
Lodos, the (former) Republic Lunar Assault Fleet, and a powerful fleet of Federation warships were about to enter the Martian gravitational sphere of influence, a few weeks after the peace treaty was signed. Me, the interim president, was going to claim my temporary seat and start working on resolving the internal fights continuing on the surface of Mars.

But for now, I was staying in Lodos's bridge, waiting to get into low Mars orbit as Mei was coordinating the fleet.

"Sir, the Homeland Defense Fleet is moving to intercept us." Commander Karl reported.

"Open an comms channel, Lieutenant." Admiral Mei said. "Keep your eyes on the fleet, Commander."

"Yes, sir!" Lieutenant Aziz and Commander Karl said synchronously.

"Comms channel open, Admiral!"

I watched Mei walking over to the comms console. When I looked the other way, I saw Nuan watching me. As I was inspecting the bridge, she was inspecting my actions. I looked into her eyes on purpose.

"U-uh..." Nuan was looking a bit embarrassed. "I was... just..."

She went silent looked away.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"I was just thinking about how strongly you are attached to this... ship, and the crew." she said. "It is amazing."

"Well, that's true." I said. "This ship is my home, and those people are my family."

"I am almost jealous." Nuan said. "My entire career was based on intrigue, insinuation, and... I've never felt close to anyone since I left my family. I never thought the military, of all the organizations, could be this... close and..."

"It usually isn't, and it actually shouldn't be; but Lodos is an exception." I said. "I think I understand how you feel, though."

"Do you, really?" she asked. "Can you understand?"


My conversation with Nuan was interrupted.

"Mr. President, we have an issue!" Mei yelled from the comms console.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. "Sorry, Nuan." I said and ran over to Aziz's station.

"What is it, Admiral?" I asked.

"The Homeland Defense Fleet says that you are- actually, WE are under arrest, and they claim that they will not allow us to get any closer to Mars." Mei summarized.

"I would like to see them try." I said. "What, are they going to block our way with barriers? Continue at best speed to enter low orbit!"

"Exactly." Mei said. "Mr. Eliott!"

Eliott nodded.

"Sir, the Homeland Defense Fleet is retracting their radiators to combat positions." Commander Karl said.

"Sir?" Mei looked at me questioningly.

"What do you want from me? This is your fleet!" I said.

Mei anxiously looked towards Mr. Sungho's console.

"Admiral, two ships are rotating their broadside towards us." Karl reported. "They are targeting the fleet."

Mei gulped. She had battle experience, but perhaps she still wasn't ready to command a fleet on her own.

"For god's sake, they must be bluffing." I said. "Retract our radiators to combat positions."

"Retracting our port side radiator panel to combat position. Our starboard panel was destroyed during the previous engagement." Katyusha said.

"Gunship Persephone acknowledges the command and reports that they are preparing to engage." Aziz said.

"Load anti-ship missiles, Mr. Sungho." Mei said.

"Already loaded." Sungho replied.

"Sir, the Federation fleet is entering spearhead formation." Karl reported.

"Shoot a railgun warning burst to the Homeland Defense Fleet." Mei commanded.

"Aye." Sungho said, and fired a burst of few projectiles to pass by the side of Homeland Defense Fleet. Their response was a warning shot in return, which passed right in between warships Lodos and Persephone.

"Sir, the Federation fleet is contacting. They wish to launch torpedoes." Aziz said.

'Torpedo' was the Federation Navy term for long range anti-ship missiles. Although the difference in naming was a bit confusing, a 'missile' and a 'torpedo' was essentially the same thing in space warfare.

Mei looked at me again, indecisive about the right course of action.

"Your call, Admiral." I said.

"Authorise torpedoes." Mei said to Aziz.

Federation vessels launched a total of six torpedoes towards Homeland Defense Fleet.

"Estimating... about 6 minutes and a half to impact." Karl said. "The Homeland Defense Fleet started launching flak missiles."

