
"I'm sorry sir, I have to have you removed."

Two guards approached me from my sides, held me by my arms and dragged me out. I didn't even resist, I was just surprised at the boldness of the people at the reception that had a president taken out like that.

The guards left me just outside the entrance and walked back in.

"What did just happen?" I said when I found myself looking at the majestic building once more, from outside. "Okay, that's it. You asked for it."

I requested for a small number of Republic soldiers (stationed on Earth as a part of Federation Army) to be airdropped to my location. If the corporation wanted to show off their might, they have chosen the worst way.

Republic commanders didn't disappoint me. Even though the Federation armies were preparing for a possible ground invasion of the unknown enemy, Republic was able to spare some soldiers for my purposes.

In five to ten minutes, about ten paratroopers were dropped from shuttles overhead, which landed just next to me in front of the building.

"At your service, sir!"

"Follow me." I said. We walked through the doors at the entrance, just before I was stopped by the company's guards.

"Sir, you are not allow-"

"Out of the way." the Republic soldiers pushed them aside harshly, and we continued. I gave a hateful look at the people in the reception desk as we marched past them. They didn't react.

We walked past the elevators since I didn't want to risk them trapping us in on purpose. However, someone walked out of the elevator and stopped in front of us.

"Mr. President." he said. "I believe you came here to talk to me."

I got a good look at the man. He was wearing what could be the most expensive business suit on Earth, but his dominant feature was the set of countless metal pieces on his head. Cables running through his hair, along his body; and in front of his eyes, an almost transparent screen. He was looking like a human-android hybrid.

"Welcome to Quasistellar Corporation. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Presper Turing, the CEO of Quasistellar Corporation. Please be my guest."

He was showing the way to the elevator.

"You first." I said dismissively, and followed him into the elevator. Before the doors closed, I signaled the Republic commander to stay alert and wait for any further orders from me.

The elevator accelerated upwards for a few seconds to gain enough speed to reach the top of the building in a reasonable amount of time.

"I am impressed by your hospitality." I said, sarcastically.

"I understand how you feel, but it was, for the most part at least, your fault."

I wanted to punch him to death - this man had no shame! I clenched my fists and my teeth, then releasing my anger to thin air.

"I wonder what brought you here, Mr. President." he said.

"I have some concerns regarding the safety of your only product, the Vineura." I said.

The elevator stopped and we walked into his office.

"Believe me when I say, Mr. President, the Vineura has been, and still is, the safest technology mankind has ever created."

"Statistics don't say so." I said. "People have been killed by your technology, while using it within warranty limits."

"Incorrect." he said.

"It happened in front of me." I said. "I saw every second of it with my own eyes."

"You are mistaken." he said. "They are not dead, they did not die."

"I don't get what you mean."

"I see you've disabled your own Vineura, Mr. President." he said. "If you had it turned on, you would have an easier time comprehending it."

"I am not turning it on." I said.

"Shame." he said, getting on my nerves even more. "It is a phase of transition, Mr. President. The ascension has finally started."

"The ascension? What, is this a New Age movement? What kind of business are you doing exactly?"

"You could call it the Technological New Age, if you wish so. I prefer to call it just 'Ascension'."

"What 'Ascension'? What is ascending?"

"Homo sapiens, Mr. President. People like you and former me. We are finally progressing towards the next natural step in our evolution!"

I got goosebumps from his speech. I was slightly creeped out, but I kept listening to him.

"A new universe, Mr. President, a universe where we are no longer bound to the limitations of our organic bodies! Invulnerable minds that can access unlimited processing power, through the clever use of technology! Think of it, think what we can do as a civilization... We will no longer need spaceships to protect us from the dangers of space, we WILL be the spaceships when we wish to be! We will not need calculators, computers, anything... We WILL be what we need in an instant! Organic farms will no longer be a problem as long as we can mine stars for their energy - hell, we will be able to colonize any planet we want! We will travel interstellar distances with ease, and spread to the darkest regions of the galaxy!"

I took a few steps back, slowly.

"Those people are not dead, Mr. President, they are individuals who have completed their ascension as a part of the new civilization."

"You've been mapping people's brains for years!" I said.

"Glad you can understand." he said.

"No." I said. "There is no consent here. Everything here is outright wrong! This stops here, and right now."

"Oh, I am afraid it is a bit too late for that. We are past the point of no return, Mr. President." he said. "People don't know what they want, Mr. President, unless you show them exactly what they want. If we waited for everyone's consent, the development would take thousands of years... and no one has time for that."

I, with a quick move, jumped over the desk in his office and held him by his collar.

"Listen to me. This stops here, or I will stop you!"

He laughed.

"The only reason I am making this speech is that I believed you would understand..." he said. "Remember the War of Sol, Mr. President, just about a year ago. You were intelligent enough to judge all the events out of the box, and see that you were on the wrong side of the equation, which, in turn, saved many people from misery by ending the war. I thought you would see the right path here too, but I guess we can both be wrong sometimes... Reactivating that Vineura would help you see things the way I see, but I don't think I can convince you any time soon."

"You are damn right." I said. "Commander, to the CEO's office!"