Bounty Hunter

The wind was out of the south. Another solder ran at him. Alex dispatched the mans head from his shoulders.


A line of dead solders lay in his wake. Another man charged him with a spear and tried to stab him. He threw his sword in the air and caught the spear an inch away from his stomach. Twisting it out of the mans hands he turned it around quickly impaling the solder where he stood.

Another man slashed at his head. He ducked and caught his sword from the air and cut the mans legs off.


It was the end of the battle and his battalion was sent out to take care of another running general. He was by him self at the right flank, the rest were battling the generals force to the west. He was bored and decided this was were the general would run. He had moved deeper into enemy lines. Outside of his vision he saw three horses approaching at full speed, they were going to run him down.

He took out three knifes from his belt with his free hand and threw them at the horses. Each hit their marks and the horses ran into the ground. One of the riders flew from the saddle diving right into a spike. The other two got up and brandished their weapons.

"Get behind me General. You, boy, stand down, you find no glory in death."

He looked at the man and cocked his head. It was his plan to let the guards go after he beat them up a bit. Hearing the man call him a boy annoyed him though, he wasn't getting away.

Alex walked to the man sensing no hint of danger. If anyone needed pity, it was him.

"Fine fool, come at me."

The guard swung at him. Alex sidestepped and slashed the mans arm, nothing life threatening but the more the man moved the more the he would hurt. The solder growled and slashed at his feet. He blocked the sword and punched him were he was bleeding. The man cursed and moved back holding his now profusely bleeding wound.

Alex continued his advance. The man than swung at him again. He blocked it and hit the sword out of his hand. Alex took out a hidden blade and cut the mans other arm. He fell back and tried crawling away. Alex threw a knife into the center of his head.


Alex looked at the general who was smirking.

"Well done boy, you just delayed your death."

Behind him a couple men in the same uniform as the one he just killed ran up.

"The generals in trouble kill him."

He was even more annoyed than before. He took out several more blades from his belt and calmly began his advance. Alex was still bored.

Alex pointed the tip of his blade into the generals back as they walked through the camp. Talking and hushing came from each of the solders.

"Looks like the Bounty hunter got himself another."

"At least it's not a head this time."

"Shut it, each of ya. You want him to hear you."

Alex finally got to General Flint's tent, and a man guarding it took the general in with a nod towards Alex. Another guard walked up to Alex and handed him a bag of silver coins.

"You know I have kept a list of higher ups you've caught. That there makes 31. So what was the count today?"


"You know if it weren't for this noble system, you'd be one hell of a Knight. Oh that's right I meant to tell you. The other day I heard some news about the king. Saying e is getting ready for one of those big parades at the capital. Makes you wonder- ."

Although the Jason kid annoyed him, he was something of a drinking buddy, you'd have to be mildly drunk to survive Jason's talks. Alex was not at the moment and just acted like he was listening, he was to brief Flint on how he captured the general and promptly head for his tent for a rest.

"That means more pay, and more stays in the city. That's all your doing friend, so how bout a drink on me next time."

The other guard came out with the enemy general in tow. The man caught Alex's eyes, hatred plastered in each.

"General Flint will see you now, I'm taking this scum to the cages."

He nodded and entered the tent. Jason watched as he walked in. The first time he tried to talk with Alex he just thought he was being rude, as time progressed he figured out that's just the way Alex was. He was calm and calculating, to Jason he was an utter Bad-ass.