Apocalypse Beam

An object orbiting the Sun, emitting deadly beams that could be detected from more than 150 million kilometers... No known natural phenomenon could explain such an event. Either our understanding of the Sun would be improved with this scientific discovery, or we would find ourselves facing an enemy in control of a power of unmatched magnitude.

"Sir, the radiation levels started to drop." Karl reported.

"Thank god..." Mei said.

"Don't celebrate yet." I said. "It may not be over."

Mei's stressful face returned immediately.

"The radiation levels are dropping to safer levels, sir." Karl said.

"Yep, affirmative." Katyusha confirmed Karl's sensor readings.

"Switch to ALCON 2." I ordered. The eerie sirens stopped. "Lieutenant, can you calculate the object's orbit around the Sun?" I asked.

"I already did, Commander." he said. "I can project it on the screen."

"Please do." I said. Karl projected the orbit on a multi-purpose screen near the middle of the bridge.

"This is as precise as it gets." said Karl. "But without knowing the true properties of the object, I can not calculate the effects of radiation pressure or drag forces."

"That's good enough, thank you." I said. I started examining the object's trajectory. Apparently, the object was in a nearly perfect circular orbit around the Sun, only about 1 700 000 kilometers away from the surface!

"This thing can not be man made." Karl said. "There is no way anything can survive for long in that environment."

"I am not so sure..." I said.

"No matter what material is used, and what kind of heat shield is utilized; everything at that distance to the Sun would melt." Karl said. "That thing is literally inside the Sun's corona!"

"Are we sure there is something there?" Mei asked. "Maybe it was just a super-strong solar flare, and we are misinterpreting things."

"Yeah, now that you mentioned it..." I said. "Lieutenant, maybe we are just having sensor problems."

"I am sure everything is right." Karl said. "Our photometers can literally measure the drop in sunlight as that object passes in front of the Sun."

"Yeah, I get it, but what I am saying is... what if there is just a piece of dirt in front of our sensors... or something?" Mei said.

"We can ask Gunship Persephone if they have recorded the same event." I suggested. "Mr. Aziz!"

"Yes sir, right away!" he said. After a short conversation with the comms officer of Persephone, Aziz spoke. "Lieutenant Karl is right, Commander. Our sensors are working just fine. They have recorded the same unusual event."

"Told you." said Karl.

"I was just trying to be cautious." said Mei.

"Can you get a clear view of that object, Lieutenant?" I asked.

"I can try, sir, but I can't guarantee that we will see anything other than a blurry shadow." he said and started working.

I was really tired, and so was the whole crew. Ensign Dave closed his eyes on his seat to get some rest. I left the ship's command to Mei and went to my quarters to have a bit of sleep myself.

- - - - -

I was called back to bridge after sleeping for about two hours. I was having the best part of my sleep, and having to wake up was quite a challenging task; but duty was calling...

As soon as I entered the bridge, I sensed that something was wrong. It was unusually silent, and there was a weird, gloomy air. Everyone was looking worried, perhaps sad; except for Eliott, who showed no emtions.

Mei was sitting on the floor with her head between her hands.

"I have the command." I said. "What is going on?"

"Read." Mei stood up, held my arm and pulled me closer to the comms console.


MJD 217353

Today, at 1938 Cydonia local, planet Mars has been hit by what appears to be a powerful gamma-ray beam.

* All surface buildings in Obsidian City has been completely destroyed. Emergency services are offline. Casualities expected to reach at least several hundreds of thousands.

* Cydonia has suffered from the deadly energy discharge. Terraforming operations have come to a halt. Emergency services are working at full capacity.

* Talossa Colony hydroponics facilities have been destroyed. Minor damage through the whole settlement.

* No official reports from Aktaria. Fires reportedly rising from air storage and processing facilities.

* Observatories near Olympus City overloaded and damaged beyond repair. No casualities reported.

* Space station Huoxing III destroyed in low Mars orbit. The station was accommodating 187 people at the time.

* Settlements that were on the night side of the planet at 1938 Cydonia local have no damage.

Due to the disappearance of the President of the People's Republic of Mars and the destruction of the Martian National Assembly; the Grand Admiral of the People's Republic of Mars, Rashid al-Merihi, has assumed office and declared martial law. From now on, Olympus City will serve as the new capital of the People's Republic of Mars. The rest of the current constitution will remain in effect until further notice.


"This... It can't be!" I shouted. Tears were forming in my eyes, flowing down my face slowly.

"This is not it." Mei softly said and switched to another message.


MJD 217353

People's Republic of Mars - Combined Forces

People's Republic of Mars has signed a ceasefire treaty with the Atlantic-Pacific Federation. Effective immediately: All forces will hold fire and cease hostilities as soon as this message is received. All commanders are expected to report the confirmation of this order by contacting Olympus Mons HQ.


"I must still be sleeping..." I said. "I know, I will wake up a few moments later and these messages will not be real, I know!"

Mei slapped me really hard. The whole bridge crew looked at us.

"Did you wake up?" she asked.

"Yeah." I said. "Thanks a lot."

There was a long silence.

"So... what are your orders, Commander?" Mei asked.

I thought for a few minutes without saying anything, but just walking around the bridge.

"We will stand down." I eventually said. "Switch to ALCON 3. Disable all offensive systems."

"This is it? This is the end?" Mei asked. Sungho turned around, probably expecting me to confirm the orders once again.

"The weapons, Mr. Sungho..." I said. "Stow them!"

"A-aye, sir." he said and slowly started doing his job.

"We finally got a victory after all those sufferings, and it was for nothing!" said Mei.

"Look..." I said. "We are not fanatics. We've got an order, and we have to obey it. We don't have a say in that subject. Unlike the headquarters, we can not see the greater picture from the bridge of a century-old warship."

"I thought we were finally making a change..." Mei said.

"This whole time, we wished for peace." I said. "Just like us, almost all the commanding officers of the navy did. Why did your opinions change all of a sudden?"

"I..." Mei couldn't talk. "I... don't know. I wasn't expecting something like this, maybe. I really don't know..."

"Either way..." I started speaking. "If this ceasefire lasts long enough to turn into a peace treaty, and I hope it does, what I want to say is... It was an honor to serve with-"

"To your attention, Commander." Karl interrupted. "A Federation fleet has just parked at Lunar L4 Lagrange point. They are way out of our weapons' range, and are not approaching or moving away."

"Can you identify the vessels?" I asked Karl.

"Yes, sir." he said. "There are two corvettes, one tanker and... what seems to be a luxury passenger liner."

Ensign Aziz suddenly got excited.

"Sir, the Federation fleet at Lagrange point L4 is hailing us!"