The Usual Night

Jennifer Aniston is on board.

Without any realistic way to save her beloved father, she has to be.

John Anthony Aniston cares deeply for Jennifer all her life, teaching her everything she needs to know about the finer sides to acting.

He is not just her father. He is her best friend and mentor.

While I have my preferred methods, I don't really need to resort to fear or intimidation or torture to have people obediently working for me.

Understand what people wants is the first step to the subtlety of emotional blackmailing.

While I could cure her father completely with my power or otherwise, it is simply better to have him on medication provided in secret by my company for the rest of his life.

I will be able to bill Jennifer all the way, preventing her from having any second thought. Isn't this how pharmaceutical companies conduct their business?

It is more profitable to medicate a condition over the course of many years than to cure it completely in a short span of time.

People will continue to pay to live a comfortable and healthy life – an arm and a leg if they have to. At least until my plans come to full circle.

No one wants to be sick, waiting to die painfully in a hospital bed.

Infinite Health corporation follows this business plan of mine, providing the world with perfect health for a relatively cheap price.

If the United States or another country wants to shut down the company for any stupid legal reason, its own population will bring down the government.

Hydra will be there to pick up the pieces.

"Welcome to the Terra Entertainment, Miss Jennifer Aniston. It is a pleasure to have you working for us. Please show up to work Monday to Friday at the main building from 8am to 5pm unless you have an emergency. As for your father, we will do our best to help him gets better. I do believe that your father should be up and moving about within a month or so."

I continue to converse with Jennifer Aniston about the finer points of things while ensuring that I will keep my promise regarding her father.

Jennifer keeps asking about her father regardless of how many times I have assured. I suppose she did just sold her future to me for my promise. Until she sees the result, she will not be able to calm herself.

A noble thing to do.

I will be sure to provide a good future for her.

There are things Jennifer must not do when working for me as outlined in the contract, such as fucking around in the office regardless with who, including me. She can do that in her own time at her provided estate, but never in the work place for whatever reason.

The mention of a company provided estate causes her eyes to lit up.

It isn't the only thing that did.

No one will dare to give her any problem at work on the account of me. If anyone gives her a problem outside of work then she is to call Shield Security before the police. The men are there to protect her and harass paparazzi, just to let those guys have a taste of their own medicine.

Like Halle, Jennifer will be provided personal body guards and a Hydra agent to watch over her. I might have forgot to mention this to Sharon Stone, but the woman might think those bodyguards are there to have her killed on a moment notice.

Well, Sharon isn't wrong in that assumption.

But that will only happen if she steps out of line.

Time flies when you discuss business matters.

I assign some people to get Jennifer started before I left the auditorium, heading home with Antigone.

Work hours are already over, so I don't know why there are still many people loitering in the auditorium, mainly around the dinning tables.

I didn't plan to stay all day here, but things come up.

Sharon Stone joins me on my request. She didn't say anything as She follows me like an obedience puppy. She just listens while I explain a few important things to her.

We drop by the homeless shelter to watch Halle Berry.

Halle heads there after work every day around 6pm, providing foods and warm clothing to those who she considers her family.

Everyone at the homeless shelter is glad that Halle Berry has found a mean to follow her dream. They just didn't know what she had to go through to get it.

Sharon does, however. She has experienced herself.

The Shield Security personnel does not join Halle at the shelter like the sleeper Hydra agent does. They stands nearby to keep a watchful eye on thing.

Another team will switch over with them soon, so they can go home to their family.

While the Hydra agent teaches some homeless people self-defences techniques, Halle joins me on one of the benches nearby. She usually does when I drop by the homeless shelter.

"How are you doing lately, Miss Berry?"

I begin the conversation. She is as happy as she can be. Everything is provided for her while she trains to become the best actress she could be.

Halle is a very diligent and hard working person.

"This is Sharon Stone. She will be your training partner along with one or two more people. You might learn something from Sharon since her acting is quite top notch. Her personality is less than desirable. Maybe you can teach her how to behave around me, huh?"

Halle understands what I mean after have one quick look at Sharon's unsettling behaviour. She feels sorry for the woman as the images of her friends and families being slaughtered still haunt her at night.

Halle does have trouble of falling to sleep regularly. She will get over it eventually, but the fear of what could happen to her friends and family have already etched itself into her being.

After the introduction, Halle and Sharon have a private conversation while I try to teach Antigone to walk.

In just a few more months, Antigone will be able to wander off on her own. Her chubby legs are kicking up the dirt and pebbles as I hold both her hands up for support.

"The filming for Speed will begin soon. I hope that you are ready, Miss Berry. There is a schedule that we have to follow. I don't want to drag out the production of the movie longer than necessary."

I tell Halle when Antigone becomes tired and sleepy. I put my daughter back into her stroller and tug her in. She haven't fallen asleep yet, but she is yawning repeatedly.

A four wheel vehicle pulls up along side the road.

Two huge men exit the car and approach me.

"As for you Miss Stone. These men here will take you home and give you a good night rest. An personal agent will be assigned to you when you show up to work tomorrow. You will be participating as one of the supporting cast for Sleepless in Seattle. A new director will be employed as the one you know have unfortunately fallen out of the sky. You will hear all about it on the news tomorrow morning."

I pause for a moment to let the message sink into her mind. She probably figures that I am not really a hypnotist. I am something much, much worst.

"I expect many great things from you, Miss Stone. If you don't give your best, we will have another long talk. Maybe you get to swim in the boundless ocean called space."

Sharon couldn't stop her shivering when I cast her a casual glance. She is on verge of tears again. She knows that she won't be able to get away from me.

Even going to the police will not do her any good. They might throw her into the looney bin if she blabs about what I have done.

"It will be okay, Sharon. Max. I mean Mr. Maxwell is like that to everyone all the time. Just don't get onto his bad side and nothing will happens to you. I learn this the hard way."

Halle assures the woman. She has changed quite a bit in the last couple of weeks. She is more sure of herself.

She is even sincerely humble in some her speech instead of those trash talks she is all too familiar with.

Perhaps it is because I have kept in touch with her through regular visits and meals.

Speaking of meals, Halle is joining me for dinner. Antigone has already eaten, so she will enjoy her little nap.

I would also have Sharon join us for dinner, but the woman needs a lot of time to calm her nerves. She left hastily with her newly appointed security details when she is allowed to leave.

It is fun seeing her go.

The men drives off with her in the backseat, heading directly to her home. They will watch over her for the rest of the night, ensuring that she won't kill herself.

I can't have that happening.

Jennifer could have also joined me for dinner, but she is busy calling her father and giving the man some hopes. I will have dinner with her some other time then.

"I think we have a restaurant reservation at 7pm, Miss Berry. It is almost time, so we should go. I hate it to lose our regular table if we don't show up."

I point out with a calming smile.

"I don't think anyone will dare, Mr. Maxwell."

Halle responses and accompanies me towards the restaurant.

She pushes the stroller with Antigone inside as she has done so a few times before.

It appears that she is gotten use to me. She still fears me, but she understands my personality and core principle well. I won't harm her physically unless she did something to piss me off.

I suppose I will figure out another way to keep her on edge.

But before that I will have a wonderful dinner. I need energy to start plotting pointless stuffs.

I was just kidding. I don't do pointless stuffs.

As if I have the time to waste.

Ironic, isn't it?