Final Preparation

Technically they aren't zombies.

They are the undead.

Although rapid aging does not affect them due to their newfound immortality, deaging works wonder, reducing those monsters back to a dead corpse.

I need to add the adjective to the word since corpses can live now.


However, the miasma in the air quickly enters the corpses, resurrecting them as undead again.

Atomizing does stop that from happening. Turning them into dust once they are dead corpses works as well. And if I have to, I can stop time and execute each of the zombie individually.

I'm going to keep calling them zombies since the word is more familiar to me.

Also, this isn't Azeroth!

Once I get over my initial shock and surprise, these supernatural monsters aren't a threat to me or my men. They don't even have the physical strength to even scratch the power armour, although the men did get the scare of their life when they got swarmed, especially by undead dogs.

They have never trained to kill things that shouldn't exists.

I guess Hydra will have to update their already hellish training regiments to include zombies and other supernatural monsters.

Hydra members figure out full dismemberment is extremely effective. Blowing them up is effective as well.

The unmanned tesla tank proves this when it turns dozen of zombies into exploding fireworks of blood and gore.

Some zombies are turned into grounded paste of bones and flesh. Getting crushed by a 150-tons war machine does that.

However, most zombies are killed by Hydra members. With laser blades humming in their hands, the battlefield becomes littered with moving body parts.

They are just very good at what they do.

Unfortunately, the undead don't stay dead when they are killed.

And the groaning and growling from all the severed heads starting to get on my nerves long after the battle is over.

"Fire seems to kill them permanently, Supreme Commander. In fact, it is extremely effective against... the undead. Their body catches fire very easily."

One of the scientists tell me after they have some experimentations. There are many great application for reanimating dead tissues, magic or not.

He also tells me that their zombies produce miasma from their blood, spreading the contagion through the air. If just one of the zombies found its way to a populated area on Earth, their numbers will grow exponentially.

Luckily, the temporal rifts are locked, preventing these things from invading my world.

I think I already have enough problem to deal with in the prime universe, thank you very much.

Why the fuck is the Nazi experimenting with these things?

Perhaps they are looking for a way to create a controllable undead soldier.

I could see some usefulness to having an undead army at my direct command, especially in terrorizing the population.

Also, immortality!

Infinite Health will have fun with this.

"Have everyone equips with an incinerator or heat-based weaponry. And clean up all of this as soon as possible."

I have the men burns all the corpses they could find, moving or not.

Having dead bodies around the base is way too risky now due to all the bloodstones being stashed in the warehouse.

I wonder whether I should transport those bloodstones back to the prime universe. Just one of them will do since I could always replicate them with my power.

In the end, I have no choice but to conduct research on them. I must take risk to reap the reward. And if I don't, I will be completely unprepared should something like this ever happened again, especially on a global scale.

No pain, no gain.

At my order, the fabricator assembles an industrial air filtration. It is used to suck up all the miasma in the air, storing the deadly contagions in compressed capsule.

Those capsules will be shipped back home – for research purposes of course.

I will definitely not use them as a biological weapon. There is no need to when I have plenty of options to force a country to its knees.

Hyper inflation for example.

Once the men have their orders, I head to the row of tanks and aircrafts.

Due to the battle, each one stained with blood and gore.

Well, only the tanks are.

Running over zombies seem to kill them the fastest. It also prevents friendly fire, which happens more than you might think in battle, especially when Tesla Tanks fire their charge cannons.

The lightning bolt literally fries several Hydra members in their power armour alongside with a bunch of zombies without being hit directly.

Inferno Tanks is more effective against the zombies horde since it uses incendiary rounds as secondary weapon. Its main weapon, the flamethrower isn't used in battle since that would torch anyone and everyone.

These are just some of the Tanks I have the fabricator produced for me.

Not all of them participated in the battle since it would cause chaos, especially the Mirage Tank, which induces hallucinations, making friendly fire even more of a problem.

I reverse all the Tanks to their pristine condition, just the moment they roll off the fabricator.

Once that is done, I start duplicating them.

Several thousands of each tank type is sufficient to curb stomp everything, especially when they have kinetic shielding and stealth module equipped.

I did the same for aircraft since air superiority is a must in any battle.

They are a little bit overkill in my opinion.

By the 24th century, most aircraft works underwater as well, doubling up as a submarine. This is thanks to the advancement of their engines. The engine works in any kind of fluid, air or water.

And by the dawn of the 31st century, aircraft can operate in space and space-combat worthy, making it an all rounder unit.

Future aircraft can fight on land, water, air and space.

The military stops calling them aircraft by then.

They are simply called Mechs or Titans.

Hydra aircrafts are not that advance yet. Even so, some of their versions can operate underwater since Hydra Headquarter is underwater.

They are capable of hunting submarines and naval units with deadly efficiency.

This is one of the reasons why I didn't need to build naval units.

In fact, water-based naval units are obsolete in the future.

When the military is talking about their naval units, they are referring to spaceships and starships not boats.

By the time there are thousands of vehicles on the ground and in the air, I was informed that several satellites have been repositioned over other countries.

The preliminary scanning of those countries from orbits shows they are outright destroyed by nuclear fires. Some more than others.

However, actual satellite images of the ground takes a bit more time.

"We finally have images, Supreme Commander."

One of the men tells me. He didn't need me to tell him to display it on the screen for everyone to see the current state of the world.

Everyone already knows the horror of a world dominated by Nazi Germany, but witnessing hordes of zombies in Japan and Australia attacking the survivors makes people sick.

There is also a reason why Nazi Germany keeps bombing those countries despite their surrenders.

It is to thin out the zombies population as they do their researches. Undeads are really, really hard to kill quickly by normal means. Removing their head doesn't seem to kill them.

"Guess I will be needing more aircrafts and tanks."

I remarks as more images appears on the screen for me and everyone to view.

Military installations and research facilities are highlighted on the image. The Nazi have concentration camps in every major countries, hunting down survivors as materials for their research. They does not conduct the research in Europe, however.

This is to prevent an actual outbreak in their backyard.

Another meeting with all my men is needed to discuss what needed to be done.

The primary objective right now is to collect all the researches the Nazi have on magic. Assault teams need to be formed. Each team must contain a scientist to download all the necessary data.

Once that is done, I will take care of Nazi Germany personally.

"It appears that most of survivors are holding up in public places and buildings with accessible rooftops and nearby market places, such as school, hospitals and academy. We could use them to distract the Nazis while we stomps the research bases."

One of the men highlights a Japanese school.

The image shows that there people camping on the rooftop. Since the school is very close to one of the Nazi research base, it hasn't been nuked to hell.

"Highschool of the Dead, huh?"

Everyone looks at me, not getting that reference.

"Oh, you will get that reference... probably."