Things Through Her Eyes (POV)

Daddy? Why, daddy? Why?

Why can't I come with you to wherever you are going?

Did I do something wrong?

Is that why you don't want me anymore?

I will be good. I promise. I will be a good girl, so please, please come back and take me with you.

Please don't leave me. Please, daddy! Please!

I keep calling for my daddy and looking for him, but he is not anywhere to be seen.

He is gone like he had said, but he had told me to go to mummy. She will take care of me in his place because he had said that he had been a very bad father.

Daddy has been a very bad father?

Why did he say that?

Daddy isn't a bad father.

He is scary, very scary sometimes, but he isn't a bad father like he had said. He talks very nicely to me and also buys me things when I am a good girl. Really a good girl.

I am a good girl.

Haven't I been a good girl, daddy?