The Two Steve of Apple

It is kind of bizarre sitting here and talking to Steve Jobs, especially when I am supposed to have like a meeting with the said man alongside with Bill Gates at Terra Entertainment Headquarter in Hollywood in the year 1990.

Or more correctly to say, I should have done that about half a year ago despite it is currently 1976.

How does that work exactly, considering that this is about 14 years in the past?

Playing around with time does produce some interesting results. Some really wacky results too.

But being trapped here in this memory of 1976 is not my doing, and sadly enough, I am unable to leave this place and return to where I should be, at least not through my own power.

That is annoying. Very annoying.

In addition, this feels less and less like a memory due to people acting and behaving well beyond what George would understand or comprehend. I am also meeting people that George himself would never have possibly meet in the past.