The Nightlife

Is it possible to exceed 100%?

Theoretically yes, but not with a human vocal cord.

This is because the number measured by the Harmonic Measuring System (HMS) is already baselined on a perfect organic vocal cord, which can be simulated by a supercomputer or fabricated in a lab.

It is also the reason why everyone has a great voice in the future.

But when everyone is, no one is.

Singing is an extinct profession in the far future, only composer remain since artificial intelligence still lacks imagination and emotion for that matter. Oh, there are still celebrities, stars and idols, but they rarely have anything to do with the entertainment industry, which has become so artificial that it isn't funny.

Everyone in 31st century feels super fake to me, who was born in the 21st century and has 21st century values. It is still very hard to dismiss their sexy appearance and alluring voice since humanity as a whole are biologically wired to be attracted to another, usually the opposite sex.

There is just something beautiful about the natural selection.

Sadly, progress is progress, and scientific advancements must not be halted, or things will be stagnant, just like what happened on Azula. Well, that is not entirely true. Magic does advance in place of science on Azula, but I don't think magic can ever replace science.

Understanding the natural world and deciphering the physical laws that govern the universe expands one's horizon. Humanity would have never achieved so much otherwise.

The artificial nature of the Entertainment Industry does irritate me greatly, more than I can express in words, and it is my intention to rectify this problem.

Hopefully, I can do so without stagnating technological and magical progress. If I cannot have the best of both worlds as well as satisfying me own selfish desire, I will find a way.

There will always a way!

"That is beautiful, absolutely beautiful, Miss Nam."

Chantara finally speaks up and then joins his younger brother, Somchai's very energetic applauding. I did so as well because their excitement is somewhat contagious.

Besides, it is a lovely voice from a love girl, even if it is enchanted by magic.

I am inspired by the enchanting melody. My emotion has been greatly affected.

Actually, now that my mind is clearer, I realise this is kind of dangerous.

There are reasoning-type runes as well as logical-type runes, which can give a person a voice of reason or logical persuasion, a sort of brainwashing power in all sense of the word.

I will test those runes out later, right after this façade is over.

Luckily, it does appear that the stronger the willpower of a person has, the more difficult it is for them to be affected. Even if affected, the effect didn't last long.

It takes a while for me to become affected by her enchanted voice, and I snap out of it within seconds while Chantara and Somchai haven't yet. And as full pledge Hydra members, their willpower is in no way weak. But if they can be affected, everyone in the world can.

Nam Dejsuwan hasn't realised what had just happened. It appears that the magical enhancement does not affect her, which makes sense, I suppose. If it affected the enchanter, then that is kind of dumb.

How does that work if it actually did though? Nam would be inspired to be more inspired, stuck in an infinite loop of enchantment? Or at least until the magical energy runs out.

Since the magical melody doesn't affect Nam, this is Enchantment class of magic. Enhancement class would only affect her and not those around the her, even if she is not the caster herself.

In this case, I am the caster.

Of course, I can enchant my own voice. Even if I am not much of a singer myself, none at all actually, I can still inspire others, especially just before battle. There are plenty of applications to this, and I will need to find a way to make it permanent.

"We would be very pleased to have you as member of our company, Miss Nam. Please take this down to the floor below. Someone there will show you want you need to do next. But let me be the first to congratulate you."

Chantara shakes her hand and passes her a signed assessment, containing all the report cards. I didn't fix my initial assessment of her, but the other did, right after they got brainwashed. Yeah, this is going to be problem if magic becomes widespread.

Nam thanks us all tearfully before she left the room. Chantara even opens the door for her since he is still under the influence.

I do wonder how long the effect will last? I didn't even use that much magical energy. The more power I use, the longer the effect last, but there is a limit to how much energy can be pumped into the magic incantation diagram before it explodes. This is call overloads, hence there are many different types of incantation diagram, for all sort of situations.

The woman outside the room gives her a warm hug and congratulates Nam. It seems that the woman is also affected since the room is not completely soundproof. This is to prevent incidents. A few people didn't take the rejection well, previously.

Once Nam left, the woman enters the room and gives us a new set of folders.

"Shall we call in the next person, Mr. Maxwell?"

Chantara asks after he has a quick look through the new profile.

"Hmm… not yet. You two are still affected. Your judgement is currently impaired."

I response and explain to the brothers what had just happened. And once they realise that they were under the influence of brainwashing, the effect dispels immediately. It seems that the truth is one way of breaking the enchantment.

While the brothers are slapping themselves for falling to brainwashing as well as breaking a few chairs and tables, I jump to the future to see how Nam will do as an idol.

Sadly, I did get the result since she committed suicide shortly after she become a trainee.

I frown deeply when I learn of the reason. I think I will do something about that, so the world can look up to her and be inspired. She will be quite angel.

Furthermore, Nam has become a member of Lok Entertainment, so she is a member of the family, to which I am the head of. I do take care of my family.

It won't take much effort.

"I still have a bit of time left, so call in the next person."

It is a young boy this time with his parents, but his natural voice isn't that good. His dancing is however, so I use a different spell. It is created by an Enjoyments and Attentions runes, forcing everyone to be mesmerized by his dancing.

I snap out of it within a handful of seconds, but it still takes a while for the two brothers to even if they know they are being enchanted. Since their judgement is currently impaired, they request the boy and his parents to step outside for a bit.

"I think you two understand the finer point of having magic at your disposal. Please head to the nearest Hydra Headquarter at your earliest convenient. The earliest you are enlightened, the better. But there is a special psychological test you must complete. Magic is very dangerous if used incorrectly."

I get off my seat and reach out my hand. Chantara and Somchai immediately gets up and take my hand respectfully.

"I will be leaving now. It is a pleasure of meeting you two. You have done great work so far, so please continue what you are doing."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Maxwell. Please, allow us to call you a taxi."

The brothers are somewhat alarmed when seeing me here in person since they did rush a few things as well as kill a quite a few people to get the company where it is currently. They are now completely at ease now.

"That will not be necessary. Taxi in this traffic will just slow me down. I rather walk instead. Besides, I can teleport. You can too if you learn magic."

Before leaving, I did tell them to be careful with their off the book killings. Since the both of them face life or death situation every day from they were born, their inner monsters are extremely violent. They supress it currently for professionalism, but the destroyed furniture from before tells me all I need to know.

I head back out into the lobby and have one more look around before exiting the building.

"Mr. Maxwell."

A private driver greets me outside, but I dismiss him with some pocket changes. Alright, a lot of pocket changes since he looks like he has been standing there for a while.

I take a motorbike to the walking street instead since it is faster with the crazy traffic.

There, I wander about, brought a few souvenirs, check out a few bars, drinks a few local beers, whistles at a few bar girls who dancing on poles with nothing but strings, and chats to a few Americans.

"You're from New York too? Where from!?"

One of the American shouts at me due to the booming music. I didn't bother answering and just enjoy the nightlife. It has been a while since I did.

Small thing like this makes life more meaningful.

Although, I do wish I have some hardcore friends just to party with. All my friends are old dudes now, on top of being workaholic. With powers and wealth come different kind of attitude.

I could remember the first time I party with Henry and his pals.

It was an insane orgy. Strange that I didn't impregnate any of the girls. I totally fuck them all from the recorded videos. Even if I am drunk, Selene is not. She records everything.

"Hey! You hear me, buddy!?"

I sigh and look at the Farang, who is screaming into my ears. Farang is slang for European and American visitors, who visit Thailand and fuck around.

The man becomes shock when I just vanish from my spot.

And that is a cue for him to go head home too since he is probably too drunk.