A Bit of Mercy

I realize I had just fucked up.

When there are so many people to keep track of, someone bounds to slip through the crack.

Even with my godlike power, I am not a God, who is Omni-sentience.

I even lost track of time.

Almost 10 months have passed since I bang the princess. But in reality, it is about a few weeks in total for me.

I didn't really live the full 10 months on the island of Atlantis.

Why would I when I could skip ahead in time, dropping in when things require my attention?

I understand that it will get progressively harder to keep everything under my absolute control.

More so when I expand my operations, controlling more companies and enlisting more people.

There are so many things happening simultaneously already.

I am not even sure what Henry is doing at this very moment.

In fact, I don't fully understand the finer inner workings of Chrono Holdings.

Thankfully, the virtual intelligence Selene does, so I don't have to sit down and study the legal aspects of running a massive corporation.

Honestly, the best I could do is making sure every high-ranking members in my organizations remain completely loyal to me and to the cause.

In turn, the members keep their men and subordinates in line.

There are just too many underlings and goons to keep track of. I don't even know who some of them are, like the man who is standing in front of me right now.

I could learn his name by asking him then jump back in time to make it appears that I know everything from the beginning. It will give him the impression that he can hide nothing from me.

I have to keep up the impression.

I am such a faker.

"I see. Carry on, Jamus."

I teleport to where Doctor Mathew is.

The man is startled since I just appear out of thin air.

"I will never get use to that. Ahem. Lord Maxwell. I assume you are here because of Ambrosia."

"You assume correctly. How did you know the child is mine?"

Doctor Mathew explains all the test he has done. It is without a doubt that the newborn child is mine due to the strange genetic marker. He then take me to see the former princess. She is in intensive care due to giving birth to my child.

If Ambrosia gave birth back in the ancient world, she would have died young due to the lack of medical care. Politically, there is no doubt that as a princess, she will have to get married and give birth.

I wonder whether being in this time and space is lucky or unlucky for her.

Honestly, no one really treats her badly despite her current status. Her mother is the same. Losing all their power and wealth did make them see the world in a different light. They are more humbled and considerate than before.

However, not all of their newfound behavior is without its hidden agenda.

"Lord Maxwell…"

Ambrosia utters and tries to get off the bed to pay me respect.

The nurses stop her since her body is far too weak.

"I really underestimate you, my dear princess. To keep the pregnancy a secret for this long. What do you truly hope to gain from this?"

I question. I know that many men has taken her since I condemned her and her mother to a lifetime of servitude. She and her mother are too beautiful to be left alone.

Ambrosia did stop when procreation becomes too dangerous for the baby.

"I only wish to serve you, Lord Maxwell. Please allow me to, I beg of you. I have never felt this way all my life. I am so happy that I was able to give birth to your child. My only regret is that the child is not the heir you wanted."

Ambrosia pleads, tearfully. She speaks in perfect English. It is very impressive considering less than a year has passed for her.

Unfortunately, I am not a sucker for sweet words.

I look into the future once more, but it remains unchanging. Due to the way she was raised all her life by that mother of hers, she will not be able stop herself from grabbing powers when it presents itself.

This will cause great disharmony between various factions within my organizations.

I cannot allow her to corrupt the organizations that I taxingly build from the ground up.

"I believe that there is some truth to those words. However, you are wrong about me wanting an heir. I don't need a heir. And I will love and care for any of my offspring regardless of gender. Unfortunately, I cannot have you by my side as you are right now."

I tell her and look at the baby girl. The child will grow up to be like her mother, beautiful, cunning and extremely deadly – something that I will not allow to happen.

"Antigone. It is a beautiful name."

I comment, causing Ambrosia to pause. It is the name that she has just thought up a moment ago, and she did not tell anyone about it.

I lean towards the sleeping baby and touch her tiny fingers. The baby squirms a little and continues to sleep.

"Antigone. Will you inherit my power as well?"

Doctor Mathew did found a genetic marker when he examines the newborn. However, this marker is not in relation to my power. It was given to me when I was a baby back in the 31st century. The marker contains my identity, which passes to my children in order to form a linage.

I allow Antigone, whom I nickname as Anti, to be by Ambrosia's side for several months. It is too cruel to take the baby from her just after she gave birth.

I guess I am not a complete bastards after all.

There are some lines that I will not crossed.

"Lord Maxwell? Why? Please tell me why? I have done everything you ask. Please don't take her from me."

Ambrosia pleads when I decide to take my daughter into the future.

The 3 month old baby cooed in my arms and looking up at me with her bright violet eyes. She inherits those mesmerizing eyes from her mother.

"I cannot allow my daughter to be raised by you, my dear princess. And I cannot allow you to remain as you are either. I am merciful. I will allow you to serve me and the cause, just not this life."

I announce.

"I don't understand…? Am I to be executed?"

Ambrosia utters. She feels so powerless.

"No. I will not kill the mother of my child. You will be reborn and given a second chance. I rarely reverse a person's memory because it makes who they are. But for you, I will make an exception. Please make your peace with your mother. You will not remember her or anyone for that matter once I am done."

Regardless of whatever Ambrosia says, I have already make up my mind.

I play with my daughter while Ambrosia makes her peace with her mother.

I never learned the name of the former Queen of Atlantis. Her beauty lost its charms when I become fully aware what kind of person she is.

I did have some devious thought about fucking both mother and daughter together, letting them share my cock, but I didn't carry out my wish.

Good thing I didn't or I would have been double shock.

"Selene. Can you somehow disable my sperms. I don't want to father any more unwanted child. I still want to enjoy having sex though."

[Acknowledge, Operator.]

I should have done that in the beginning, before I had returned to the past.

It must have slipped off my mind since I have a lot of other priority.

It is also because no one get pregnant in the 31st century unless they wanted to due to the nanites in their body.

Once Ambrosia accepts her fate, I give her a few last words before activating my power.

As all the high-ranking members of Hydra watch on, Ambrosia slowly reverts into a child and then into the newborn baby.

Unlike many times I had de-aged someone before, I did not only manipulate the time of her body, but also the time of her mind.

This means everything she has ever known and experienced has been erased.

She is just a newborn child now.

"Doctor Mathew. I believe that you and your associates are the only people who didn't try to fuck her and her mother."

That earns some laughs and coughs. They couldn't help it since they are all men.

I am probably a bit biased towards women.

"Raise Ambrosia as one of your own. Instill in her the values of loyalty and leadership. She will become a pillar of Hydra like she always wanted. She will live and die for Hydra. As for her mother, the woman does not need to know what happen. Just make up some plausible lies."

Doctor Mathew accepts the task. He cradles the newborn in his arms. He is not married, and he didn't think he would ever be.

Once my job is done, I address everyone in the room.

"As you all are, gentlemen. Everything you need to know is within the Hydra Network. Follow the plan and you will not failed. I will drop by every now and then to see your progress. Do not disappoint me and the cause. Never forget, we stand together as one, ensuring the supremacy of the human race for now and all times. Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"

With that, I disappear with my daughter, Antigone.