White Eagle, Divine Wind

Lodos started launching it's drones from the hangar bay. The drones spread apart in a menacing way and began closing up on the enemy fleet.

"Sir, Transport Bronze wants to leave the approach vector and boost back into interplanetary space to escape from the battlefield." Ensign Aziz said.

"Tell them to stay with the fleet, they will get slaughtered once they get out of the shield!" I shouted.

"Aye, sir; relaying your orders."

"Sir, the enemy fleet is trying to target our drones with lasers!" Sungho warned me.

"Continue on course. Harass the White Eagle with our drones." I said.

"Sir, we won't even scratch the paint on the White Eagle." Mr. Sungho argued.

"We are only trying to get their attention on us and keep them away as long as possible. The White Eagle is a valuable asset, and it's escorts won't leave the White Eagle by itself against our drones." I explained the strategy.

"Yeah, but the White Eagle itself will keep approaching!" Sungho argued.

"No." I said. "The Federal Navy doctrine is a modified version of 'fleet in being'. Their main line battleships and carriers are the symbol of space superiority. They will try to keep their powerful ships out of trouble, approach carefully, and won't really risk attacking if it would put their fleet at risk."

"We aren't much of a threat by ourselves, though." Sungho said.

"Still, engaging the drone fleet AND us at the same time would give them too much to shoot all at once." I said.


"Just shut up and watch your console!" Mei yelled at Sungho.

Suddenly, an alarm went off.

"What is going on now!?" I asked.

"Sir, the enemy is launching a new missile salvo!" Karl said.

"Katyusha!" I shouted.

"Flaks on the way!" she responded.

"I can count... four missiles!" Karl said.

"Mr. Sungho! Have the drones disengage and shoot at the missiles!" I said.

"Sir, too late, they already got past the drone fleet!" Sungho said.

"Sir, it is working." Karl said. "The White Eagle and it's escort fleet is remaining behind to deal with the drones."

"That won't last too long." Sungho said.

"Sir, transports Utzok and Centaur has picked an alternate landing site and are now changing course for their final approach to the surface." Aziz said.

"Very good." I said. "Mr. Dave, keep us between the Republic and the Federation fleets."

"Copy that, Commander."

"Sir, we have lost most of our drone fleet already." Mr. Sungho said.

"Retract radiators to combat position. Prepare to activate our railguns." I ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

"Commander, we should start retreating. We won't last long against the White Eagle once they start shooting at us." Mei suggested.

"Alright." I said. "Mr. Dave, retreat to our previous position in the Republic fleet. Shield formation!"


"Two missiles down!" Katyusha said.

"Time to impact for the remaining ones?" I asked.

"About 20 seconds now." Karl said.

"Katyusha!" Mei shouted.

"I am doing what I can!" she replied.

"10 seconds!" Karl said.

"Katyusha!" I shouted.

"One more down!" she yelled.

"INCOMING!" Karl shouted as loud as he can.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" I did the same.

The whole bridge crew heard the loud explosion, followed by the sounds of metals clashing and bending. The type of sounds that would make mechanical engineers cry.

"I am still alive!" said Aziz, in excitement.

"Damage report!" I immediately ordered.

"We have lost our main radiator panel on the starboard side." Katyusha said. "The aft starboard tactical thrusters lost gimballing capability. No reports of casualities or injuries yet."

"Should I fire missiles in return, sir?" Sungho asked.

"No. We will just end up wasting them." I said. "Mr. Dave, catch up with the Republic fleet!"

"Trying, sir!" Dave said.

Alarms suddenly started wailing again.

"Karl!" I shouted.

"Sir, Gunship Theseus, Missile Cruiser Fortran and Transport Utzok has been hit! Theseus is destroyed, Utzok has lost manuevering capability and is going down!" Karl said. "Fortran, however, only suffered minor damage."

"We have to protect those transports!" I said.

"There is nothing we can do, Commander." Mei said. "The ground forces have suffered too many losses without even reaching the ground. We need to abort the mission."

I was breathing heavily.

"Sir, Missile Cruiser Fortran is engaging the White Eagle! They are launching anti-ship missiles!" Karl said.

"A syncronised strike could cripple the enemy fleet a bit." I said. "Mr. Sungho, target a single escort ship and shoot three anti-ship missiles with a quarter second delay!"

"Aye, sir." Sungho said. "Missiles away! Estimated time to impact... 82 seconds."

"Sir, Transport Utzok reports they have regained some control. They are going to attempt a crash landing on Lunar surface." Aziz reported.

"Understood." I said. "Order Transport Centaur to follow and land besides Utzok to deploy troops."

"Yes, sir; transmitting your orders, sir." Aziz said.

"Also tell the Missile Cruiser Fortran to disengage. Order them to locate and bombard the ground installations instead. Maybe we can give our troops a better chance to survive until they get reinforcements." I said.

"Wha- oh, yes, sir!" Aziz replied.

"Also order the Gunship Persephone to fly close to the transports to protect them from ground fire as they descend." I added.

"Yes, sir!" Aziz replied again.

"Sir, 15 seconds for our missiles to reach target!" Sungho said.

Everyone went silent for 15 seconds.

"Sir, enemy craft hit... and destroyed. One escort ship broke apart into pieces." Karl said. "White Eagle and the other ships have no damage."

"Great shot." Mei said.

"Sir..." Karl wanted to say something.

"I can't hear you." I said.

"Sir, Fortran has broken the formation and is turning to face the enemy fleet." Karl said.

"Aziz, quick! The orders!" I said.

"Sir, I can't reach Fortran. Their comms subsytems might be damaged." he said.

"What the **** are those guys doing!?" I said.

"Sir, Fortran is accelerating to approach the enemy fleet." Karl reported.

"The Fortran will be destroyed in no time!" Mei said. I agreed with her, but there was nothing we cold do to stop them right now.

"Sir, the enemy fleet is decelerating. They are beginning evasive manuevers." Karl said.

"Just like normal people." I said. "But what the **** is the Fortran trying to do!?"

"Sir, the enemy fleet has disengaged. They are turning all of their weapons on Fortran." Karl reported.

"Mr. Sungho, prepare an anti-ship missile salvo." I said.

"Sir?" Sungho questioned the order.

"Prepare a missile salvo!" I repeated. "Maybe we can help these idiots out while they are at it."

"Loading, sir!" Sungho said. "Will be ready in a minute."

"Do we have a minute?" I asked Karl.

Karl thought for a few seconds, trying to calculate things in his head. "Sir, the Fortran is still accelerating, and at this rate... Hold on... Sir, the Fortran is on a collision course with the White Eagle!"

"Eh!?" It was Mei's suprised voice.

Karl started narrating the sensors console.

"Sir, the Fortran is taking heavy fire. They are launching escape pods... the Fortran is done for. It's armor plating is ripped apart, the crew sections breached."

I got by Karl's side to see everything myself.

"Fortran's main structure is intact, and is heading-"

Karl stopped narrating as an enormous debris field clouded the console screen.

"Sir... the Federation flagship White Eagle and the Fortran has been destroyed in a high-speed collision. Federation escort fleet is trying to evade the debris cloud."