Stepping In

It is true that I could go back a few weeks ago and prevent all of this from happening, but that means everything I have accomplished in these past weeks is for naught.

I would also have to relive all those damn weeks again, doing the exact the same things over again just to get the same result.

Not only it will be super boring, it is also impossible to get the same result even if I acted perfectly.

There are just too many things happening in the world at any given time. These things are way beyond my control. I cannot dictate how a leaf falls from a tree, causing slight disruption in the airflow, sending up dusts and the likes. These dusts then affect all its surroundings and people.

Even a slight deviation can have an enormous effect. A butterfly flaps its wings in New York City creates a deadly tornado in California – this kind of thing.

Furthermore, I am quite happy with my current progress.

The PlayStation is in full development mode. Many factories are being readjusted for mass production while those people working in Game Development Department are progressively becoming better and better coders thanks to the outstanding teaching of Hydra scientists.

The music department, Sound of Terra is also making significant progresses. They have already signed up quite a lot of budding artists and songwriters with the contract I have prepared. The terms in the contract is very generous to many no-names singers and songwriters.

The department is waiting for my permissions to produce and distribute the songs as well as setting up the concert venues, which I will give once I make a few more purchases.

The Filming Development Department has finalized the screenplays I send to them a few weeks prior. They are purchasing all the necessary props and equipment as well as setting up the audition revenues and filming locations.

Not only that, they have contacted actors and directors for the initial offerings. These include Keanu Reeves and Liam Neeson to star in Speed and the Fugitive respectively.

As for Halle Berry, she shows up at work every weekday from 8am to 5pm with her Hydra agent. Many people at the company gives her this look of jealousy or distain, but as long as they do not hinder her in any way, I will tolerate it.

Halle does not stay at the company building once she shows up to work every morning. She usually heads to one of the theaters we owned along with a crew. This is to practice her dialogues and train her vocals and expressions.

I have spectated in a few of her plays, finding that she has improve immensely. She is a natural born actress. Living in the streets for so long allows her to appreciate the chance she was given.

As for literature side of thing, Jurassic Park is now on the bookshelves all over America. People haven't given a lot of attention to it yet due to everyone trying to get their hand on an LCD Screen.

The vibrant colors illustrated by the prototype display at Intel demonstration proves to be the best-selling point. The price is also another selling point as companies try to outbid each other for cheaper parts and components.

But the biggest spender is the United States itself. It is also trying to have the technology exclusive to the country and the American people for the next few years.

That would create a lot of international tension.

As for things with the media, I have a look through the Shield Surveillance Network. There are cameras inside and outside the Television Station, courtesy of Shield Constructions and Logistics.

I wonder what will happen when someone notice the entire America is under surveillance. It will be a shitstorm then, but at least, that won't happen or another couple of decades.

In a few decades, none of these will really matter.

Inside the meeting at the Television Station, several people have a grim expression. This is because of a very important phone call to the upper managements.

The person sitting at the end of the table must be the editor-in-chief. Information about his personal life appears in a window for me to see.

Sitting adjacent to him on either side are the producer and director. Their life history is also visible for me to review. Once I have a quick look, I close them since they are covering the video.

"We cannot run this story. It is circumstantial at best."

The man announces and slides the folder across the table, towards a woman in her mid-twenties. She is the reporter. It is her story. It would be the make-or-break story of her career.

A window detailing her life appears in front of me. I learn that her name is Rebecca Abarbanel. She is not a friend of Emily Walter.

In fact, they are rivals from the looks of thing.

When Emily Walter died in a car accident, Rebecca went through her things and found the folder. The stuffs inside screams "exclusive story" at her. Seeing how it is a chance to become a real reporter, she immediately brought it to people in charge.

"That isn't what you said a few days ago! They got to you, didn't they?"

Rebecca questions as she slams her palm onto the folder, covering the Shield Security emblem on the front cover.

Inside the folder contains mission report between me and Henry Oxford. Not only that, it details some extremely shady stuffs – stuffs that no one realize is happening in America.

James is the leader of that mission, and it is his job to write a report. Unfortunately, he died before he could hand it in. Reports are still handwritten, making it long and tedious. This couldn't be help since computers are not advance enough yet publicly.

I need to talk to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for this. These two are not part of Hydra, so it will be a very interesting conversation. I didn't recruit them into the fold because the future shows me that they are more successful and extremely resilient when fighting for the survivals of their company.

In other word, they work well under extreme pressures. They also thrive when they know everything is under their control. Nothing truly is – really.

"We are very sorry, Miss Abarbanel. There are things that is beyond our controls. We will have to let you go. Thank you for your contributions. Please pack up your things before 8pm. Thank you."

The man tells her flatly. It is either her or him. He prefers it to be her.

Everyone in the news business knows well how dangerous it is to piss off someone like Henry Oxford, the head of Oxford Enterprise. The man could destroy them and their career with just a single word.

In fact, Henry just buyout the station and push incredible pressure on the CEO. All this was done within an hour.

Rebecca storms out of the room, taking the folder with her. She didn't bother to pack her things. She heads directly to her car and take out her phone. She dials one of the numbers in her phonebook.

A new window appears in front of me, tapping into the conversation.

"Hello, CBS? I have an incredible story that can brings down Henry Oxford. It can be yours if you allow me to report it personally."

Once Rebecca makes her intention clear, I know this will never going to stop.

Obviously, Henry cannot possible buy out every news station in America.

I suppose I will have to step in, and it will not look pretty.