Special Lineage and Bloodline

Kozak does not question the impossibility of my words. Impossible because it would take more than a decade for all the planets within the solar system to fully align.

And there is no way the planets would suddenly align on the account of my say so. Of course not, but he does not know about what I can truly do. He does not even know about Legion.

Despite that, Kozak now knows that nothing is truly impossible with me, and it is probably a very good lesson to be learned. Therefore, Kozak takes his leave shortly afterwards, finally leaving me to my time alone with Venetia once more.

Kozak has to prepare himself for the journey ahead.

Heading into another dimension requires a lot of preparation, as there is a good chance of dying there when being completely unprepared. No mage is ever stupid enough to enter another dimension alone either.

This includes me, but that is simply because I am highly cautious.