Campaign for Survival

It's been a few hours since we arrived on Mars. Mei had brought Lodos to Pavonis orbital shipyards for it's repairs. It was progressing slowly but well. Rest of the shipyards' resources were allocated for the production of new ships.

I had come down to the surface, to the new Presidential Palace in the partially rebuilt Cydonia. There was some construction work left to do still, but while I was gone, the most essential parts of the government buildings were completed. There, in Cydonia, just half an hour ago, the Martian Assembly had voted for flexibility in the constitution in the face of the danger humanity was facing. And from there, Cydonia, I was leading a final ambitious industrial effort.

All luxury services and non-essential businesses were dedicating themselves to the survival of the people. We had already past the point where money or economy actually meant something... The size of the businesses or the professions of employees did not really matter either. Small patisseries were crafting and loading up condensed preservable foodstuff to transports while large construction companies were creating alloys for use in spaceship hulls. Hotels were accommodating newly employed factory workers for free, and people were donating whatever they didn't need at home.

Once the news of Earth's fall went widespread (which didn't take any longer than an hour), everyone knew that Mars and the rest of the humanity was doomed. No one really knew what to do, so they all trusted the only people who said that they knew what to do: The government.

While these were going on at the rather more peaceful side, the autonomous city of Talossa was burning. The fight against the android army was continuing. Every single android fighter could take on about 10 of our soldiers at once, but at least they didn't have air support... yet.

*knock knock*

And it was the moment I came to the end of my monologue.

"Come in."

One of the Republic guards came in.

"Sir, the scientist you were looking for."

"Let him in."

A short, slim man with round glasses walked in. He had a Republic Navy uniform, with the rank of Commander.

I got up from my chair to greet him and shake his hand. He nervously approached me.

"Thank you so much for coming, Mr. Arf."

"The pleasure is mine." he said. He was speaking really fast, it was almost too hard to catch his words.

"We shouldn't lose any time, so let's get down to business." I said.

"I wholeheartedly agree." he replied. He was continuously shaking, and always looking down to the ground instead of making eye contact. I ignored all of it.

"Commander Arf, we want to activate the Crystal Mirage to strike the enemy at the right time. Can you do it?"

"By myself?" he asked. "No. Yes. I mean probably."

"Elaborate please, commander."

"I would rather break into the command center on Earth, but that sounds like suicide. If you can transport me to the device itself, however, I might be able to." he said.

"Do you know anyone who can definitely activate the device?" I asked.

"The probability is not about the operator. I know how to use the machine, a hundred percent." he said. "But the activation of Crystal Mirage requires some conditions."

"Like what?" I asked. "We absolutely need that machine working."

"Very technical stuff." he said. "About the solar environment. Nothing we can act on. It is pure fusion power and luck. You get lucky, you can blow up the universe and beyond. You don't get lucky, say bye bye to the machine."

He wiped his spittle after finishing the sentence.

"Okay, in that case, we will transport you to the machine."

"Yes, sir; honored, sir." he said. "What do you want me to shoot?"

"You are not shooting anything yet." I said. "I will tell you about the plan in detail."

"Please, sir."

"When the enemy fleet attacks, some of our warships will engage in combat while we evacuate the planet. What I want you to do is, after more than 80% of all civilian ships depart Martian gravitational sphere of influence, activate the Crystal Mirage at full power and target Mars. The exact time is up to your judgement. You will wipe out a very large enemy fleet."

"I will also wipe out a quite sizable Republic fleet too, mind you." he said. "And cities! Cities designed to hold billions of people cumulative!"

"You will save those billions by taking out the enemy." I said. "We will come back and strike again one day, but it won't work if we can't take the enemy fleet out."

"Sir, yes, sir! I will do my best." he said. "Shall I wait for further orders after the device is activated?"

"No." I said. "Destroy the facility. Make sure the technology can't be reverse engineered... Drop it into the Sun if necessary."

"Understood, sir."

"If there are no other questions, a stealth corvette of the Shadow Filotilla will take you there in secrecy. Godspeed, Commander."

"My best wishes, Mr. President."

We shook hands again, and the scientist left. A few minutes later, I watched his shuttle departing the Presidential Palace, off to Mars orbit.

*beep beep*

And I got a message from Naval Forces Headquarters near Olympus Mons.


Olympus HQ

Stealth Corvette Uno on her reconnaissance mission reports that the enemy fleets have neutralized all opposition in the Earth-Luna system and are regrouping in Low Earth Orbit. It might be the sign we are waiting for. If the fleet departs Earth, we will have to instantly start the evacuation.


*knock knock*

"Come in."

"Sir, governor of Talossa Col-"

"Let him in."

Frans walked into the office, and the door was closed.

"Welcome, Mr. Governor." I greeted him.

"Mr. President, it is happening. I've got the news. The enemy will depart Earth and target Mars any moment. I suggest that you leave the office now and board your ship." he suggested. "You've been here for longer than required."

"I am not leaving." I said.

"Please do it before it is too late, because the journey won't be as nice when the evacuation starts and air traffic gets all messed up." he said.

"No, you got it wrong." I replied. "I am staying behind."

"Wha- Why!?"

"As the commander-in-chief, I will have to be with our comrades during the last standoff. We will face the enemy together."

"Are you out of your mind!?" he said. "You won't make it out alive!"

"So be it." I said. "I can't run. I am not a coward, I am a naval officer and dying here is my destiny. Leaving his own people behind to die is not what a president can do. If this is the end of the Republic, I have to become history with it."