Dead Meat (POV)

The surrounding changes.

I shut my eyes and embrace myself for the torturous pain that would surely come. At least that is what I had thought because it has happened so many times previously, without fail.

Without a single fail!

"Please. Oh God, please! Just let me die already. I can't take this anymore. I just can't! Please!"

I scream, tearfully.

My body and mind tremble at the dark thought. To think that death would be a mercy in contrast to what I have to go through. What I must go through and continue to go through!

It is literal hell! And a devil in human skin is there to make sure of it! He is the devil! He has to be. I am not any threat to him, yet he continues to torture me.

Why!? Why!?

Please just kill me. Just kill me. I just want to die. To enter the darkness peacefully, never have to wake up to the dreadful light again.

Please. Please, God. I beg of you.

Let me die.

Let me just die.