Kenichi held Cacha hand with concern

"No. I want stay at home" Cacha shook her head. She disliked disinfectant smell in the hospital. Anyway If she went to hospital, she could not see her son.

Mrs Feng took her back and pulled a pack of plain cracker "Eat this one. Just one bite is okay"

Cacha shook her head "I don't want to"

Kenichi took it and coaxed her "Have a little, Okay ?"

Reluctantly she opened her mouth and only managed to eat half of the small cracker and pushed it away "Enough"

"Eat more" Kenichi coaxed her to eat more.

But Mrs Feng stopped him. She was satisfied that Cacha could eat few bited.

Looking how distress Kenichi was, Mr Feng who was watching from the door, took him to living room. Kenichi referred to be his wife but he still followed Mr Feng.

"Sit here with me" Mr Feng patted the seat next to him.


Mrs Feng smiled "I know how anxious you are with Cacha's condition. Your mum is here now. Let her look after Cacha"

Kenichi had no choice but obediently sat down

Mr Feng smiled before he continued "When Your mum pregant with Cacha, She also had severe morning sickness. At the time, I forced her to eat but she puked everything out. The more you force her to eat, the worse she vomit. So.. Let her eat small amount at a time"

"Dad, She need nutrition"

Mr Feng smiled "I know, but at this moment, she could not eat much. You can't force her. After She passes this period, She will get better and that's when you can feed her with nutrition food"

Kenichi opened his mouth and closed again. Mr Feng was right. He forced Cacha to eat but she always puked everything she ate.

Mr Feng smiled "Now you have not less important job to do"

Kenichi looked at Mr Feng "What is it ?"

"Look after your son. Don't let him feel that his parents neglect him"

"But Cacha.. "

"Let both your mothers do their task. They both have alot of experience about pregancy not like us, men"


Mr Feng heard steps sound. He titled his head to see Daichi was running towards him. He stood up and carried the little boy "Here is Gonggong little man. How are you ?"

Daichi laughed. He patted his grandfather faced and kissed him. He missed Gonggong very much

Mr Feng laughed. He them brough Daichi to play.

After Kenichi left his room. Mrs Feng did not push Cacha to eat. She only gave her small amount of warm water and asked her to take rest.

"Do you want to eat anything ?" She asked Cacha.

Cacha shook her head "Can't eat anything mum"

Mrs Feng smiled "when I was pregant with you, mum have severe morning sickness like this too"

Cacha smiled "So, Am I really having a girl?"

"probably. When you feel better, eat the cracker a little bit more. Take a rest, mum will be here. Everything will be okay"

Kenichi admitted that Mr Feng was right. Both of their mothers were indeed very helpful. They both worked together to look after Cacha. They cooked light and plain food for Cacha. Cacha did not eat much and still vomit but not as bad as before.