Gathering Storm

After some short action, we had found all the people that we were ordered to arrest.

Countless cameramen were now struggling among themselves to get a better view of the event. Sergeant Lucas wanted to push the cameramen away, but I held him back.

"We don't have to further antagonize people. Besides, press has the right to record the events." I said.

"We are going to get yelled at by politicians either way..." he sighed.

"Simply tell your marines to form up behind us to block the view." I suggested, which he immediately did. With the team of marines behind us, we began walking to the newly unlocked docking port. In a rush, everyone boarded the shuttle and as soon as the airlock was closed; we departed the base to get the arrested people to Lodos.

"Lodos, this is shuttle Formant; requesting clearance to dock." the pilot contacted Lodos' "perimeter traffic control". Since Lodos was a big ship, it had to regulate the small vehicles' traffic in it's perimeter for a safe flight. This was not much of a problem in deep space, but it was more important near populated areas like starports and mining installations, where many small craft used to fly around like working bees.

"Shuttle Formant, clearance denied. Reduce relative speed to 10m/s and wait further instructions." Lodos replied.

"What the hell is going on?" Sergeant Lucas asked. It was unusual for Lodos to deny clearance to one of it's own shuttles; let alone the one that had the XO of the vessel. Not to mention that there was no traffic in the perimeter.

"Shuttle Formant, reduce relative speed to 0m/s. Shuttle Tahan will arrive at your position in two minutes for the transfer of the arrested people. Then, you will get your clearance."

I contacted Tachibana directly.

"Yes, Lieutenant Commander?" he said.

"Why are we not cleared for approach, admiral?" I asked.

"I decied it would be faster to bring them to the surface using a shuttlecraft instead of bringing the whole ship." he said. "Our brig is not suited for this kind of thing."

"Understood, admiral. Kagan out."

"Shuttle Tahan is approaching, sir." the shuttle pilot reported. Tahan slowly approached Formant, and two shuttles docked safely. The hatches were opened.

"I think we will part ways here, Sergeant." I said. "Keep people safe, and see you back at the ship once you return."

"Aye, sir." Lucas said and transferred to Shuttle Tahan. The hatches were closed and locked again, and the docked vessels separated from each other.

"Shuttle Formant, cleared for docking. The hangar bay doors are opening. Please follow APAS instructions." Lodos contacted our shuttle again.

APAS was the abbreviation of 'Approach Assistance System'. It was a complex electronic system made out of several sensor, beacon and communication subsystems; which allowed vehicles to perform docking and landing operations more easily. Lodos originally didn't have this system, but it was installed during the ship's latest refit.

We came to a stop just above the hangar bay door, and the shuttle slowly pushed itself into the hangar. The hangar bay door closed as soon as we got inside, and the hangar was pressurised with air. We were now cleared to leave the shuttle.

"Nice flying." I complimented the pilot as I left the shuttle to go to the stabilisation chamber. Afterwards, I made my way to the bridge.

"Nicely done, Lieutenant Commander." Rear Admiral Tachibana said, and turned to Commander Mei at cruise-nav. "Commander, get the ship back to it's original patrol orbit."

"Yes, sir." Mei said. Lodos slowly started rotating before the MPD thrusters activated again to lower the orbit's periapsis, and get Lodos into a temporary suborbital trajectory. When the ship got close to it's target altitude above Mars, a second manuever would circularise and stabilise the orbit.

"Sir..." I said to Tachibana.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I had something to do at the medical bay. I will be off of the bridge for a while." I said.

"Okay. Is there any problem?" he said.

"No sir, nothing important." I said, and left the bridge. I walked all the way to the main reactor housing, where the Chief Engineer Scott was. This place was filed with various warning signs, most of them being radiation warnings. One of the workers there spotted me and saluted. I saluted back.

"Do you know where the chief is?" I asked him.

"He should be in the outer shell." he said.

"Can you get him to me?" I asked him.

"Right away, sir!" he said and entered another segment as I waited there. A minute later, the chief appeared.

"How can I help you, sir?" he said.

"Our chief doctor isn't happy with the lighting of the medical deck." I said. "Can you take a look if we can do something about it?"

"Yes sir, as soon as I'm free." he said. "The reactor is acting up a bit, and we are working on it right now."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Nothing important, sir; we are used to it by now. We will ensure a stable power output." he said. "I will take a look at the medical deck myself." he later added.

"Okay. Keep up the good work, then." I said.

"Aye, sir." he said. Suddenly, Tachibana contacted me again. I answered.

"Lieutenant Commander, please report back to the bridge. Urgent." he said.

"What is going on?" I asked as I began walking towards the bridge.

"Urgent." he repeated, and said nothing else. I ran through the deck and got back to the bridge.

"The so-called inevitable is about to come." Rear Admiral said to me. What a word play!


"We just got a top priority message from the Navy headquarters. Please take a look yourself." he said.


MJD 217301

People's Republic of Mars - Combined Forces

Commanders, we are on the verge of war with the Atlantic-Pacific Federation. The Federation will receive the declaration of war on MJD 217302, at 0915 HQ local; and it will be effective immediately. After that point, ALL Federation assets will be considered HOSTILE. Every contact with Federation Navy will be reported to the headquarters.

Civilian vessels will NOT be fired upon!

The Shadow Filotilla is commanded to remain inside the asteroid cluster, 0.15 AU outside Ceres' orbit until further orders. Remaining ships and stations will receive orders individually.

All commanders must report back to the headquarters in person to confirm that they have received this message.