To the End of Humanity

Our journey from Earth to Mars was has been eventless so far. After three days of traveling, we were just about halfway there.

I was, just like I've been doing for the past 72 hours, trying to communicate with the Republic Navy stationed around Mars. Either no one was hearing us, or no one was willing to answer us... I got up from the command chair to try again some time later.

Mei came walking in as I was walking out of the bridge.

"Still nothing?" she asked.


"I just noticed that our food reserves are running low too. Hydroponic farms can't catch up with the crew. We will have to adjust our consumption rate until we make it to Mars." she warned me.

"Then eat less." I said. "This ship is supposed to hold a crew of forty-something. How are we running low?"

"How would I know, fatso?"

I left the bridge and went to take a look at the hydroponic farms myself. Just when I arrived at the starboard-side farms' door, I encountered a warning message on the small screen above it.


Of course... We had some of our hydroponic farms damaged during combat. There was nothing we could do about it, we simply had to conserve more of our energy and eat less.

Thinking of energy, since I was done with pretty much everything for now, I decided to go to the crew quarters and get some sleep. I got into the room, changed my clothes with something more comfortable, and went to sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up with Mei in my face, shaking me back and forth.

"What the-"

"Wake up! Wake up!"

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, yawning.

"I made contact!" she said. "The Republic Navy responded. We have a few minutes of light lag, but they responded through text!"

I got up and we ran to the bridge.

"Okay, let me read." I said. Mei made me sit in the command chair.


FC Barbarossa

XS Lodos II, we have received your message. Good to see you alive, Admiral.

Our fleet has engaged the forces of Quasistellar Corporation on Mars' surface. We are continuing the orbital bombardment to support the army.


"They have engaged? How could that be?" I asked.

"I have no idea."

"I don't remember this company ever being on Mars."

"Neither do I." said Mei. "And moreover, there is no fighting in orbit."

"Where are they bombing, exactly?" I asked.

"Let's ask them." Mei said.

"Alright, let me." I said, and started typing the message.


President of the Republic of Mars

FC Barbarossa, we request detailed tactical information on your fleet's current situation, including the number and type of ships engaged in combat, a thorough damage report, target locations and strength.

If possible, we request information on the status of civilian population.


"We will have to wait a few minutes for them to receive the message, and a couple more for us to receive their reply." said Mei.

"I can wait." I said. I did nothing but stare into the abyss using Lodos' external cameras. We received the message eventually.


FC Barbarossa

Homeland Defense Fleet, Section B is comprised of 2 fleet carriers, 1 escort carrier, 5 missile cruisers, 4 beamships, 7 gunships.

FC Barbarossa, FC Vasa, EC Farragut II, M Yamamoto, M Prometheus II, M Zenith IV, M Punisher, M Thrace II, B Hellfire, B Illuminati, B Angel IV, B Genesis, G Dauntless, G Reaper III, G Mali, G Golden Pyramid, G Freedom VI, G Shiva, G Hell Tuna

Damage report: FC Vasa has suffered a complete power loss on her drives shortly after leaving the dock, and is currently being repaired. No other damage. No combat related damage.

Homeland Defense Fleet, Section B is targeting the Quasistellar Corporation android army in the autonomous city Talossa Colony. Their advance has been slowed down significantly, but the enemy is rapidly replacing their losses. Initial observations suggest the enemy has 50 000 (+- 10 000) nonidentical android fighters of varying unit strength and abilities. They are facing a Republic Army force of 150 000 soldiers supported by artillery and close air support as well as our orbital bombardment.

Civilians in and around Talossa Colony have been effectively guided away from the battle area to the city of Solis Major. The army has good cooperation with public. Only 2 civilian casualties reported.


"Talossa Colony..." I said. "Talossa... Talossa! That must be what they had in mind!"

"What do you mean?" asked Mei.

"Isn't it obvious? It isn't the New Republic that Talossa hates, or anything like that. Professor Yamamari and his men are working with Quasistellar Corporation!"

"Looks like your warning has been heard on Mars before it was too late. The Republic Navy seems to be still loyal to the legitimate government." Mei said.

"That may very well have prevented the downfall of the Republic." I said.

"A republic that has been around for less than a few years." Mei added. "It would be a shame."

"What I really care about is regular people." I said. "With the warning to get rid of the Vineuras, I hope we have stabilized things a little bit."

"There has been no reports of civil unrest." Mei reminded me. "If the Army has full cooperation from public, I think it is getting better on Mars, despite everything."

"I hope you are right... But the real fight is just beginning." I said. "Even if our whole Navy is still in service, and the whole population is stable and cooperative, we will still have a very hard time repelling the enemy in space warfare, once they come to us. And I know, they eventually will come to us."

Once we remembered the actual strength of the enemy we were facing, pessimism filled our hearts. Our fleets were no match for the AI death swarms and their motherships.

"In fact, if all Earthly powers combined can't take on the enemy, it is almost certain that we will lose." Mei said. "It seems like we just delayed the inevitable end a little bit, that's all."

"Still, humanity is not going down without a fight." I said. "If Mars is going to be the last stand of humanity, I am honored. I am going to order our factories to fuel our war machine. Most of the civilian factories will be converted for military service too. We will need every single ship, every single weapon, and every single projectile we can produce."

"I have something else in my mind." said Mei. "Something interesting."