Many Unsettling Reasons

I wonder why it feels so unsettling, and I had never felt such a thing before.

But I think it must have something to do with the secretive sexual relationship between George Collins and his assistant, Emma Danton.

And it isn't because she could do better than him. Way better, to be honest.

Maybe it is because of that, considering Emma is quite a beauty herself due to her age and very athletic build while George is really someone who I would want to be seated next to on an airplane.

I wouldn't even want to talk to him unless I have to, and I do have to for my daughter, Christina. That is being a dedicated father, as I don't want to turn out like my sperm-donor. I really don't want to turn out to be like in regard to fatherhood.

Honestly, I could have sent someone as proxy to get Christina enrolled here, but if I did that, I wouldn't experience this unsettling feeling. It is new. It is kind of exciting.