Attacks of the Titans

It is the Russian.

It is always the Russian.

"Mother of God! Get us away from that thing! Get us away! Now!"

But it is too late.

The amphibious monstrosity is speeding through the water like a homing torpedo with all of the deadly intentions.

And all the men and women within a nuclear submarine scream in utter terror as the radioactive lizard clamps down onto their military vessel with its enormous and powerful jaw.

The monster straight out of a movie proceeds to gut the submarine with its steel teeth and then drags what is left of the nuclear vessel along with all of its crewmen into the crushing depth of the sea.

This is what happen when you decide to test your nuclear weapons in the middle of the ocean.

You give birth to Godzilla!

Actually, it is not just Godzilla.

There are a whole host of monsters being formed by the remnants of the vaporized black markers.