"Launch our drones, Mr. Sungho." Mei said.

"Launching drones..."

For a few minutes, everything was silent for Lodos. The crew was waiting anxiously the result of the torpedo attack.

"Multiple explosions!" Karl reported. "Torpedo hit! One ship down."

Out of six torpedoes, two had made it to the destination, blowing a Republic ship up.

"Sir, good news." Karl said. "The Homeland Defense Fleet is deactivating offensive systems. They are standing down."

"Guess they didn't expect actual casualities." Nuan commented.

"We would rather not actually target each other." I said.

"Sir, Admiral Rose of Homeland Defense hailing." Aziz said. "They say that they do not wish to fight us, and will stay out of problems until the situation on the surface is resolved."

"Inform them about our treaty with the Federation." I said. "Their allegiance is now to the Federation, not the guy down there in a fake presidency office."

"Aye, Mr. President." Aziz said.

After the Homeland Defense Fleet quite practially 'switched sides', all the ships entered low Mars orbit, including the Federation fleet.

As Nuan and I prepared to leave Lodos to get to latest Martian capital - the Olympus City - a division of soldiers prepared to land with us to provide security... and quite possibly, the overwhelming brute force we would need in case of a hostility.

The shuttles landed in front of a large building which we assumed to be a new government building used after the destruction of Obisidan City, and the declaration of the new capital.

The building itself had a beautiful architecture, and it was decorated with the flags of now-defunct People's Republic of Mars. A large set of stairs were leading to the enterance of this magnificent building.

"I've never seen this place before." I told Nuan after we landed. "Our actual parliament back in Cydonia wasn't nearly as beautiful. This actually looks like a parliament."

"I've been here before, and this building was a museum." Nuan said. "Look at what they have done to this majestic work of art!"

We surely had different views.

"Let's get this over with." I said. Nuan and I started walking up the stairs, with a whole divison of soldiers following us. We had no difficulty entering the building, the doors were not locked.

We walked through large corridors with a marble-dominant design, and eventually came to a smaller room towards the rear-center of the building.

In the room, our former grand admiral, Rashid al-Merihi was sitting. There were lots of stuff on his table. By his sides, there were a couple of guards with fancy uniforms. As soon as they saw us, they raised their guns, but after they noticed the whole divison of soldiers behind us, they dropped their arms without even being commanded to do so.

Rashid stood up with a bit of shock on his face.

"I guess you won, Commander. I-I mean, Admiral, or whatever; I honestly didn't think you could make it this far... Everything I have done was to save the Martian nation, and lead them to a better tomorrow... but this is real life." he said. "I guess the good side doesn't always win in the end."

"There is no real good or bad here." I said. "We simply won't let you accept the destruction of our economy, damn the Martian people to starvation and primitiveness. We have to rebuild the civilization as soon as possible."

"Mr. President, there is no point in arguing." Nuan said. "You are under arrest, Rashid."

"I hope trading our independence and national values in exchange for money will make you feel better." Rashid said. "Because I can't even stand the thought of it!"

"Patriotism won't bring Obisidan City or Cydonia back." I said. "Material support and hard work will."

"There will be no point of having an Obsidian City if people forget about Obsidian Carrier that fought for the independent Mars." Rashid replied.

"Once this is over, you can tell everything you want in the court." Nuan said. "Take him." she ordered the soldiers.

"No!" Rashid said. "I refuse to be judged by you monsters!"

He quickly grabbed one of the guns his guards had dropped to the ground. The soldiers immediately aimed at him.

"No!" I shouted. "Don't shoot!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Rashid has already been shot tens -if not hundreds- of times already.

It was over.

The last remnant of the old Republic was cleared.

- - - - -

Deep inside, I was feeling guilty of being with the Federation. Rashid was right about something, and in my eyes, the Federation was still the evil organization it was before. But just in order to save the Martian people and keep the power we had in our hands, I had to be patient and endure it.

After all, at the very end of the brutal war, my job was just about to begin...