Spatial Dimension

Since Antigone didn't want to go back to sleep, I suppose I will have to keep her company until I could drop her off at the Connors in the morning.

That will be about 4 to 5 hours of playdate, as it is currently about 3am on a Sunday.

Holy fuck!

Where is Stephanie when I need her?

Eh? It seems that I am relying too much on Stephanie lately to babysit my daughter, but it is what she is paid for. And paid handsomely too, considering the minimum wages in the 1990 America.

Maybe I should hire a dedicated babysitter for Antigone?

One that can never leave my sex dungeon.

I mean my house. Heh.

That thought of hiring a full-time housekeeper or a dozen has crossed my mind before, but I am rarely home on the weekdays, so it feels unnecessary.

Plus, I do not want outsiders going through my stuff, which they will purely out of curiosity.