Harem List (Updated August 2019)

This has been updated on the 9th of August 2019!

Alright, someone keeps on asking, so here it is. Some spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk!

This auxiliary chapter outlines all the members of the harem to date (see the time stamp above). There is quite a lot of characters in the harem, spanning multiple worlds, universes, dimensions, planes, and realities.

Oh boy…

I will not describe their background in detail or how they meet the main character. You will just have to read the story to find out, huh. Most of the characters in the harem are humanoid, not necessarily human. I said humanoid. Some are not.

[Prime Reality – this is our universe]

*most characters here are based on real people. They are not real people as this is taking place in an alternate timeline. A lot of things have changed!

Sandra Bullock – Human. She is an actress at heart. A strong-willed person. She dreams of a happy and loving family, and she willing to give up a lot for that dream.

Jennifer Aniston – Human. She is an actress at heart. A very independent person. She wants to achieve everything on her own strength, but sometimes her strength is not enough. She loves her parents very much, and she is willing to sell herself short for their future and wellbeing.

Sharon Stone – Human. She is an actress. A quite flawed and shrewd person. She tends to use her sex and appearance as a weapon to get ahead. Her run in with the main character terrifies her to no end since he basically tortures her psychologically. She is now a very obedience person, only wishing to be live in peace. She sits where the main character tells her to. Although she has plenty of good opinions and ideas herself, she doesn't usually say them out of fear or being rejected. She eventually warms up to the main character.

Halle Berry – Human. She is an actress. A loyal and compassionate person to some extends. Outside of works, she spends a lot of time with her family. She despises the main character at first for what he had done, but she does warm up to him after repeatedly encounter and dates. While doesn't appear so, she is quite an envious person. She wishes the main character shows more affections.

Ambrosia Atlantea – Atlantean. She is the adopted daughter of Doctor Mathew. She spends her entire life in Hydra. She is the biological mother of Antigone. The main character cares very little about her, but due to her upbringing, she worships him. Her sacrifice causes him to reciprocate her feeling and give her the love she deserves.

Stephanie Connors – Human. She is the birth mother of the main character. She will always give birth to him unless something happens to her. She is currently just a little kid, but her relationship with the main character is growing very strong. She loves to take care of Antigone, who is her granddaughter.

Allison Mcbill – An evolved Human. She works as a senior lawyer in one of the largest firms in America. Her relationship with the main character can be summarized as master-servant relationship. She does love him to an extends, but only because he is like an Alpha.

Lexi Lester – An evolved Human. Not enough information to describe her. She is the newest addition to the harem.

Nam Dejsuwan – Human. She is a trainee in Thailand. She will become one of the most idolized people in all of Asia. She becomes infatuates with the main character when he decides to save her from her abusive father. As an idol, she doesn't act on her feeling, sadly. Their romantic story is quite tragic at the start.

There are plenty more celebrities, stars, and idols, but they have not appeared in the story yet.

[Azula Reality – This is the first magical world that have been discovered.]

Eliana Shadowsong – A dark elf. She is not a human. She is an elf, a magical race. She is very calculating and full of schemes. She has committed grievous crimes against her race, but it is for the greater good. She shares a lot of similarity to the main character, and she worships him as her God. As an elf herself, she doesn't understand the concept of love. And when she does, she will truly want to be with him.

Elune Whisperwind – No enough information to describe her. She is an elf like Eliana but considering her age in relation to the elvish race, she is just a child. She is very honorable person, and she will try to be an honorable person.

Sapphire Solare – A magical empowered human. She is a native human to Azula universe. She is the first student that the main character takes on in his time on Azula. She fears and respects her master for his power. She is willing to do anything he asks of her. While she does not love him yet, she falls of him eventually despite her homosexuality.

[Nazi Germany – an alternate history. The first world to be discovered.]

There are none. Only Hans and Emilia and their family joins the main character in the prime reality. As no one else did, and the main character didn't bother to check out more than he needs to.

[Mythical Medieval Europe – an alternate history.]

*this are planned but not yet appear in the story. The characters are subjected to change.

Joan of Arc – Heroic Legends. The Maid of Orleans. Not enough information to describe her yet.

Astoria Pendragon – Heroic Legends. The King of Knights. No enough information to describe her yet.