Being The First is Important

As I recall, Sarah Langston is a lovely girl, and she would have a lifelong career here at Chrono Reserves like most people who are currently working here at the moment if it was not for one George Collins.

It is not easy getting employed at Chrono Holdings and any of its subsidiaries while Henry Oxford is in charge. This is due to some unpleasantness a few years ago with several employees.

Therefore, in order to prevent such unpleasantness from happening all over again, everyone has to go through a host of preliminary analysis, including quite invasive screening processes, all done with the consent from the candidate of course.

Just for legal repercussion later on down the road. The Firm is not founded yet in 1976. Not exactly. It is already founded, but it has no business in drabbling with legal yet. It will by the dawn of 1980.